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I don't have 1.7 million Youtube followers who watch me go "Look at the competant woman in this film. What a bunch of horse ****!"
And niether does he, which you'd know if you actually watched his reviews.

You've also insulted every single one of his fans too.
I watch his reviews. I agree with some of the stuff he says like the snow white movie and overly preachy films that do t want to tell a story. My issue with him is that he caters to the incel crowd who don’t want women or people of color in movies at all. Like seriously it’s ok to have women in film and like I said the girl power stuff is nothing new.
Like I’m sure the captain marvel attacks will come soon. That movie wasn’t even all that bad. Anyway I’m gonna see this movie now. See y’all lol
And niether does he, which you'd know if you actually watched his reviews.

You've also insulted every single one of his fans too.
Well knowing SOME of the types of people who like his stuff (I'm not saying you're one of those people, before I hurt your feelings)....good!
Actually I know Doomcock IRL and he is one of the nicest, most genuine people you will ever meet, who would literally give the shirt off his back to a fan if it made them feel better.

A couple weeks ago he literally stopped his livestream (which is his main source of income) just to call a fan on the phone who was having a really tough time.

I really don't like you insulting a person I consider a friend, and calling what you don't like "a grift" just because you don't like what he has to say is one of the most insulting things I've ever seen on this board.

I'm not talking about your friend. I hope he really is a nice guy and that you have a wonderful relationship.

I was talking about the character he plays with the big stupid plastic head and the dumb voice and the MST3K sidekicks. I don't care for his shtick. It's hack.

And it absolutely is a grift. He makes a living from making silly videos, so he has to constantly churn out content to put food on the table. If he has to blatantly make up lies, well, so be it. And if those lies just happen to align with all the angry nerds' deepest desires, like seeing a particularly loathsome executive fired, then all the better right?

How many times has she been fired now, according to him? Oh right..."grain of salt." His "sources" got it wrong. Again.

And if you think that was the most insulting thing I've ever said....don't do a deep dive into my posting gets a LOT worse!
Well knowing SOME of the types of people who like his stuff (I'm not saying you're one of those people, before I hurt your feelings)....good!
Amd who exactly are those SOME types of people? In other words, you are indeed rage filled and toxic, except against other people you haven't met and know nothing about, but see fit to describe and judge as you see fit. Seems like a pretty bitter, immature, prejudicial, and miserable way to live your life.
Amd who exactly are those SOME types of people? In other words, you are indeed rage filled and toxic, except against other people you haven't met and know nothing about, but see fit to descrube and judge as you see fit. Seems like a pretty bitter, immature, prejudicial, and miserable way to live your life.
When incels and mysoginists, again not you, like your videos and take them to heart, you're on the wrong path. That last sentence sounds like a review of Mr Drinker himself. You should start your own YouTube channel.
*Shrug* caught it yesterday with a friend. And I don't agree with Drinker, who I agree with a lot of the time, that the film is "hateful" to men; more like it's more feminist than I was expecting - at least the men in the audience were laughing while the little kids were getting bored.

This film packs a lot in and I'll agree with whatever professional critic who said the film starts to bog down in the second half, from what seemed to have been touted as a light and breezy movie. Which is where I started feeling tired, there's so much of the "messaging" in media, banging me in the head. I feel like "no *&^%?" anymore.

Or, if I had known ahead of time, I wouldn't have bothered, tho the movie IMO is B to B+ overall. Great sets/visuals, lots of cheekiness like taking shots at Mattel, great performances, Ryan Gosling is a scene stealer, Simu Liu is hilarious, Kate McKinnon is awesome, Margot is a beautiful, talented woman perfect in the role, kudos there. It's not that the serious stuff is bad, or inaccurate, or even badly written - it's just IMO an overload from what people might expect, and it's imbalanced, coz it doesn't delve enough into what MEN deal with. It could have, but it didn't. Ken's arc alone was worth exploring on that score, but it's barely touched on in favor of humor most of the time.

Suspect that this will see more of a box office drop once folks figure out, no, don't take small children to this, no, doubt older boys will get a lot out of this, no, don't go in thinking it's all fun.

