Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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With one quick swing Marvel just beat DC at their own "dark and gritty" game with DD, a full year before this movie. :lol

No decapitations will be found in BvsS. :lol

Move along with your dark and gritty WB/DC, Marvel has been there done that already. :lol
With one quick swing Marvel just beat DC at their own "dark and gritty" game with DD, a full year before this movie. [emoji38]

No decapitations will be found in BvsS. [emoji38]

Move along with your dark and gritty WB/DC, Marvel has been there done that already.
Not the big screen it has not

I don't see that happening, they want to keep appealing to the largest possible demographic, that's where the moneys are at.

Good thing Marvel Netflix shows are gonna keep coming, that's where the real quality is.

My kingdom for a Punisher or Moonknight show.
Yes with out a doubt I see so many kids at marvel movies then I do at dc movies hence why I think marvel movies will always make more money the DC movies they appeal to the all age groups.

And you are right a dark marvel character can only exist on TV as it will not mesh with the overall movie formula they have in place
With one quick swing Marvel just beat DC at their own "dark and gritty" game with DD, a full year before this movie. :lol

No decapitations will be found in BvsS. :lol

Move along with your dark and gritty WB/DC, Marvel has been there done that already. :lol
Constantine has actually shown worse.

Plus DD doesn't count until MCU does it in their movies, and the'll never do it.

Btw, I seem to recall in MoS, Nam-Ek squished a jet pilot into mashed potatoes with his own hands :lol
Arrow kills people left and right. Even after he vowed to stop. :lol

Flash is light hearted fun. As it should be. It is the best comic show put on tv. period.

Those are on teeny bopper channels too. Daredevil has an advantage of being on Netflix, so it can get away with more violence.
I'd sell my soul for a Moon Knight or Ghost Rider show. Well, maybe not my soul, but I know a couple of people who'd make for some pretty neat sacrifices.... Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

All new Ghost Rider or classic? I read the 1st 5 issues of All new and it's pretty good.
Valid points, still doesn't change the fact that Marvel is no longer just associated with kid friendly, funny and safe superhero entertainment which seems to be the #1 complaint levied against it.

Doesn't hurt that DD was also critically acclaimed for its quality writing.

Nothing left for fans to ***** about now. :lol
All new Ghost Rider or classic? I read the 1st 5 issues of All new and it's pretty good.

Classic all the way. All-New was all about Moore's artwork. Once he left the book it got stale and was then cancelled. Meanwhile the classic stories are still boss, no matter what. Road to Hell was the most bad-ass comic ever!
Classic all the way. All-New was all about Moore's artwork. Once he left the book it got stale and was then cancelled. Meanwhile the classic stories are still boss, no matter what. Road to Hell was the most bad-ass comic ever!

I know, I tried to keep reading the next stuff, but the art is awful, the 1st 5 issues are great though, but I seem to recall it wasn't cancelled after all.
Valid points, still doesn't change the fact that Marvel is no longer just associated with kid friendly, funny and safe superhero entertainment which seems to be the #1 complaint levied against it.

Doesn't hurt that DD was also critically acclaimed for its quality writing.

Nothing left for fans to ***** about now. :lol

Actually, DD caused me to completely separate my judgment between MCU and Daredevil, they're almost different things to me.

I can complain comfortably about the MCU while endlessly praising DD, why? Because DD is its own thing, none of the "talent" involved in the MCU Movie universe has anything to do with the show, it just goes to show that everything that makes DD a masterpiece has absolutely NOTHING to do with the things the MCU is praised for :lol

The MCU keeps being a meme sitcom-esque thing, while Daredevil is this little corner of violence and edgy intrigue, and that's not gonna change.
Not the big screen it has not

and they won't. Marvel isn't stupid to try and alienate their audiences. What they'll do is use the Netflix vehicle for something gritty and then if those characters translate to the big screen then you'll hear stuff like "no killing, okay?" and people will still freak out.

Plus DD doesn't count until MCU does it in their movies, and the'll never do it.

DD counts as they've tied it directly into the movies, at least they've got that going for them. They don't have to do it on the movie screens to say that a Kingpin that freakin' decapitates people with a car door exists in these same universe and can be that much of a threat to any film hero. The DCCU will always be handicapped by having fantastic TV shows like Arrow and The Flash that are doing it right and ignoring it. FWIW, I think that no matter how good this film is for what DC/WB wants they've seriously screwed themselves by not using what they've got and building instead of starting from scratch. Once Supergirl is out, you'll have that Superman running around in cameos and confusing general audiences with "well that is that Superman but not this Superman, you see..." kinds of explanations whereas Marvel doesn't have to do that.
Actually, DD caused me to completely separate my judgment between MCU and Daredevil, they're almost different things to me.

I can complain comfortably about the MCU while endlessly praising DD, why? Because DD is its own thing, none of the "talent" involved in the MCU Movie universe has anything to do with the show, it just goes to show that everything that makes DD a masterpiece has absolutely NOTHING to do with the things the MCU is praised for :lol

The MCU keeps being a meme sitcom-esque thing, while Daredevil is this little corner of violence and edgy intrigue, and that's not gonna change.

