Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I can't imagine anything better than seeing the trailer for bvs before watching the avengers.

I'm going to enjoy both these films, and like them both. Unless of course, one or both are crap. It's like people can't have both and that have to side with one.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Hopefully they go with a prosthetic nose and maybe chin too.

Yeah, I could see that. I wouldn't mind if they CGI the smile like they did in The Grinch film. It looked good, imo. Also, it would be different and something that hasn't been done with the joker on film yet.



Even Jim Carrey needed the extra help.

edit- I'm assuming it was cgi...but then again, maybe Carrey can do that naturally.
Well, he's never been one for nuance and subtlety. I could also imagine the movie ending with something like:

*The Justice League look around at the hundreds of Luthor's soldiers they killed*

Hopeman: Things have to change. We've got to protect these people from fiends like Luthor!
Wonder Woman: We need to bring justice to those who would do harm to these people.
AquaLobo: It is the dawn of a new day for this world.
Batfleck: Yes. . .a dawn. . .of justice. . .

*camera pans away to show the 4 Justice Leaguers staring at the rising sun, while the BONG sound of Inception plays on*
