Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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The fact that it's beginning depends on the flashpoint event doesn't mean it's not a beginning, it's simple, if something didn't use to exist, and then it came into being, then there has to be a beginning.

It's not, though. It's a continuation of the Pre-52, in that it utilizes the same Flash. He's melded with it, but, as we've seen, he's still the same Flash. He's lived, he's died, he's lived again, and he's changed his timeline, but the fact of the matter is that, linearly, no matter how you put it, the original continuity came before the New 52, and, as such, the New 52, as different as it may be, is a continuation of the original continuity. If it was a straight-up reboot, I could see your point, but Flashpoint acted as a buffer, and transformed the Pre-52niverse into the New 52 U.

If the OG Universe was a road, Flashpoint would be a fork in the road. The Pre-52niverse would continue in one direction, and the New 52niverse would continue from another. No matter which road you wind up on, they both started in the same place: a place where the Justice League of America first formed to face Starro the Conqueror in The Brave and the Bold #28.:lecture
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Holy ****, everything looks amazing there, I want to read everything, Suicide Squad looks too damn good, and I want to know what's going on with Supes' new look...

Reading at the comments I'm reminded why DC fans suck so hard, some of the most innovative and fresh changes I've seen since the new 52 started and they're already complaining, they want to be stuck in the same stale unoriginal status quo forever FFS.
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It's not, though. It's a continuation of the Pre-52, in that it utilizes the same Flash. He's melded with it, but, as we've seen, he's still the same Flash. He's lived, he's died, he's lived again, and he's changed his timeline, but the fact of the matter is that, linearly, no matter how you put it, the original continuity came before the New 52, and, as such, the New 52, as different as it may be, is a continuation of the original continuity. If it was a straight-up reboot, I could see your point, but Flashpoint acted as a buffer, and transformed the Pre-52niverse into the New 52 U. If the OG Universe was a road, Flashpoint would be a fork in the road. The Pre-52niverse would continue in one direction, and the New 52niverse would continue from another. No matter which road you wind up on, they both started in the same place: a place where the Justice League of America first formed to face Starro the Conqueror in The Brave and the Bold #28.:lecture
But it is, every single character was given a new beginning, including the Justice League and how the met, that's a new beginning, and no, it does matter how you put it and you're putting it wrongly, like I said, it doesn't matter that New 52 has a previous continuity, it is not continuing the OG continuity, that OG continuity still exists, the Flashpoint event spawned a new previously nonexistent timeline, which makes it a new beginning.
I think it looks abysmal. I thought everything sounded pretty cool when it was all announced, but I'm just left scratching my head and wondering what the **** is going on. I'll give it a chance, but Batman looks like Iron Man got impregnated by The Tick, The Flash, between the artwork and the design, looks like he belongs at Image, circa 1996, and Wonder Woman...well, Wonder Woman wouldn't look half bad, if she didn't have her extreme wrist blades and shoulder pads. I don't know what to think of Superman.

I dig the use of the Fleischer symbol, but the whole T-shirt and jeans thing just lacks originality, to me. Had they stuck with the Morrison look, I would've thought it was a neat evolution of the design, but the fact that they're now going back to it after over two years' worth of content without it makes me think that they're just trying to get attention by retreading ground they already covered.
But it is, every single character was given a new beginning, including the Justice League and how the met, that's a new beginning, and no, it does matter how you put it and you're putting it wrongly, like I said, it doesn't matter that New 52 has a previous continuity, it is not continuing the OG continuity, that OG continuity still exists, the Flashpoint event spawned a new previously nonexistent timeline, which makes it a new beginning.

You said it yourself: it's a timeline, not a universe. It spun out of the events of Flashpoint, which were initiated in the Pre-52 continuity. I'm not putting it wrongly. The original continuity started, and continued through Flashpoint, where the events that occurred led to the New 52 timeline. The New 52 always begins with the Pre-52, otherwise, it wouldn't exist, at all.
At this point, I'm pretty much just ****ing with you to see how long we can keep this going.
I think it looks abysmal. I thought everything sounded pretty cool when it was all announced, but I'm just left scratching my head and wondering what the **** is going on. I'll give it a chance, but Batman looks like Iron Man got impregnated by The Tick, The Flash, between the artwork and the design, looks like he belongs at Image, circa 1996, and Wonder Woman...well, Wonder Woman wouldn't look half bad, if she didn't have her extreme wrist blades and shoulder pads. I don't know what to think of Superman.
The art is miles better than your usual unsophisticated Jim Lee cross hatched madness, now that looks like it's stuck in the 90's.

