Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Interesting...the fact that this was going to be there was announced a long time ago but I completely missed it in the trailer.

It is being speculated that in the background of Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne in the BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE teaser is a memorial to Robin displaying his cape and gloves in a glass case similar to what has appeared in the comics


When I first saw the tombstone I initially thought the conflict between Batman and Superman would stem from that person dying in Metropolis during the Superman/Zod video game battle. But then I saw the date etched on it (I believe it's August 2000). So there went that theory. :lol
I don't think that tombstone is legit. Many pointed that it looks exactly like the Martha&Thomas grave. Besides...

Spoiler Spoiler:
I don't think that tombstone is legit. Many pointed that it looks exactly like the Martha&Thomas grave. Besides...

Spoiler Spoiler:
Too many Robins to manage the story is one of the iconic batman stories and the death and red hood story line will be the DC version to marvels winter solider, I only hope that unlike the winter solider who as mostly used as an accessory to the overall main plot line that hydra has infiltrated shield, that he will be the main story arch and draw on the reasons as to what would happen if batman went militant which is what the red hood is basically a batman with no limits.

One thing that marvel has yet to do and I don't think it ever will happen considering they have a family friendly formula is the villains they are very one dimensional unlike the DC villains who are far more fleshed out.
Too many Robins to manage the story is one of the iconic batman stories and the death and red hood story line will be the DC version to marvels winter solider, I only hope that unlike the winter solider who as mostly used as an accessory to the overall main plot line that hydra has infiltrated shield, that he will be the main story arch and draw on the reasons as to what would happen if batman went militant which is what the red hood is basically a batman with no limits.

One thing that marvel has yet to do and I don't think it ever will happen considering they have a family friendly formula is the villains they are very one dimensional unlike the DC villains who are far more fleshed out.

The Kingpin crashed a guy's head with a car door. I wouldn't call that family friendly. Plus, the DCCU has only had on villain so far: Zod, who wasn't a deep character anyway. But yeah, most Marvel villains have been dissapointing and boring. I just hope that Suicide Squad turns out good, because we need some memorable villains in the big screen. I also pray that they stay true to the Red Hood story, because it's one fine piece of writting.
The Kingpin crashed a guy's head with a car door. I wouldn't call that family friendly. Plus, the DCCU has only had on villain so far: Zod, who wasn't a deep character anyway. But yeah, most Marvel villains have been dissapointing and boring. I just hope that Suicide Squad turns out good, because we need some memorable villains in the big screen. I also pray that they stay true to the Red Hood story, because it's one fine piece of writting.
Well daredevil is on net flick hence why they can get away with that try to pull that on shield or agent carter that will be another story.

In considering the red hood I fully expect them to borrow heavily from the animated movies DC knows it's best story lines and they do a good job of adapting them. So I think those animated movies are a first draft if the upcoming movies.
Well daredevil is on net flick hence why they can get away with that try to pull that on shield or agent carter that will be another story.

In considering the red hood I fully expect them to borrow heavily from the animated movies DC knows it's best story lines and they do a good job of adapting them. So I think those animated movies are a first draft if the upcoming movies.

Actually all other comic TV shows are family friendly. Neither Arrow nor Flash feature more violence than the MCU.
Actually all other comic TV shows are family friendly. Neither Arrow nor Flash feature more violence than the MCU.
I know people dig those shows but I consider them typical CW shows with all the teen romance and stuff just with a super hero flair, but it's still a marked difference from what dare devil is.
I know people dig those shows but I consider them typical CW shows with all the teen romance and stuff just with a super hero flair, but it's still a marked difference from what dare devil is.

Point is, every cb show is family friendly except from DD, mostly because their audience are the kids/teens.
Sure, the MCU doesn't have blood and death gallore, but the theme are usually pretty dark.
Dark for marvel is lite for DC they might have a mature story it's not a disney cartoon but they are not as dark as DC.

Hell even the Sonys amazing spiderman is darker than marvel. I remember when Gwen died I gasped because I "felt" the force of the impact when she hit the ground. Try having a scene like that in a marvel movie. Marvel deliberately stays away from those themes I recall reading an article about how a marvel movie producer who read the spiderman scripted commented that thought it was to depressing with Gwens death.

On the other had I think with the introduction of civil war they could go dark as this will set up heroes against each other.
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Dark for marvel is lite for DC they might have a mature story it's not a disney cartoon but they are not as dark as DC.

Not in the MCU it's not, hell, DD is more violent than Vikings :lol I love that, they pull no punches.

But yeah MCU Movies are pretty much my little pony :lol
Not in the MCU it's not, hell, DD is more violent than Vikings [emoji38] I love that, they pull no punches.

But yeah MCU Movies are pretty much my little pony [emoji38]
Yeah the make a good product no doubt about that I really enjoy the fact all the comic movies sort of have a different style everybody has a favorite and for me it's DC has I enjoy the tone of their movies.

Only thing I would say that marvel might be having an issue with is that since they have the formula down pat their movies might get repetitive so inserting a little dark side will help keep it fresh.
Yeah the make a good product no doubt about that I really enjoy the fact all the comic movies sort of have a different style everybody has a favorite and for me it's DC has I enjoy the tone of their movies.

Only thing I would say that marvel might be having an issue with is that since they have the formula down pat their movies might get repetitive so inserting a little dark side will help keep it fresh.
I don't see that happening, they want to keep appealing to the largest possible demographic, that's where the moneys are at.

Good thing Marvel Netflix shows are gonna keep coming, that's where the real quality is.

My kingdom for a Punisher or Moonknight show.