Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If you had ever heard of Ant Man or seen a comic book of the character you would instantly recognise him as Ant Man. Likewise Starlord. They kept the correct iconic elements. "aquaman" could have wandered in from the set of Xena or Spactacus tv shows. Sorry but it's true.

I'm not saying Starlord's off, I'm saying Ant-man has a Starlord-esque helmet.

What correct elements are those? That helmet looks like something from the new Call of Duty, it's completely different from the classic design, that suit looks like something out of the power rangers, it doesn't even have the same colors, even the red is extremely dark and washed out.

And pleaeese try to justify how Yellow Jacket is truer to the source than Aquaman :lol

You'd think the "A" on Aquaman's belt is an iconic element no? They aimed at 90's Aquaman, I don't see how you can say Ant-man ok but Aquaman isn't.

It's ok, there's bias against DC, it's not breaking news, but let's not pretend there's anything to back it up.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Suck that DC teet boy, suck it goood.
I could say that about Marvel to you and a few others.

I'm really not though, I have praise and complaints for both DC and Marvel, I just like to point out the double standards of the biased ones.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Plus it's still instantly recognizable as Ant-Man. The end.

Sorry but this


Does not look like this


End of story...
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I can't believe I've lived to see the day that we can argue whether movie Aquaman sucks worse than movie Ant-Man. Careful what you wish for. :lol
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If you had ever heard of Ant Man or seen a comic book of the character you would instantly recognise him as Ant Man. Likewise Starlord. They kept the correct iconic elements. "aquaman" could have wandered in from the set of Xena or Spactacus tv shows. Sorry but it's true.



Iconic elements? :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm fine with new designs.
I realize most people just want the same stuff they grew up with, but I'm all for variety.

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm fine with new designs.
I realize most people just want the same stuff they grew up with, but I'm all for variety.
You can't do that sir.

Please, be so kind to pick a company to praise (preferably Marvel) and a company to complaint about the exact same issues.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

They covered his mouth and put lenses over his eyes, the gave him a completely different helmet, they completely changed his colors and the design of his costume. WHO IS HE!????? :panic:

Clark Kent's disguise must baffle you.

Fanboyism baffles me, keep the denial alive :lol