Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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By the time this flick hits the theatres, we'll have amassed a formidable mock thread.

Luckily no necks were snapped in the process.

We're probably going to reach the point where, if it sucks, the thread will be totally quiet, because everyone will have already said what they were going to say, if it did suck.:lol
I feel like the spectacle alone of BvS will carry it through a good 2-3 entertaining viewings. Hopefully the story and characters can sustain it even longer.

I'm going to be devastated, if this movie isn't awesome. I'm preparing myself for the reality that it could go either way, but it's just, as a DC fan, I have so much hope for these movies. I loved almost all of the Marvel films, but I didn't grow up with that universe like I did with DC's, and I want "that." I still liked Man of Steel, and I'll defend it when the time comes, but it was a shaky start, and I'm hoping that BvS redefines how we think of Man of Steel, rather than being defined by it.
Apparenly most people thought The First Avenger was mediocre or boring and now people love Cap after TWS so the same could happen with DC. They just need a kickass movie to bring everyone on board.
We're probably going to reach the point where, if it sucks, the thread will be totally quiet, because everyone will have already said what they were going to say, if it did suck.:lol

Wha-? No way. If BvS does indeed suck, we could end up crashing the board. :lol

It would be a different kind of suck than Genissyss because we know that's gonna suck. On the other hand, we're still holding out hope - no matter how faint - for Hopeman.
Apparenly most people thought The First Avenger was mediocre or boring and now people love Cap after TWS so the same could happen with DC. They just need a kickass movie to bring everyone on board.

First Avenger is mediocre.

Winter Soldier does kick ass.

WS doesn't make FA any better.
Wha-? No way. If BvS does indeed suck, we could end up crashing the board. :lol

It would be a different kind of suck than Genissyss because we know that's gonna suck. On the other hand, we're still holding out hope - no matter how faint - for Hopeman.
I don't think I could possibly be more disappointed with this film than I was with Man of Steel. If we get Man of Steel 2.0, then I would have been prepared. Chances are, I will like it more than that, since the writer being brought on is good, and Batman can work in a movie with that mood. So, my criticisms are likely to be muted if this ends up blowing, as it may.

First Avenger is mediocre.

Winter Soldier does kick ass.

WS doesn't make FA any better.

First Avenger is mediocre.

Winter Soldier does kick ass.

WS doesn't make FA any better.

Star Spangled Man number plus Indiana Jones-esque battling of HYDRA agents in Red Skull's bomber at the end puts TFA way above mediocre. And that's not even counting the great job Evans did at making Skinny Steve such an endearing guy in the first half of the movie.
I'm somewhere in between. I agree with both views. I really liked it as a whole, but the whole second half was super dull. And plot less. Love the design, most of the acting, the wimp to superman was the most successful part of the film, but it had a lot of charm, which is why I excuse it's shortcomings.
From the moment I walked out of the theater, I thought that it did all the things it was supposed to, and none of it was really done badly. But on the other hand, very little felt great. I thought Red Skull was awesome. And of course, it was nice finally having a good live action Captain America. But it didn't "wow" me on the whole. Felt very by the numbers somehow. I was actually more impressed with Thor, though maybe that had to do with the fact that it wasn't primarily an origin story like First Avenger was.