Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Not really :lol I remember Marvel and DC films back in the 80's and 90's....most of them sucked though :lol
Yeah, I do remember a time when all we had were the Hulk TV movies and Superman 4. And yes, those days did mostly suck, though I was excited as hell to see Daredevil and Thor back then.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yes, that is true! Fish? Water? Mermaid? Trident? Atlantean? Aqua? Yeah, Aquaman is the way to go!

@Gaspar I thought you said this was fun for you, man! I don't pay attention to the superhero movie threads, so I don't know anyone's personality enough to know how serious they are. Right now, I'm just hyped for Daredevil, so I'm hoping it's a happy place when it comes around! :lol

Daredevil is looking awesome!

I'm looking forward to it more than most of the movies coming out this year.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, I do remember a time when all we had were the Hulk TV movies and Superman 4. And yes, those days did mostly suck, though I was excited as hell to see Daredevil and Thor back then.

Don't forget Capt America (1990), Howard the Duck, Swamp Thing (I like it :lol), Return of the Swamp Thing, Super Girl, Punisher (1989 I like it :lol), and Steel :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Good times. It nostalgic for me crap or no crap.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I like the comic Aquaman look. I like this movie Aquaman look. They are two different mediums. I think the "ripped from the comics" spandexy look starts to fall apart for a lot of these characters once you get past CGI. Of course you can't please all the people, but I was pretty happy when I saw this reveal. Snyder seems to be going for a more grounded fantasy look that I think will work very cool on the big screen. I know they did an Aquaman TV pilot a few years ago that took visual cues from the comic, but it didn't go anywhere. However if DC/CW opened the door for an Aquaman guest spot on Arrow or The Flash TV series (since the universes are different) they could probably have an Aquaman that looked somewhat closer to the source material, which might be a way to make the more traditional fans happier.

Going back to the tagline "Unite the Seven" I'm hoping this is going to be a series of promo reveals over the coming days -- Superman, Batman (finally a better shot), Wonder Woman, Aquaman. That would leave three more slots, Cyborg, Flash and Green Lantern perhaps? Cyborg is going to be in the movie, so there's a good chance we'll see something. Flash has been cast but I don't believe is slated to appear, so conceivably something could be mocked up for the campaign even if he's not in BvS. I'm sure everyone would love a first look at the movie Flash costume. GL has not been cast to anyone's knowledge but this could be the way it's announced. Or they could do something that shows the costume (and whether it's Hal, John, Kyle, or a surprise like a female or alien Lantern) but leaves the details of the face in shadow.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Daredevil is looking awesome!

I'm looking forward to it more than most of the movies coming out this year.

Daredevil is my second most anticipated entertainment property of the year, because Metal Gear Solid V comes first!

Although, I don't know what movies are coming out this year. I'm still on the wait list at my library for a bunch of the greats from 2014!
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Daredevil is my second most anticipated entertainment property of the year, because Metal Gear Solid V comes first!

Although, I don't know what movies are coming out this year. I'm still on the wait list at my library for a bunch of the greats from 2014!

Yea, Daredevil was my second favorite superhero growing up. I love everything about the character, the look, setting, tone, and stories all really resonated with me growing up.

I'm with you on MGSV, that's my most anticipated release of anything this year (probably ever haha). Then believe it or not, Fantastic Four probably comes next, followed by Daredevil and the Mad Max reboot.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Why don't you just shut up? And go home. Oh wait, you're in Florida too. Nevermind then. Oh now you deleted your post this is even more weird.



You guys should meet up and beat the **** out of each other. It's the message board way.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Somebody played with the levels and lightened up the pic to get some color out of it. I'm liking it more with the color, maybe in his solo flick and the later JL movie they will give him an orange top.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

After they revealed WW I was expecting a very grounded looking Aquaman, so not much of a surprise. It's a decent translation, doesn't blow me away but it works and fits with the other characters shown so far. I know all these pics have filters on them, but it makes the silver screen JLA look so dark and gloomy, almost seems like Snyder's trying to go back to the 300 look.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Somebody played with the levels and lightened up the pic to get some color out of it. I'm liking it more with the color, maybe in his solo flick and the later JL movie they will give him an orange top.[img][/QUOTE]

I'm seeing some green in the lower part, was that added or was that part of the pic from the beginning?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Why oh why they have to filter EVERYTHING today!!!???
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yea, Daredevil was my second favorite superhero growing up. I love everything about the character, the look, setting, tone, and stories all really resonated with me growing up.

I'm with you on MGSV, that's my most anticipated release of anything this year (probably ever haha). Then believe it or not, Fantastic Four probably comes next, followed by Daredevil and the Mad Max reboot.

Batman was always my favorite superhero, but I would just read each story as individual pieces. I started to follow Spider-man, but got sick of the Aunt May melodrama, so I moved onto X-Men. I know X-Men more than anything. I read X-Men starting from the Stan Lee stuff, through Claremont's run, stopped at the 90s, and then got caught up with a lot of the modern stuff. However, when I read Daredevil's storyline, that topped X-Men for me. The Frank Miller and Brian Michael Bendis stuff are my favorite runs of comics. Marvel is way better at collecting runs, or at least they're cheaper, so that's why I didn't really get into DC— until eBay lots!

I'm glad your enthusiastic! There's nothing coming out that I want more than that game. Are you a really big Fantastic Four fan? I checked out some of their stuff from the library, and while I like them, it's odd that Dr. Doom doesn't beat them. It kind of reminded me of Deathstroke with the New Teen Titans. They're better than the heroes, but they can't win because it would be pretty anti-climatic! I haven't even checked out the Mad Max trailer! Tom Hardy is Max, right? I just watched the movie, Locke, twice, and thought he was great. I actually want to watch it again, because I liked it so much. I don't think it's a film for everyone though.