Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Khev, you know I want to be with you on these things, but I can't agree with the Ant-Man analogy. Movie Ant-Man does have a bit of a generic look to him IMO. I could imagine some evil alien race dressing all of their soldiers up like this and no one blinking an eye. Helmet is just too much of a deviation from the classic look to me. Having said that, Mamoa ain't no Aquaman I've ever known. Take away the, uh, fivedent, and I'm not sure which DC character I would have pegged him for. Probably Vandal Savage.

And yes, Snyderfeld chose the fivedent because it makes it that much more X-TREME! If you notice, it's actually got 6 more little blades sticking out below it, so even more awesome. Give that man a pair of buttonfly jeans, please.

I can't believe I've lived to see the day that we can argue whether movie Aquaman sucks worse than movie Ant-Man. Careful what you wish for. :lol
It is the end times.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Movie Ant-Man looks absolutely nothing like comics Ant-Man.
I don't quite understand where people are seeing the similarities... both have helmets, but that's about it.
As for Starlord, well... I had never heard of Starlord before the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, but seeing those comics, man, it baffles me how anybody can find similarities.

Now, I'm not saying Momoa's Aquaman looks a lot like the comics Aquaman, but hey, at least he's got the "A", he's got the trident, he's got some golden armour on him... and who knows, maybe the pants are some shade of green.

Whatever, I just think it's important that a character looks good on screen.

Everybody squirts over '89 Batman, and yet, beyond the cape, ears and bat-symbol, the costume looked nothing like the comics...
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Oh the irony of whining about hypocrisy. All Marvel threads have praise and criticism. But NO ONE responds to the criticism with "but you didn't criticise DC for that, boo hoo." Grow a pair dude. Come on now. Is this an Ant-Man thread?

I know. No silver helmet with antennae, no silver and black costume. Nothing. Who is he? Nobody knows. Hyperbole is fun.

:rotfl Jeezus, you're spazing out, being on the spotlight really takes you out of you comfort zone huh?

Keep pretending there is actually equally fair and unbiased Marvel/DC perception in this place, you keep those fanboy goggles tight on :duff

Clearly he's Ant-Man. :dunno The studio and director told us so.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Khev, you know I want to be with you on these things, but I can't agree with the Ant-Man analogy. Movie Ant-Man does have a bit of a generic look to him IMO.

Well it still has the basic colors and trappings of his look in the comics. His comic look is just so simple that modernizing the helmet even a little might make it generic with regard to another sci-fi movie but in a Marvel comic movie you know exactly who it is.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Based on his look, and the Man of Steel precedent, I suspect he'll be a bloodthirsty barbarian type of ruler who is only a razor's edge away from being a straight up villain anyway.

His first appearance will be holding the severed head of a whaler as Atlanteans slaughter the crew as Superman arrives to answer the distress call.:lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well it still has the basic colors and trappings of his look in the comics. His comic look is just so simple that modernizing the helmet even a little might make it generic with regard to another sci-fi movie but in a Marvel comic movie you know exactly who it is.
I think they took more than a slight bit of inspiration from recent Scott Lang Ant-Man, who I haven't read much of, but who looks more that part. Based on that, I think you're right that it is more obvious who that was supposed to be.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yes. I'm going full Keaton with a fireplace poker. You should see my office right now. Do you know what "on the spot" means? Serious question.

I believe you.

Sorry, I meant to type spotlight, please go ahead and make that your ultimate argument against me since your actual argument is just silly, you've never done that before :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think they took more than a slight bit of inspiration from recent Scott Lang Ant-Man, who I haven't read much of, but who looks more that part. Based on that, I think you're right that it is more obvious who that was supposed to be.


Yeah, I don't actually know that version of the character but Marvel Studios tends to gravitate toward more current looks (post 2000) than classic 60's designs. Pretty close match.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Sorry, I meant to type spotlight,

Okay. If it was a simple typo then I understand. I find it interesting how much you seem to escalate things in your mind. Costumes that are close are "nothing alike," people that are calm are "spazing out." And so on. Usually only people with great...biases...tend to exaggerate so much. Just sayin'.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Right, because a guy in a super bulky costume with no silver helmet with antennae totally proves your point. See my previous post re: exaggerations.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Here's the thing. This:

B-RAWTjCcAAF81b.jpg not that radical a departure from this:


The problem is that this:


...totally blows compared to this:


I blame Peter David. Blaming Zack Snyder for picking the most extreme version of the character there is is like blaming a retarded person for touching the sparkler that the obnoxious little kid in front of him is waving in his face. Sure, the little kid probably didn't mean any harm, but, when you know that the person in front of you really likes shiny things, you might want to excercise caution before he burns himself.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Antman and Aquaman suck.

To Antman's credit though, getting super small is kinda of a cool concept. A lot better than being king of the ocean and communicating with dolphins.

Also 1950s sci-fi aesthetic > hardcore rocker bro with squared off heart tattoos