Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City


Guess I'm alone in loving this.
No, your not. This guys looks pretty B.A. And coming from me, that means a lot, I ABSOLUTELY loathe Robin. But this guy looks pretty sweet.
Like the armour

The cape seems useless though, Batmans serves for gliding and stunning, Robins is too short for these.

What use?

Wonder what colours? I'd like Blue and Black kindof a amalgamation of Robin and Nightwing
Black/Red for me would be shweeet
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Dear lord why a buzzcut. Tim drake should have longer hair. He looks like eminem in the without me music video.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Wonder what colours? I'd like Blue and Black kindof a amalgamation of Robin and Nightwing

Please god no.


Black/Red for me would be shweeet

Still not that original


If it's Robin just given him the Robin colors please Rocksteady.

Wonder if that hood will go up?

Robin with a hood....I've seen that before...


This thing is a weird mix of a lot of different Robins and just doesn't really vibe for me the way that the Arkham Batman did...
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I don't care for the Robin design. I don't get why they would give him an armored look but keep Batman's cloth outfit.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I like the design; it fits the world established by the first game. I can see how the buzzcut could remind some of Chris O'Donnell Robin, but I think it's time to get over that and stop associating one physical feature with a bad interpretation of the character. Frankly, O'Donnell wasn't the worst thing about the Schumacher Batman films.

I don't care for the Robin design. I don't get why they would give him an armored look but keep Batman's cloth outfit.

Well, Batman's outfit in AA (and AC presumably) isn't just the standard cloth or spandex. It looked like a very tough kevlar weave with reinforced armor plates on some sections. Robin's outfit here looks to be about the same concept, just with more obvious plating on the torso. It's a shirt, telling by how the sleeves cut off at the bicep and how you can see muscle definition around his abs.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

You're right. I didn't notice at first because it is all in grey scale. Maybe it'll grow on me in color. Not a fan of the buzzcut either, but that's a nitpick.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

That buzzcut isjust awful IMO. Totally out of Tim drakes character to look like that. Ah well.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Robin looks great. His design needs to be tough in the world they've created. A little fairy running around wouldn't fit in with the landscape.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Holy Eminem, Cole McGrath, and Starkiller Batman! He looks like all three of them lol.

I wanted Nightwing more than anyone else, but nooooo, i'm stuck with little Drake. -1 from Rocksteady.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Yeah, Robin's lookin' a bit too "thuggish" with the shaved head. I'm betting they'll mute his colors like Batman's blue parts as well.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Robin looks pretty good but he needs definately longer hair.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Just wait until the gameplay videos and see how much ass Robin kicks, then all y'all will shut up about his hair.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Colorized ... not official ...


Colorized, with hair (also not official) ...


I like the color in the first better (the second is too red) ... but the hairstyle doesn't look too bad in the second.

Re: Batman: Arkham City

Hair looks better imo, the color is definitely better in the first.