Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

As do I, and, as more of a DC fan, I want to be able to have entertaining, high quality films from their camp to enjoy with the Marvel stuff, but I just don't get why WB are so friggin' stingy. Actually, more than that, I hate the double standard. The movie guys have Carte blanche and can announce that they're doing their own version of Barry Allen, literally, a week after the TV version premieres, but the TV guys aren't extended the same courtesy because, for some reason, Batman's too good for them, and so, they aren't allowed.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I have enjoyed DC's animated movies so much, that I feel we already have extremely high quality "movies" beyond the Nolan stuff. But I also wish the execs and creative teams would give us better products. DC's characters deserve the appropriate, high quality treatment that the Marvel characters are getting IMO.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Oh, don't get me wrong, I adore the DCAU, and the subsequent films that followed it, but, seeing The Avengers for the first time (even though it, ultimately, left me feeling disappointed), I couldn't help but feel a bit of envy, as a DC fan. Now, it's finally happening, so I just hope it's good.

Superman's actions in Man of Steel weren't as much of a deal breaker as they were for some of you, but, if they play their cards right, hopefully, the character can develop in a way that MoS and Non-MoS fans alike can get a new Superman they will all love.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I wouldn't want DC characters to get that exact same Marvel Studios treatment... Apart from Winter Soldier, IM1 and TFA (and I have doubts about Avengers and Guardians) I'm wouldn't call the rest "high quality", some of the rest are entertainment and fun movies, sure, but they're formulaic, shallow cinematography and predictable jokes, and some of them are mindless fun, straight mediocre or straight crap. i.e: TIH, Thor 1 & 2.

I used to be one of those "I hope MS gets the X-men back" guys... but now, after seeing how much of a better job Fox did with Quick Silver compared to MS and FC & DOFP in general (which I can say without a doubt they are high quality), I'm not sure I want the X-men back to MS, not while FOX keeps popping out arguably better movies than MS.

Besides, FOX already embraced the same amount of comicbookiness as MS.

MS is doing their thing and I can appreciate that, in fact I get super excited with each announcement, but I don't want every CBM in the same colors and tone, it'd be boring.

I'm not sure Animated DC movies have as much humor as the MCU movies do.

In the end what does it matter? It'll get rebooted eventually, I'm young, I can wait :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The key isn't some specific approach to making a movie (which certainly isn't the case with Marvel Studios, which is all over the place in the approach taken to various films), it's understanding the characters and stories, treating them with the proper respect, and having the ability to create compelling movies. Man of Steel and Green Lantern failed on all of those levels for me. The Nolan films by and large succeeded at them, as did most of the older DC Animated films (excluding the lame Nu-52 ones IMO). No reason good DC movies can't be made, but they need the right creative teams at the helm. Feige did a great job so far of putting the right pieces in place, Fox is hit-and-miss though Singer and Vaughn have done very well, Sony dropped the ball recently, and the Dubya B is suspect.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ever since DoFP was announced, I've wanted Fox to keep the X-Men, their casting was amazing, and I was hopeful that they could still salvage the franchise with all the time stuff in the last entry. Now, we get Jackman, Stewart (hopefully, at least, once more), McKellan (again, hopefully), the rest of them, and Reynolds as Deadpool with none of the horse**** that some of the older films delivered. At the end of the day, I'll be fine with the X-Men returning to Marvel once the original cast and FC/DoFP cast say their goodbyes.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The key isn't some specific approach to making a movie (which certainly isn't the case with Marvel Studios, which is all over the place in the approach taken to various films), it's understanding the characters and stories, treating them with the proper respect, and having the ability to create compelling movies. Man of Steel and Green Lantern failed on all of those levels for me. The Nolan films by and large succeeded at them, as did most of the older DC Animated films (excluding the lame Nu-52 ones IMO). No reason good DC movies can't be made, but they need the right creative teams at the helm. Feige did a great job so far of putting the right pieces in place, Fox is hit-and-miss though Singer and Vaughn have done very well, Sony dropped the ball recently, and the Dubya B is suspect.
I don't know about different approaches in the MCU, most of them are a template from the previous one (except the previously mentioned ones).

Yeah, new 52 movies have been wack haven't they? It's weird, the stories in the comics are good material for the most part, but the movies are off pace, the animation isn't good, they take faaaar to many liberties that end up actually screwing the movies.

JL War I liked a lot, even more so after finding out why Darkseid was a dumb videogame boss (it's explained in the comics), but Son of Batman, and Throne of Atlantis have been very lackluster, Assault on Arkham is DCA back in shape though.

Ever since DoFP was announced, I've wanted Fox to keep the X-Men, their casting was amazing, and I was hopeful that they could still salvage the franchise with all the time stuff in the last entry. Now, we get Jackman, Stewart (hopefully, at least, once more), McKellan (again, hopefully), the rest of them, and Reynolds as Deadpool with none of the horse**** that some of the older films delivered. At the end of the day, I'll be fine with the X-Men returning to Marvel once the original cast and FC/DoFP cast say their goodbyes.
Yes, exactly, they did such a good job saving the franchise, that I'm willing to stick with them till the end.

Plus, Deadpool could change studios and it doesn't matter, he's so self aware that he would be making jokes about it. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ever since DoFP was announced, I've wanted Fox to keep the X-Men, their casting was amazing, and I was hopeful that they could still salvage the franchise with all the time stuff in the last entry. Now, we get Jackman, Stewart (hopefully, at least, once more), McKellan (again, hopefully), the rest of them, and Reynolds as Deadpool with none of the horse**** that some of the older films delivered. At the end of the day, I'll be fine with the X-Men returning to Marvel once the original cast and FC/DoFP cast say their goodbyes.

The oldies (McKellan, Stewart) aren't in the next one.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I know that, but I'd still like to see one final send-off for the original cast. You could argue that they got that with DoFP, but, still, it'd be nice to see the likes of Marsden and Janssen in the corrected timeline with more than just a cameo.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I know that, but I'd still like to see one final send-off for the original cast. You could argue that they got that with DoFP, but, still, it'd be nice to see the likes of Marsden and Janssen in the corrected timeline with more than just a cameo.

Yeah, me too. Although I LOVE the "young" cast.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Are you referring to the newbies like Sansa and the Mud kid, or the First Class people? If the latter, I agree. If the former, I think they'll be good, too. Heh. Sansa and the Mud Kid...sounds like a name for a band or something.:lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Are you referring to the newbies like Sansa and the Mud kid, or the First Class people? If the latter, I agree. If the former, I think they'll be good, too. Heh. Sansa and the Mud Kid...sounds like a name for a band or something.:lol

Nah, The First Class bunch (and Quicksilver from DOFP). They are great.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Fanboy logic



Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's simple actually. Marvel has proved they can handle multiple characters crossing over at once. DC has not.

Cap had a great flick w/ Winter Soldier.

Most people now see Superman as a murderer crazy person for the first time ever. Not great.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's simple actually. Marvel has proved they can handle multiple characters crossing over at once. DC has not.

Cap had a great flick w/ Winter Soldier.

Most people now see Superman as a murderer crazy person for the first time ever. Not great.

But he's a likable murderer like Dexter :monkey3 Besides, Capt and Iron Man are murderers too. Superman only kill one person, and it was an evil alien who killed thousands of people.