Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You guys should meet up and beat the **** out of each other. It's the message board way.

Marvel vs. DC. Clearwater Beach. Tomorrow at dawn. :lecture


As for Aquaman it's kind of funny that if Affleck drops the ball then Aquaman, **AQUAMAN** might end up being the coolest, most badass member of the Justice League. Looks like Mamoa might be able to make him DC's answer to both Thor AND Wolverine.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman has already had great films, so I'd be fine with that. I'm not really interested in Justice League. I want to see the individual films, so they can do interesting character studies. I'd prefer team ups over a bunch of characters, because I always preferred more intimate stories. The heroes are pushed to their limits that way.

I would really like them to just go all over the place, without a specific continuity and just make the best stories possible without restraints. I know I'm alone!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Somebody played with the levels and lightened up the pic to get some color out of it. I'm liking it more with the color, maybe in his solo flick and the later JL movie they will give him an orange top.


I like the look. Would be better if he had blonde hair. But at least they are making Aquaman out to be a badass. Back in the day people only got the Super Powers and Mego Aquaman figures to complete their lineup. I don't know a single person that ever read a Aquaman comic. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I wish Thor looked half this badass, Thor's my favorite Marvel character and he should inspire the same intimidating impression Momoa exudes in this picture.

If only they went with an Ages of Thunder or a Marvel NOW look instead of a weird mix of over designed generic sci-fi rubber-like armor.

Aquaman's look is busy for sure, but at least he looks good, Thor's just busy :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman was always my favorite superhero, but I would just read each story as individual pieces. I started to follow Spider-man, but got sick of the Aunt May melodrama, so I moved onto X-Men. I know X-Men more than anything. I read X-Men starting from the Stan Lee stuff, through Claremont's run, stopped at the 90s, and then got caught up with a lot of the modern stuff. However, when I read Daredevil's storyline, that topped X-Men for me. The Frank Miller and Brian Michael Bendis stuff are my favorite runs of comics. Marvel is way better at collecting runs, or at least they're cheaper, so that's why I didn't really get into DC— until eBay lots!

I'm glad your enthusiastic! There's nothing coming out that I want more than that game. Are you a really big Fantastic Four fan? I checked out some of their stuff from the library, and while I like them, it's odd that Dr. Doom doesn't beat them. It kind of reminded me of Deathstroke with the New Teen Titans. They're better than the heroes, but they can't win because it would be pretty anti-climatic! I haven't even checked out the Mad Max trailer! Tom Hardy is Max, right? I just watched the movie, Locke, twice, and thought he was great. I actually want to watch it again, because I liked it so much. I don't think it's a film for everyone though.

I'm actually not a huge F4 fan, but I really liked the trailer, and the cast is great.

Locke was a great movie, I've watched it once. Im thinking of picking it up on Blu ray.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I actually dig it now. Took a while and knowing a bit of the tats and armor, but he does seem badass. Actually, I'm glad they didn't go with the hook or aquatic hand.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm sure they won't call him that, if they won't even call Superman Superman. I can see it now:

Jimmy Olson: "Hey, that looks like an 'A' on your belt buckle there."
AquaPred: "Why are you looking at my crotch, human?"

*impales Jimmy with fivedent*
:lol :lol :lol

Technically though, if AquaMamoa is of Polynesian heritage.. doesn't that make him human too? :monkey1
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think he looks really frackin' cool. I look like that they chose a more warrior-esqe look since, to me, the most popular descendant of Atlantis in popular culture I can think of is Conan. Combine that with my favorite interpretation was the wrestler-like John Dimagio Aquaman from Batman the Brave and the Bold and you have a winner to me. Plus I am a huge fan of Flash Gordan and Mamoa looks a lot like the literary Thun, Prince of the Lion Men in this photo. I like the direction Snyder is taking, so far.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Hans Zimmer To Compose Wonder Woman & Aquaman Themes For Batman v Superman

Last night at the 87th Academy Awards, MTV's Josh Horowitz spoke with film composer Hans Zimmer ("Interstellar") about his upcoming film, Batman v Superman.

Zimmer started off by saying that the score has been written yet, but he has got a couple ideas for what he'll do with it. Then Josh asked him if he needed to create Aquaman and Wonder Woman's themes in Batman v Superman? "I'm trying," Zimmer revealed. "Put it that way. We're in early days. But yes, of course, ideally that is what you want to do."

Zimmer was then asked if he knew which other films in the new DC cinematic universe he might be scoring. "No, not at all," Zimmer replied. "Because the studio is going to hedge its bets if I ruin this one."

Zimmer then goes on to say how important it is that he makes the score for Batman v Superman different from what he did with Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, which he spent ten years of his life working on. To make sure that he didn't "betray Chris" he handed off the responsibility of scoring Batman's theme to his friend Junkie XL ("Mad Max: Fury Road").

Hans Zimmer To Compose Wonder Woman & Aquaman Themes For Batman v Superman |
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That would be cool, he did a fantastic job with Interstellar, could be the score of the year, and he's very versatile.

I can't wait to hear the JL theme, hope it's something close to this...

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That sounds good, haha. I still have the Justice League Animated theme song in my head whenever I think of JLA but yeah, that wouldn't fit into the theme of the films.
