Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman beating on Joker thugs in an alley < Batman punching Superman IN. DA. FACE.

:lol I am excited to see Batman and Superman duke it out, and look forward to getting a film with Batman and other superheroes, but ultimately nothing beats Batman in a dark alley using some kickboxing to take out a gang of thugs then disappearing across the rooftops.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Man, if they got something like TWS Cap vs Bucky fight, that'd be sick as ****. I really enjoyed the fight scenes at the very least. I would expect Batman to be able to utilize everything in his arsenal.

Might be the only one, but a rifle would be hilarious. :lol

I doubt it will be Kryptonite as a weapon, unless it's introduced very early and we see the effects of it on Superman. I'd think they would instead use like a power suit to go against Superman. I don't see him doing plenty of hand to hand, except in evasion; but more so use tactical surroundings to effect Superman.

Naturally, I'd say he pulls a Hush and rigs a gas line, but with this Superman, I wouldn't put it past him blowing it up anyways. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

TWS fights > MOS fights.

Cap vs elevator > Superman vs Faora

Cap vs TWS > Superman vs Zod.

Comedic directors already beat Snyder at his own game.

Snyder needs to go back to slow mo. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That's what I was thinking. I'd love to see a "Russo Bros" Batman, which it sounds like we might be getting.
Definitely sounds like it. He definitely needs to be taken in full advantage of his abilities and gadgets.
TWS fights > MOS fights.

Comedic directors already beat Snyder at his own game.

I really liked the MOS fight, but a lot of it was awkward. Some had some pretty great interaction, but a lot of it was meant to be comedic, like the train in the Sears. This to me was always so ****ing awkward.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

TWS fights > MOS fights.

TWS elevator fight alone is better than anything from MOS

Comedic directors already beat Snyder at his own game.
Two different kinds of fights, but I have to agree.

Heavy hitter fights are not the same as lower tier power level human characters fights.

Ones are bombastic and full of haymakers while the others are full of footwork and nuanced moves, feints and ****.

Most if not all of the MCU heavy hitter fights are abysmal, all Thor fights are dull as ****, which is a shame because it's friggin Thor, the only one that's worth watching is the beginning of the Hulk vs Thor on the helicarrier, the rest are not even worth mentioning, those don't even come close to MoS fights.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ugh I know, and they went slower and slower with each movie :lol there's seriously not a single good fight scene in the whole trilogy.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Two different kinds of fights, but I have to agree.

Heavy hitter fights are not the same as lower tier power level human characters fights.

Ones are bombastic and full of haymakers while the others are full of footwork and nuanced moves, feints and ****.

Most if not all of the MCU heavy hitter fights are abysmal, all Thor fights are dull as ****, which is a shame because it's friggin Thor, the only one that's worth watching is the beginning of the Hulk vs Thor on the helicarrier, the rest are not even worth mentioning, those don't even come close to MoS fights.

I agree, meta human fights in MCU have been few and have been weak when they did occur.

Cap stuff with his shield have been spectacular though, especially in TWS.

I also love TFA stage musical scene. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Burton too busy with the environment and duality. Nolan too busy with stories and themes. Snyder will be too busy with Hopeman.

****, will we ever get an amazing Batman? :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman Forever had great fight scenes.

That opening Bank Robbery where Batman comes crashing down the elevator and picks off all of Two-Face's thugs is great from what I can remember. Then when Batman crashes through the skylights at Nygma's party, fights all those henchmen then follows Two-Face into the sewers is another good one.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman and Robin had the best fights. Like when Robin was fighting the vines in the water and they reversed the film to make it look like he was getting pulled under. That was awesome.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman Forever had great fight scenes.

That opening Bank Robbery where Batman comes crashing down the elevator and picks off all of Two-Face's thugs is great from what I can remember. Then when Batman crashes through the skylights at Nygma's party, fights all those henchmen then follows Two-Face into the sewers is another good one.
