BATMAN Film Universe, Post-Nolan Reboot

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Not gonna happen. They're not gonna reboot batman with him not being batman. Plus this batman must fit within the Hal universe which Nolan's batman doesn't. Maybe Nolan will comeback someday and do a film like that which fits within his universe.
They need ten. :lecture

You must looooooooove Spider-Man 3.

Not gonna happen. They're not gonna reboot batman with him not being batman. Plus this batman must fit within the Hal universe which Nolan's batman doesn't. Maybe Nolan will comeback someday and do a film like that which fits within his universe.

Wrong Josh. If the events in the Nolan film take place before the other heroes appear, it fits perfectly.
I can't really think of a decent actor to play Bruce Wayne in a reboot.

Its a tough combination to pull off. Part American James Bond, part JFK Jr, but still has to look cool and intimidating in a big bat suit. I wonder who the frontrunners are.

I guess I could see Hamm as Bruce but I'm not sure about the "intimidation" requirement. Silly growling TDK voice aside Bale really was a brilliant choice.
Starting with Nightwing makes a leap in continuity that non-comics people aren't going to follow without explanation. I think Nightwing would be great ... for the sequel.

I think they should do a Robin trilogy. Definitely start a few years into Batman's tenure. Batman's definitive origin has been told ... the various Robin origins have not. To me, Robin is the most unexplored area of Batman mythology. That's the story that needs telling ... a badass Robin story arc.

Start with Grayson's Robin origin. Maybe with Two Face as the major villain like in Robin: Year One. In the sequel, jump ahead a few years to Grayson's split with Batman, Jason Todd origin, Nightwing emergence, and Joker's murder of Todd. In the third, do a Drake origin, maybe even blended with the Hush storyline -- and end with Todd re-emerging as the Red Hood.

You could certainly focus it more than that ... maybe with just two Robins. Follow Grayson's story arc from Robin to Nightwing, and Todd's from Robin to Red Hood over three movies. Drake may clog things up too much for one trilogy.


It would be a leap, but there doesnt need to be a Robin. ____ couldve grown up and become nightwing after no longer being the boy wonder, he is a man now. Thats how I would explain it. There doesnt need to be back story for everything. AC picks up with Tim drake in the later robin stages, hes clearly early 20's and not a kid. Works brill, Nightwing althout not main story, is at least late 20's. Non comic fans would know he used to be Robin but outgrew the boy wonder tag. Hence hebecomes his own man!

I think Robin films would never happen because they wouldnt be as interesting. I mean the role of Robin was always the sidekick, I liked ____ alot more (no friggin puns please!) when he grew up (again no friggin puns lmao!) and turned to nightwing. BTAS Handled a teenage/early 20's Robin perfect. I dont like the whole child robin or young teen Robin. It never sat right with me at all.
Have Quentin Tarantino make the next Batman like Kill Bill, a live action comic book film where Batman walks around with a list of Arkham escapees with the finale going against the Joker who in flashbacks killed Alfred and whomever Batman cared about....something to think about...of course it would be R
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Hush would be a great way to do a new film because you could start at the beginning using the flashbacks you could tell the origins of both Batman and the Robins, since they were all included. The thing is in the context of 2 hours or even 3, you'd have to cut or mash so much you'd lose a lot of the storytelling.
Have Quentin Tarantino make the next Batman like Kill Bill, a live action comic book film where Batman walks around with a list of Arkham escapees with the finale going against the Joker who in flashbacks killed Alfred and whomever Batman cared about....something to think about...of course it would be R

Nolan can leave the Bat universe but I like the actors to remain. I like Bale as the Dark Knight!
If this were my baby, if I was "in chahge", I'd reboot the whole damn thing and go back to square one. No Blake, no Bale Batman, no Catwoman, no Nolan, no Burton, nothing. All new.

I would take it back to it's roots. I think a period piece would be a great way to go about it. A late 1930s Batman (not the characterization that kills and has a gun of course, just the time period). The setting would be the late 1930s and while "comic accuracy/history" wouldn't be crucial I'd use it as a grid for the structure of my film. Why not modern? Batman could never exist in a modern setting, not with today's technology. He'd be shot and killed, spied on, figured out. His identity would never remain a secret. Taking it back to the character's introduction would make it more believable.

