Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

There might be a bit of a double standard. Whether it's fair or not, I don't know.

Back in June 2008, when Tony Stark was meeting up with Thunderbolt Ross to set the shared MCU in motion, a little movie featuring a former gay cowboy will drop in theaters about a month later.

Was anyone talking about a Batman crossover at the time? The two rivals took different approaches and DC's been playing catchup ever since.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

They've been playing catchup on shared universe but DC started in the seventies. Marvel didn't start until 1998 and that wasn't Marvel the studio
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I wouldn't want DC characters to get that exact same Marvel Studios treatment... Apart from Winter Soldier, IM1 and TFA (and I have doubts about Avengers and Guardians) I'm wouldn't call the rest "high quality", some of the rest are entertainment and fun movies, sure, but they're formulaic, shallow cinematography and predictable jokes, and some of them are mindless fun, straight mediocre or straight crap. i.e: TIH, Thor 1 & 2.

I used to be one of those "I hope MS gets the X-men back" guys... but now, after seeing how much of a better job Fox did with Quick Silver compared to MS and FC & DOFP in general (which I can say without a doubt they are high quality), I'm not sure I want the X-men back to MS, not while FOX keeps popping out arguably better movies than MS.

Besides, FOX already embraced the same amount of comicbookiness as MS.

MS is doing their thing and I can appreciate that, in fact I get super excited with each announcement, but I don't want every CBM in the same colors and tone, it'd be boring.

I'm not sure Animated DC movies have as much humor as the MCU movies do.

In the end what does it matter? It'll get rebooted eventually, I'm young, I can wait [emoji38]
I agree I throughly enjoyed man of steel because I like that tone similar to that of the Nolan movies, and that kind of why I am not to thrilled about spiderman moving back to the MCU. Marvel movies follow a specific formula and you can see they have gotten better , but I am not a fan per say of the kid friendly family tone that they push out.

So in a new Marvel studios produced movie we will never have a those sad scenes that we had in both the Sony movies the drama of the death of uncle Ben, captain stacey, and Gwen was really a nicely done. It hit me and made me connect.

I can't recall having the same emotion with any death in a marvel movie. Not with coulson not with queen Frida not even with Loki's apparent death.

Marvel has a habit of glancing over them I recall one of the leaked memos from marvel after they reviewrd the script for amazing spiderman 2 mentioning that it was to depressing

like that new FF trailer that would never happen at marvel neither would movie like the last X men all serious and death of characters

And that why I hope we see a death of superman adaptation were they actually kill him , and bring him back of coursre, but nothing like that had been done to a major character. Hell they better do it before marvel beats them to it with death of Captain America
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I wouldn't want DC characters to get that exact same Marvel Studios treatment... Apart from Winter Soldier, IM1 and TFA (and I have doubts about Avengers and Guardians) I'm wouldn't call the rest "high quality", some of the rest are entertainment and fun movies, sure, but they're formulaic, shallow cinematography and predictable jokes, and some of them are mindless fun, straight mediocre or straight crap. i.e: TIH, Thor 1 & 2.

I used to be one of those "I hope MS gets the X-men back" guys... but now, after seeing how much of a better job Fox did with Quick Silver compared to MS and FC & DOFP in general (which I can say without a doubt they are high quality), I'm not sure I want the X-men back to MS, not while FOX keeps popping out arguably better movies than MS.

Besides, FOX already embraced the same amount of comicbookiness as MS.

MS is doing their thing and I can appreciate that, in fact I get super excited with each announcement, but I don't want every CBM in the same colors and tone, it'd be boring.

:exactly: :exactly:
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's simple actually. Marvel has proved they can handle multiple characters crossing over at once. DC has not yet had the chance.

Cap had a great flick w/ Winter Soldier.

A small, vocal sect of Internet fanboys now see Superman as a murderer crazy person for the first time ever because they like to deal in hyperbole in order to make their own opinions feel validated. Not great.

:goodpost: :exactly: :goodpost: :exactly:
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

They've been playing catchup on shared universe but DC started in the seventies. Marvel didn't start until 1998 and that wasn't Marvel the studio

'80s action hero kills superhero, superhero kills '80s action hero, Schumacher kills superhero, post-9/11 world resuscitates superhero, oversaturation kills superhero, comet kills everybody, woman inherits the earth?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Nah the meme is accurate. Fanboys ***** about things but when Marvel does the same things it's okay because brand loyalty.

Nope. If Whedon was directing Cap 3 I'd be whining with the best of them. But the Russo Bros proved that on their watch Cap can appear in a film with other Avengers (people initially said the first TWS teaser looked like "Avengers 2") and still be Kick-Ass King. So the more heroes that they bring in to Civil War the more awesome Cap is going to look.

BvS on the other hand plays like damage control to Hopeman's poor showing in MOS. Instead of really letting him shine they're bringing in Batman (even giving him top billing) and are reducing Hopeman to playing off his murderous tendencies with self-aware one-liners. "I'm not going to snap your neck, THIS TIME, nyuck nyuck nyuck!"
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

James Gunn came out recently saying Guardians 2 won't be based on any comic and be completely his own thing. People were fine. When WB, FOX or Sony directors said the same thing people flew into a rage "How dare they disrespect the source blah blah blah"

When Marvel casts a black actor in a white role there's a little outrage but goes away after a few days or few weeks. When others do the same thing the hate goes on for months and months until the movie opens.

Marvel gets away with changing things from the comics but no others do, hence the meme
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Oh if your basic point is that people are much more inclined to give Marvel the benefit of the doubt for any given decision then I do agree that that is correct. And deservedly so.

I complained about Joe Johnston directing TFA, about Evans being cast as Steve, about bringing Bucky back so soon, and about the "You, Me, and Dupree" guys being the ones to do it. But I can only be proven wrong so many times before going, "okay, never mind, apparently you guys know what you're doing. Carry on."
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Oh if your basic point is that people are much more inclined to give Marvel the benefit of the doubt for any given decision then I do agree that that is correct.

Yep that's my point.

I find it hypocritical though to allow one to change things from the comics frequently while at the same time villfying others for doing the same.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Marvel's success in this continuity :

Iron Man
The Avengers
The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy

DC's success in this continuity :

Hmm, who do we give the benefit of the doubt. It's a tough one.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Larry David Brings The Principal Flowers - YouTube

Well it's not just WB, it happens with all non-MCU comic book movies.

Surely WBs movies as a whole should be countned not just the most recent because it's the start of a continuity. So more like...

Marvel's success:

Iron Man
The Avengers
The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy

DC's success:

Superman the Motion Picture
Superman II
Batman Returns
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Such a diverse line-up of superheroes.

:lol :lol

Though i have to mention while Marvel is much much more diverse than WB all but one of their ten movies have been about the same characters. They didn't truly become the MCU until last year. before that they were basically the A(vengers)CU.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Such a diverse line-up of superheroes.

Yeah, year we have Batman V Super...oh damn! :lol

Well, there are other non superhero DC films that were successful, like RED, Road to Perdition, A history of Violence, V for Vendetta, Swamp Thing...maybe?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

DC should try and branch out. Oh wait...