And why does a film need to have a progressive message at all? Why can't they just be fun and organically written? The reasons why films didn't get this much blowback decades ago, even though they do have elements which would be described as part of "The message" today (Marion Ravenwood, Leia, and Sarah Connor all being strong willed as well as physically strong) is because they were written that way as an organic service to the story....

Well, yeah, basically. IMO that's why my friend and I just sort of sat after the credits rolled, nobody clapped, tho IMO this is a well-made movie with excellent performances. Gawd, I miss the good 'ol days of Cap and Natasha, or even Tony and Pepper.
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When incels and mysoginists, again not you, like your videos and take them to heart, you're on the wrong path. That last sentence sounds like a review of Mr Drinker himself. You should start your own YouTube channel.
And if misandrists and "blue haired land whales" like your stuff you are on the right path? Why exactly is he responsible for the fringe fans who take to heart extreme views that don't come close to anything he has ever actually said? That's kind of like blaming JD Salinger for the death of John Lennon and then saying "if your fans are murderers, you are on the wrong path".
And if misandrists and "blue haired land whales" like your stuff you are on the right path? Why exactly is he responsible for the fringe fans who take to heart extreme views that don't come close to anything he has ever actually said? That's kind of like blaming JD Salinger for the death of John Lennon and then saying "if your fans are murderers, you are on the wrong path".
Yes, I am morally superior because I only put people down who put other people down. Now, if you don't mind, I have an event to get to...

I still find it fascinating in a couple generations that Barbie has gone from horribly anti-feminist "how that impossible body shape is destroying women" to a pro-feminist lightning rod of woman-power.

It is truly laughable. Gloria Steinem must be in shock. I bet her grand daughter loves Barbie.

I have learned one thing in my long life: whatever we hate initially, becomes the very thing we embrace down the road.
I still find it fascinating in a couple generations that Barbie has gone from horribly anti-feminist "how that impossible body shape is destroying women" to a pro-feminist lightning rod of woman-power.

It is truly laughable. Gloria Steinem must be in shock. I bet her grand daughter loves Barbie.

I have learned one thing in my long life: whatever we hate initially, becomes the very thing we embrace down the road.
IMO that people look at PLASTIC DOLLS made on machines which are identical little clones of each other and actually use that a some sort of yardstick for living beings is more worrisome about humanity than anything.

Like that woman who turned herself with surgery into a live Barbie which was creepy.
Eh. The movie's not that progressive. Margot Robbie is still hot as hell. And I'll remind you again we could have got the exact same movie but with Amy Schumer in Robbie's role. Guarantee that wouldn't have made $150 million in a weekend.

On the other hand, it DID have Morbidly Obese Barbie, but she was relegated to a background character.
I still find it fascinating in a couple generations that Barbie has gone from horribly anti-feminist "how that impossible body shape is destroying women" to a pro-feminist lightning rod of woman-power.
The movie's not that progressive. Margot Robbie is still hot as hell.
The movie points out both of these things. Of course, being self-aware doesn't absolve anyone of anything (something I wish more people realized).

I just hope this doesn't usher in a long list of "toy" movies for the next 3-4 years. :slap
I'll give a new MOTU movie a chance, then they can cram it all back in the box.
But I like my reviews honest and unbiased,

In 2023 the problem is this doesn't exist. Every review is subjective based on their own likes and dislikes and agendas; be it monetary or political.

Personally I couldn't give two ***** what any reviewer says - I'll see a film (if it looks appealing to me), and judge it accordingly.

After that, I'll sometimes read/watch reviews to see why peopled liked or disliked it. And most, of every side of every agenda, usually have some points that align with your own. But that right there IS the point - everyone has different tastes in entertainment/values/morals/beliefs.

I've never gambled in my life as I don't see the point, and no matter how much someone tells me it's great, I couldn't give two ***** - I know it's not for me. But saying that, I not going to sit there and shame them or get on a high horse, call them names, label them, and tell them their form of entertainment is wrong (unless something it was hurting other people).

But I'll happily point out why a film didn't appeal to me... and maybe that's all some or these reviewers are actually doing? I could never in a million years see any appeal in Cuties, a film that sexualizes children, yet there were plenty of big reviewers and companies praising it as a brilliant film.