I would have it begin with an opening WB logo with an exciting black and white period piece of a live action Zorro (silent era title/story cards and all). Audiences would be like "what the ****, I thought this was a Batman movie". It'd be an exciting, adventure filled opening which would eventually take the audience from the Zorro film, to the story audience that features Bruce Wayne and his parents. I'd try to make it as cheerful and optimistic as possible, like a typical family outing at the movies. Some good clean swashbuckling, cheesty fun, something audiences could identify with. Obviously after that, the events that would unfold would be tragic with a depressing tone. Have young Bruce start out as a cheerful, wide eyed, grinning kid, enjoying his hero on the big screen, to a a child that witnesses the brutal killing of his parents in a cold wet alley in Gotham. Not just sadness but anger too. I'd play on the loss aspect of losing a loved one (or in this case, both parents) at an early age by showing things like the funeral, elders telling an innocent kid about the responsibilities that he'll have to have that a child shouldn't have to worry about. Holidays like Christmas and birthdays without anyone to share it with. I think the bed side vow/prayer that Wayne makes would be an important aspect too. Burton and Nolan never show this, but, what if Batman started as early as the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne? A vengeful kid that's oblivious to the real world, making a vow to rid the world of crime. Maybe have Alfred catch this secretly and worry about this kid's mental health. I wouldn't spend too much time on it (origins have been done to death), but I'd definitely start out with an emphasis on Wayne's loss.

I'd try and keep the mental and physical training to a montage that would express just how far one would have to go to devote themselves to become Batman. The main story would take place early in Batman's career. He would face mobsters and weird, crime doctors. He would have the "feared, creature of the night" persona just as the original golden age Batman. Police and public support would be minimal and played up later in other films (Gordon, no Gordon?).

As far as villains go, I think Hugo Strange would be a good one if you use "Prey" as reference. This is a man obsessed with Batman. The film would really delve deep into the psyche of Bruce Wayne and Batman, what better character to provide that exploration than Strange? Also beneficial is the fact it wouldn't be a villain we've seen before. With Strange you can explore the psyche of Bruce Wayne/Batman and get really intimate with what may or may not go on in Batman's mind. Does he do this because of his parents? Does he do this because he's crazy? Is this "heroic" persona just some immature quest because he was a child that just got out of a movie (the Zorro film and the death of his parents fuse together). What is it that makes him tick?

For characterization, I'd make Batman a cynical bastard. A sort of byronic hero. He'd be that that guy in the corner nobody really likes, the guy that's always right and two steps ahead. He's dedicated and trained to do this, so why not? The point here is you'd question his sanity. It would get to a point where Alfred questions his surrogate son's sanity because of the determination he has against fighting crime. One extreme, and this is just a thought, is that he rarely leaves his suit. He has a stench/odor that emits from it suit and has this refusal to leave his surveillance/computer while in Bat garb when not on nightly patrol. Basically bat-____ crazy.

He'd wear the suit like it was his second skin and obsess over the quality of his equipment for his war on crime (perfectionist/obsession). Think of a kid that takes dress up or halloween too seriously. Only time he'd be out of it would be during the day or in any situation that calls for him to be Bruce Wayne. It'd be so sick that he'd make a rule that when he's in the Batcave Alfred must call him Batman and Batman only.

He'd be cynical, cunning and self loathing. Basically an immature child that never grew up with an obsession with vengeance, justice seeking, and adventure. He's just on the verge of being a crazed lunatic like his enemies and may suffer from multiple personality issues. The thing that would pull him back are his parents, their ideals, Alfred and the well being of allies.

His charisma would come from his drive and dedication to rid Gotham of crime. Something that could never happen and would be his plight or curse. He'd have to have pathos or else audiences would never feel for a man that sits sulking in a suit all day waiting to eradicate all forms of crime (especially if you play up the extreme qualities of him). To identify with him you'd have to inject a theme of loss of childhood and nostalgia since Bruce Wayne had it taken from him. The last thing he'd experience before the devastating loss of his parents would be film, specifically the swash buckling, adventuring do-gooder, Zorro. Which, along with a fateful evening with a large bat bursting into his study, would be the source of his alternate persona, Batman.