It was cancelled a bit later, around issue 12. As for the MCU/DD thing, i'm fine with the movies being a bit more lighthearted than the Netflix shows. I'm beginning to lose interest though, so if they keep turning everything into "the happy hour show" I won't rush to the theaters 2 or 3 times. More Winter Soldier, less Iron Man 3. Just give me my Goddamn Moon Knight, Blade, Punisher and Ghost Rider shows.
DD counts as they've tied it directly into the movies, at least they've got that going for them. They don't have to do it on the movie screens to say that a Kingpin that freakin' decapitates people with a car door exists in these same universe and can be that much of a threat to any film hero. The DCCU will always be handicapped by having fantastic TV shows like Arrow and The Flash that are doing it right and ignoring it. FWIW, I think that no matter how good this film is for what DC/WB wants they've seriously screwed themselves by not using what they've got and building instead of starting from scratch. Once Supergirl is out, you'll have that Superman running around in cameos and confusing general audiences with "well that is that Superman but not this Superman, you see..." kinds of explanations whereas Marvel doesn't have to do that.
Of course it counts, but the praise it deserves should NOT overflow to the rest of the MCU.

Those shows do not handicap DC at all, Arrow isn't doing anything right, it truly bastardizes Green Arrow and turns him into a watered down Batman wannabe.

The audiences won't get confused.

DC taking the lazy way out. :lol
How? They're sticking to their guns despite the endless bitching from "fans", the easy way out would've been doing it Marvel's way and intentionally turning their characters into le memes
While DD is in the same universe, Kevin Feige has almost nothing to do with the television department of Marvel. That's all Jeff Loeb. The way I see it, minus the Netflix shows, Everything Marvel right now is children stuff, but even they seem to want to be going darker. Pretty easy to separate the two, it's not like AOS where the cinematic universe plays a major part in the look and direction of the show. DD stands on its own, and the rest of their Netflix shows will probably be the same until Marvel starts putting them in the movies.
The audiences won't get confused.

You're going to honestly argue that general audiences are going to see a Superman who isn't Henry Cavill, who doesn't have the Man of Steel origins appear in Supergirl the TV Show and not wonder what is going on? Or that they'll see Ezra Miller running around as Barry Allen with a completely different origin, look, costume, etc and not wonder what is going on in comparison to the hit show? Nerds and fanboys like us of course but the general public who is hopping on this bandwagon because it's trendy and has their knowledge from basic Wikipedia articles aren't going to be confused?

How? They're sticking to their guns despite the endless bitching from "fans", the easy way out would've been doing it Marvel's way.

I'm not sure if you can call setting up a film universe in 2008 and having it expand and interact with all other projects including eventual television shows "The Easy Way" :lol

A way that many folks at Warner Bros and DC said "would never work" and was "a joke" including producers and writers of Batman films and now they're scrambling to do it. Hell THIS film is a step in that direction trying to shoehorn Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and who knows who else to try and create an automatic connected universe. :lol

While DD is in the same universe, Kevin Feige has almost nothing to do with the television department of Marvel. That's all Jeff Loeb. The way I see it, minus the Netflix shows, Everything Marvel right now is children stuff, but even they seem to want to be going darker. Pretty easy to separate the two, it's not like AOS where the cinematic universe plays a major part in the look and direction of the show. DD stands on its own, and the rest of their Netflix shows will probably be the same until Marvel starts putting them in the movies.

The irony being that Jeph Loeb was one of DC's top writers until late. I will agree that DC Comics is seriously winning the TV battle if you exclude Daredevil but with more Netflix shows on the horizon, I'm not sure how long that will last. As far as putting them in the movies, it's only a matter of time. Marvel is all about cross-pollination. I wouldn't be shocked if the next Marvel films don't have a reference even in passing to the "Devil of Hell's Kitchen" and if we didn't see Daredevil sooner than later.

Hell rumors are the entire Defenders Netflix team is set for Infinity Wars.
While DD is in the same universe, Kevin Feige has almost nothing to do with the television department of Marvel. That's all Jeff Loeb. The way I see it, minus the Netflix shows, Everything Marvel right now is children stuff, but even they seem to want to be going darker. Pretty easy to separate the two, it's not like AOS where the cinematic universe plays a major part in the look and direction of the show. DD stands on its own, and the rest of their Netflix shows will probably be the same until Marvel starts putting them in the movies.

:exactly: exactly what I'm trying to say, in fact, the new DD looks like something Fox would've done, doesn't it?
You're going to honestly argue that general audiences are going to see a Superman who isn't Henry Cavill, who doesn't have the Man of Steel origins appear in Supergirl the TV Show and not wonder what is going on? Or that they'll see Ezra Miller running around as Barry Allen with a completely different origin, look, costume, etc and not wonder what is going on in comparison to the hit show? Nerds and fanboys like us of course but the general public who is hopping on this bandwagon because it's trendy and has their knowledge from basic Wikipedia articles aren't going to be confused?
Yes, because I think the general audience is dumb, but not that dumb.

I'm not sure if you can call setting up a film universe in 2008 and having it expand and interact with all other projects including eventual television shows "The Easy Way" :lol
No, but having DC copy the formula would have been the easy way.
A way that many folks at Warner Bros and DC said "would never work" and was "a joke" including producers and writers of Batman films and now they're scrambling to do it. Hell THIS film is a step in that direction trying to shoehorn Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and who knows who else to try and create an automatic connected universe. :lol
I seem to remember Nam saying the same thing, but do you have a quote of them saying it would never work? After all, there have been numerous attempts on behalf of DC of making a movie universe.