I give you Batman's armor doesn't look too Batmanish, but it looks cool. I'm ok with Flash, it's not worse or better than his 1st new 52 design, but the fact that they're redesigning costumes more often is always a pro. Superman looks awesome, ever since Johns/Romita's run started, they been doing very interesting stuff because Superman previous to them was boring as hell.

I dig the use of the Fleischer symbol, but the whole T-shirt and jeans thing just lacks originality, to me. Had they stuck with the Morrison look, I would've thought it was a neat evolution of the design, but the fact that they're now going back to it after over two years' worth of content without it makes me think that they're just trying to get attention by retreading ground they already covered.
I think it's the most original look since, I don't remember how long since Superman doesn't get many original re-inventions, and Superman actually goes back to his t-shirt and jeans look from time to time, there's another image where he appears with yet another new costume, similar to Romita's new design, but without collar and longer sleeves.

It finally looks they're learning from Marvel to make their stuff more daring and original.
You said it yourself: it's a timeline, not a universe. It spun out of the events of Flashpoint, which were initiated in the Pre-52 continuity. I'm not putting it wrongly. The original continuity started, and continued through Flashpoint, where the events that occurred led to the New 52 timeline. The New 52 always begins with the Pre-52, otherwise, it wouldn't exist, at all.
At this point, I'm pretty much just ****ing with you to see how long we can keep this going.

A timeline that did not exist previous to the FP event.

Again, if it didn't exist before, and it exists now, there HAS to be a beginning.
So asumming that all 7 members of the justice League are in Justice League part 1 why are they talking this long to announce the final member.

If in did all seven are present in justice League then could we see a cameo of them in BVS .

Speaking of Hal Jordan how deep will this adaptation be will the include only the yellow spectrum for fear as Sinestro is his arch nemesis or are we going to get the whole rainbow.
The art is miles better than your usual unsophisticated Jim Lee cross hatched madness, now that looks like it's stuck in the 90's.

I give you Batman's armor doesn't look too Batmanish, but it looks cool. I'm ok with Flash, it's not worse or better than his 1st new 52 design, but the fact that they're redesigning costumes more often is always a pro. Superman looks awesome, ever since Johns/Romita's run started, they been doing very interesting stuff because Superman previous to them was boring as hell.

I think it's the most original look since, I don't remember how long since Superman doesn't get many original re-inventions, and Superman actually goes back to his t-shirt and jeans look from time to time, there's another image where he appears with yet another new costume, similar to Romita's new design, but without collar and longer sleeves.

It finally looks they're learning from Marvel to make their stuff more daring and original.

As far as the '90s comment goes, that was pretty much exclusively directed at the art for The Flash. Between the design, the background, and the artist, it has a real '90s "basicness" to it.:lol
There is a beginning. The beginning of the Pre-52niverse.:lol
Flawed logic, because the new 52 didn't exist when the pre-52 universe started did it? Hence that's not the new 52's beginning, so you're wrong, sorry, besides everybody has a new origin in the new 52, literally, stuff like Wonder Woman no longer being made of clay, you're trying too hard to not acknowledge the fact that the new 52 is one beginning.
As far as the '90s comment goes, that was pretty much exclusively directed at the art for The Flash. Between the design, the background, and the artist, it has a real '90s "basicness" to it.:lol

Well yeah, the Flash indeed looks too 90's-ish, it's clearly Lee's art.... Jeez, I'm starting to hate his art, you can't even appreciate the design due to all the excessive line work.
Flawed logic, because the new 52 didn't exist when the pre-52 universe started did it? Hence that's not the new 52's beginning, so you're wrong, sorry, besides everybody has a new origin in the new 52, literally, stuff like Wonder Woman no longer being made of clay, you're trying too hard to not acknowledge the fact that the new 52 is one beginning.

When did Wonder Woman gain the ability to fly? I remember she had an invisible plane, then in the late 90's I started watching the JL cartoon, and there she was flying like Superman :lol I wonder if she'll be able to fly in BVS?
When did Wonder Woman gain the ability to fly? I remember she had an invisible plane, then in the late 90's I started watching the JL cartoon, and there she was flying like Superman :lol I wonder if she'll be able to fly in BVS?
In the new 52? I don't remember the exact issue but it was when Hermes gave her one of his feathers.

I would be ok with a non-flying WW, at least at first, the invisible plane still exists, but it's not WW's, it's ARGUS', they made it as the means of transportation of the JLA.

I never questioned JLTAS though, I just rand with it :lol
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