Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm hoping that it looks more natural on-screen too.

What I like about it is the brighter colors but not the fact that looks more rubbery, I think MoS costume looked better in that regard, it actually looked like fabric if it wasn't for the sculpted abs.

Comicbook movie costumes should use a lot less leather and rubber.


I do think the fake muscles on this are completely crazy though. It's bizarre big. He is obviously trying to copy Miller's Dark Knight style. Not sure how that will translate into live action.

Looks pretty much like the 89 Batman suit.

On steroids. Too many steroids.

I really am curious to see how Snyder et al. go about the inevitable transition of these supposed "heroes" into the Crime Syndicate. And conversely, how Lex Luthor becomes the sole good guy.

I'm more curious as to how they will populate an established "real world" with underwater seamen and amazonian women with truth lasso's?

They have to go all out "Watchmen" to make those things work together IMO.

That's the problem with the DC universe. Batman and to a lesser extent Superman, are/were based in a believable reality of sorts. Then some hippies on acid created Aquaman, Green lantern and Wonder Woman. They don't co-exist well as comic books.

The real-world "reality" they kindly got Nolan to give his blessing to (for financial reasons) in Man Of Steel, is obviously out the window now, because they see the multiple high concept franchise $$$$$ signs before their eyes.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Here's a "new" photo of Snyder on a set that may or may not be BVS. It's dark and depressing (except for the holy light behind him) , so it's probably BVS :lol


Doesn't this guy get that no one wants to see him? Him posting pictures of himself is pathetic.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

James Cameron is responsible for the Terminator, and Aliens. He has earned the right to be an egomaniacal ******, many times over.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I've been annoyed by lots of things Cameron has said but oddly enough his "I'm the king of the world" proclamation at the Oscars never bothered me. Specifically because he was quoting someone from his own movie who most definitely was NOT the king of the world but was rather swept away in a moment of exhilaration. I find it weird that that pissed off so many people.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

All I can say is that these movies better deliver in spades. I've got faith, but, if I find out that the reason I've got to watch Gotham every week instead of an actual Batman show is because those greedy mother****ers at WB want to hold Batman back for the movies (which we already know), and the movies turn out to suck. I will find them, and I will send them angry letters. Probably not, but I will be mad. Seeing that Daredevil trailer, though, I'm like "why can't we have that?"
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Very true, and I'll enjoy it a lot, but it's kind of sad when Marvel's "kinda Batman" show looks better than DC's. I love that the producer of the show said "he's like Batman without the money." :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

All I can say is that these movies better deliver in spades. I've got faith, but, if I find out that the reason I've got to watch Gotham every week instead of an actual Batman show is because those greedy mother****ers at WB want to hold Batman back for the movies (which we already know), and the movies turn out to suck. I will find them, and I will send them angry letters. Probably not, but I will be mad. Seeing that Daredevil trailer, though, I'm like "why can't we have that?"

I like DC and Marvel, so I want both to succeed, but I have a feeling that going forward, the DCCU is going to be this to MCU's that.
