Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


...would... let him bang me...

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't get what was so difficult about this. Simple, elegant, and badass.


I get the whole 90's /Thor look, but the character should have started clean cut, and then slowly he changes as he gets older.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I guess it wasn't real and gritty enough.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I wouldn't say classic. It's more new 52.

I read this article, puts a new perspective. As for the trident, it's also in the new 52. It's the trident of Neptune, and it's one of seven artifacts created to rule everything. Also it's an upgrade to Roman gladiators who used actual 3 prongs tridents. So obviously they aren't trying to compare him to fishermen.

Article is cool, recommend people to try it.
Jason Momoa’s ‘Aquaman’ Armor & Tattoos Explained
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Momoa's Aquaman looks pretty badass. I like it. Completely upends the joked-about useless dolphin tamer of the past. Making Aquaman the toughest looking SOB in the Justice League is a good move.

Comics are source material, not canon. Strip it for parts, keep the good stuff, drop the rest.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Momoa's Aquaman looks pretty badass. I like it. Completely upends the joked-about useless dolphin tamer of the past. Making Aquaman the toughest looking SOB in the Justice League is a good move.

Comics are source material, not canon. Strip it for parts, keep the good stuff, drop the rest.


There's really no such thing as "canon" anymore. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, I expected some of these reactions :lol

I even saw some complaints about the trident that didn't realize it's actually accurate to many Aquaman tridents :lol

Is it really that different from JL/90's Aquaman aside from the tattoos? Honestly, I'd rather have the tattoos than the hook hand.

Just weird I didn't see this for Endonsqueleton Ultron, or Power Ranger Ant-man :lol

Pretty cool article, thanks.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Just weird I didn't see this for Endonsqueleton Ultron, or Power Ranger Ant-man :lol

Then actually read some of the posts in the Avengers thread. Pretty much everyone prefers the look of the more comic accurate drones to Ultron's final form. Ant-Man didn't deviate too far.


Red and silver with bug helmet. So they covered his mouth. Big deal, close enough.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Please, everybody were trying to justify Ultron's look, and Antman's got the antennas backwards, plus starlord gasmask, plus panneling and busy ass design, plus black instead of blue etc etc, not to mention yellow jacket, so let's not pretend perception in this place is fair and unbiased.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Is it really? If you saw that without the knowledge of an Antman movie, would you recognize it as Antman? Or is that just the fanboyism speaking?

Ok, the end.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Is it really? If you saw that without the knowledge of an Antman movie, would you recognize it as Antman? Or is that just the fanboyism speaking?

Ok, the end.

If you had ever heard of Ant Man or seen a comic book of the character you would instantly recognise him as Ant Man. Likewise Starlord. They kept the correct iconic elements. "aquaman" could have wandered in from the set of Xena or Spactacus tv shows. Sorry but it's true.