Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I do think he looks great. The design is good and fits the actor perfectly.

Still not the Aquaman.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I really wished they had made AM blonde and short hair. Would have been cool to see that on screen. OH well.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I honestly think you do. You can't react to a single hint of criticism against a DC movie character without immediately carrying on ad nauseum about how there's this big double standard, Marvel coalition, bla bla bla. Every Marvel movie gets criticized, even Ant-Man (as this very thread shows.) There's no "us and them" BS. So man up and recognize that there isn't some blanket attacking of all things DC and praising of all things Marvel. It doesn't matter how often it's pointed out that Cap's Avengers suit sucked, TIH, IM2, Thor 2, etc., were subpar, Renner Hawkeye is lame, etc. You still carry on as if everyone unfairly criticizes DC and worships Marvel.
You're kidding yourself if you seriously think Marvel related stuff is criticized in the same magnitude DC stuff is, and you need to grow a pair and accept that too, it's beyond clear, I know there's no us and them, and if there was I wouldn't be in it because I enjoy both sides, but don't be naive and pretend there isn't a default reaction for all things DC and a general mindless hype around Marvel Studios, the Aquaman/Ant-Man costume debate is a clear example of that.

So I do have a pair to call out the hypocrisies I see instead of going with the flow like you do.

You're the one-sided fanboy here. If you weren't you'd see that both companies are criticized. I'm sure even that as far removed as Mamoa Aquaman is from the clean shaven short haired orange shirt look even 90% of Marvel fans would agree that at least he doesn't look as derpy as Cap did in The Avengers. Hell he doesn't look derpy at all, he looks like a total badass, and I'm sure he will be.
Am I really? I praise and criticize MS/DC equally, without a single shred of bias, just pleease take a look at your previous posts and tell me again I'm the one sided fanboy, smh.

Everyone is taking every single character on a case by case basis, praising some, criticizing others, and here you are sounding like the same whiny broken record every time. Man up dude, seriously.
You're really that far gone aren't you?

It's ironic you say I sound like a whiny broken record, it truly is, and hypocritical too man.

There's a pattern of how things work out here, something DC pops up and there's an automatic "extreeeemee!!!, oh that doesn't look like *insert character name here*, Baztardization!, dark and cereaal" etc etc, every single time, then something Marvel pops up and the reaction is the complete opposite even when it's virtually the same scenario than back at DC.

And as you can see I'm hardly whining, I'm mocking those who are incapable of unbiased hypocritical reactionary judgement, like you.

You are you one who's crying about being called out.

Man up I guess? :huh or keep at it, whatever, I'll keep mocking the hypocritical hyperboles :wave
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Aquaman? I think the character's great, but the name is pretty dumb. I get how "The (Bat, Spider, Iron, Ant) morph into "Batman, Spider-man, Iron Man, and Ant Man, but how do they explain his name for the real world? The X-Men have code names, since they're a reactive family of superheroes so they make sense. I'm interested how they'll explain Aquaman and Wonder Woman's names, or if they'll just refer to them as King Arthur and Diana. I don't think you meant to provoke that debate Riddick, but it just made me think!

One of my favorite fictional characters is Big Boss, so I'm used to being a self deprecating fan. Although to my friends and family, I refer to him as "Jack."
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Throne of Atlantis was a terrible movie but it set the name of Aquaman in a really funny way.

Cyborg: He needs a codename.
Shazam: Well, online they're calling him "Aquamaaan".
Arthur: Hate that.
Hal Jordan GL: Aquaman it is


Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, not that different from your fanboyizm then :lol

Suit yourself. It just comes across as whiny and ironically biased. But hey, if you're having fun listening to your own spiel then more power to you. :duff

All this passive-aggressive behavior is killing me inside! :lol

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Aquaman? I think the character's great, but the name is pretty dumb. I get how "The (Bat, Spider, Iron, Ant) morph into "Batman, Spider-man, Iron Man, and Ant Man, but how do they explain his name for the real world?

It's better than Fishman. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Antman looks like a reject from a Dr Who episode but since the original design sucks ass it does not bother me.
Also its more realistic coz he needs to breath and all coz the oxygene will be too rich for his tiny lungs... I think...
Now this and Dr Strange are the only Marvel movies im waiting for because they have two actors i love in tittle roles :)
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's better than Fishman. :lol

Yes, that is true! Fish? Water? Mermaid? Trident? Atlantean? Aqua? Yeah, Aquaman is the way to go!

@Gaspar I thought you said this was fun for you, man! I don't pay attention to the superhero movie threads, so I don't know anyone's personality enough to know how serious they are. Right now, I'm just hyped for Daredevil, so I'm hoping it's a happy place when it comes around! :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You guys are killing me. :lol What I said was neither passive (didn't beat around the bush at all) nor aggressive (and if you think it was, then dude, wow.) :)duff )is where the passive aggression comes in :lol It's like saying, we're cool....but deep down, you both want to stab each other :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm excited for all these films. Remember when there were no Marvel/DC movies!? Those days sucked.