It is far more likely that WB forced them to release earlier then they would have needed. Publishers are like that.

It is far more likely that WB forced them to release earlier then they would have needed. Publishers are like that.
Having completed the game and almost all of the side-missions, I found it slightly inferior to the previous games in every way, except combat which was the same, and significantly worse in the story department.
It was disappointing that despite being the largest game world in the series so far, it's the least rich with detail and easter eggs.
That said, it was really cool to see pre-Arkhamified Gotham and I'm super grateful that we got this one to hold us over until Rocksteady's next entry. The hours spent gliding around freely exploring, solving riddles, and punching baddies were as fun as ever. I'd give it an 8/10.
So what's the verdict fellas? I just looked up some numbers and it looks like it's mediocre across the board.
Well that leaves me uncertain. I guess I'll just wait around for Arkham 3 then.
Maybe wait until they get it patched and running properly. I guarantee there'll be a complete edition down the road with all the extra content.
Don't deprive yourself of the story content if you don't have to. (I wouldn't even be surprised if they announced a PS4/ONE edition early next year)
It got to a point where I played for seven hours straight. The story is great, it's just a shame that, overall, the game feels unfinished. At least the patch that came today fixed the frame rate issues.I think the story gets more and more engaging as it continues.
I had a hard time stopping yesterday...
It got to a point where I played for seven hours straight. The story is great, it's just a shame that, overall, the game feels unfinished. At least the patch that came today fixed the frame rate issues.
Who is the last side mission and how do you unlock it?
For anyone that finished the game...
How do you unlock the Black Mask side quest? I finished the story the second time and it didn't unlock. Idk how it unlocked the first time. Anyone can clarify it to me?
For me, it was after beating Copperhead and leaving the warehouse. There is a drug container by the entrance where you have to beat a few thugs on your way out and you use the explosive gel to destroy the container.
I've beaten the story, but haven't encountered Deadshot yet. I'm guessing he's a side mission. How does that one unlock?
For me, it was after beating Copperhead and leaving the warehouse. There is a drug container by the entrance where you have to beat a few thugs on your way out and you use the explosive gel to destroy the container.
I've beaten the story, but haven't encountered Deadshot yet. I'm guessing he's a side mission. How does that one unlock?
Thanks Buttmunch I ended up skipping that part sneaky lol
The Deadshot mission starts by going to the S.O.S. call. It will start there