Rushed release to beat the new systems coming out?
I bet all my money on that
The fact is BAO does'nt seem a final/retail game.. This is an unpolished beta to me
That sucks. I didn't get any glitches that bad, just a few instances of bad slowdown, some guys not noticing me when they should have/takedown prompt not appearing, and a bit of clipping through specific walls like the roof of the GCPD. Oh, and enemies getting stuck walking into ladders, I remember that in the bank specifically, that was pretty bad.
Having completed the game and almost all of the side-missions, I found it slightly inferior to the previous games in every way, except combat which was the same, and significantly worse in the story department. Though to many it seems this is their favorite story yet, so I guess it depends on what kind of Batman you prefer. It was disappointing that despite being the largest game world in the series so far, it's the least rich with detail and easter eggs. That said, it was really cool to see pre-Arkhamified Gotham and I'm super grateful that we got this one to hold us over until Rocksteady's next entry. The hours spent gliding around freely exploring, solving riddles, and punching baddies were as fun as ever. I'd give it an 8/10.
Which version?
I.m playing BAO on PS3 and definitely can't recommend this version to anyone(At least until this game has been patched correctly)
Have been investigating today (WB forums specially) and basically all the problems mentioned
are quite generalized, and not isolated cases.
For example:
The massive slowdowns, freezes and Crashes is a general "bug" that occurs when uses a couple o times the
Fast Travel feature, not immediately but within minutes (is related with the memory management of the system) and they don't recommend to use it (Fast Travel fearure I mean) until the game is patched. It happens to everyone PS3 users...The stuttering on audio, cinematics, and gameplay may be related with the memory management too (Not sure) and this happens on PS3 and 360
The corrupted saves, is something general too, (PS3 and 360) and they`re investigating this right now.. Even the infinite Black Hole I experienced yesterday, apparently is something quite common ..
About the buged secondary misions, I experienced this with the Most Wanted Sionis mission and the Cyrus Pinkey thing (I can not enter the crypt, even the map Icon dissapeared ¿?

).. from what I've read, I'm not the only one.
Bugs, gliches, infinite black holes and corrupted files apart.. I like the game (not finished yet) however I find it inferior, less detailed, polished and less "appealling" in every way than the previous games. Neverthless with all the ****ing glitches and bugs (minor and mayor) that have been experiencing from day 1.. sorry, but can't enjoy it