For Strange I would utilize elements of the sinister, crazed doctor/scientists from the early comics as well as the modern approach for Strange. I'd definitely have a moment in there with him dressed as Batman. That would be his motivation, to become Batman. He'd be just as sick as the nut jobs he analyzes and diagnoses.

Every iteration of the story/character has the Joker, he is Batman's history. For the Joker I'd hint at him with a "pre-Joker" encounter with a mob fight at a factory, perhaps one of many hired muscle to take care of a problem for Strange who has connections with the mob (Rupert Thorne, Maroni, take your pick). No make up, no bleached hair/skin. Just a regular guy. Maybe not Red Hood, maybe not "Jack Napier" but someone associated with the mob. Maybe in the first film when Batman goes in, trying to stamp out Strange/the factory, this guy gets punched/thrown/dropped over a catwalk? Falls in chemicals? Not sure. Maybe have a moment where Batman is the cause but since he's fighting so many opponents so quick (like in Batman Begins) he doesn't notice the damage he's doing. The fall wouldn't be important (in this film) and wouldn't linger, but it would be enough for audiences to go "hmm, is that supposed to be the Joker?"

By the end you'd get a complete understanding of what goes on behind the cowl of Batman. The obsessions, the guilt, the power, etc. By the end, you'd just want to comfort and hug this kid that lost what was must important and crucial to him, his family, his upbringing. At the same time though, we'd be impressed, frightened and in awe with the Batman persona that he created from that trauma. That will and dedication. It would be very "parent centric" and wouldn't end with Batman on top of a roof top again. Their graves?

To reach this point though, Strange would be the catalyst. Imagine a scene almost as iconic as the interrogation scene in The Dark Knight where the two characters are meeting. Perhaps Batman "in the chair" with Strange discussing his past, but not willingly.

A future film would most likely include the Joker. In fact, if you set up that Batman created him in the first film, subtlety to the audience (as I said above), you could play on that with the film. Suppose it is a factoryesque scene (Ace Chemicals/Axis, whatever) in the first and it's just a nameless thug you see get thrown in. The second film can go in deeper to who exactly that was that the audience saw. Have a second film intro (think the LOTR Two Towers intro where it takes the audience back to the first film with a new POV) back at that factory with Batman from the first, but instead of following what Batman did (going after the thugs), we focus on the guy he knocked over and his journey through the toxic waste and coming out the other side as the Joker? The Killing Joke perhaps?

The sequels would be about Batman, pathos and how the villains directly mirror and represent Batman's personality, WHILE being period pieces. Want to see what Batman would be like in the 50's, 60's etc. like in the comics? These films would express that. Batman would change with the times so to speak the first being the 30s. You could easily have a Batman in a costume in the beginning, one that can take 30s pistols and weapons without armor (either by getting hit or simply dodging) to one that would require armor. The key thing would be evolution. Changing with the times and technology.

Grayson, The Dark Knight Returns in a third or fourth or fifth film that takes place in the 80s? All possibilities. That's how I'd start and continue a series for the franchise.
Cool idea but 1930's doesn't link up with the modern DCU.

You mean for potential sequels? I got into that towards the end of my post.

Change it up a bit. Have the very last film you'd do in the series (3rd, 4th, 5th film?) take place in the 80s (the time that the Batman film franchise started) with a Dark Knight Returns story. With a 50/60 year old Batman.
I think he meant that it wouldn't seque into a modern Justice League flick which is what WB is going for.

Yeah, it probably wouldn't. Unless you took the other characters like Superman and Wonder Woman back to their roots as well.

That's not the direction of Man of Steel though. So yeah, not happening. Just an idea for a new Batman series.
Love that idea DiFabio, batman through the ages sort of thing. I'd really like to see a supes flick set back then too. I just want quality stand alone stories and couldn't care less about the JL movie everyone is ******* for.
I wonder who they would use for the first couple of villains... do you think they should go for some ones that Nolan did not use or go for Joker, Two Face, etc?

I think Killer Croc, Mad Hatter and Poison Ivy could be done well on the big screen. Hugo Strange also, but possibly in a sequel or something.
I expect the joker will be used quickly. He's the main classic bad guy I'd also like to see the riddler.