Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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There is no twisting this boys, Marvel now has a critically acclaimed gritty and dark superhero property while MOS was critically panned. :lol

TDKR, the least said the better. :lol
wait until they have DD in the movies and have him say "be seeing ya lmao". :lol

:exactly: exactly what I'm trying to say, in fact, the new DD looks like something Fox would've done, doesn't it?

Yea it does, with the exception of sticking so close to the source material. In my opinion though, Daredevil was always an easy character to bring into live action. I think it's going to be a little tougher with Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.
Yea it does, with the exception of sticking so close to the source material. In my opinion though, Daredevil was always an easy character to bring into live action. I think it's going to be a little tougher with Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.
Yeah, in fact, I guarantee you, that if Fox had done DD, exactly like the Netflix series, everything the same just with the Fox logo instead of Marvel, people would ***** about it wanting the rights to revert to Marvel :lol
I seem to remember Nam saying the same thing, but do you have a quote of them saying it would never work? After all, there have been numerous attempts on behalf of DC of making a movie universe.

:lol "Can you prove they said those things?"

We all know that Christopher Nolan was the "Godfather of the DCCU" after Batman Begins and was involved in everything similar to the way Favreau was in the beginning for the MCU.

Nolan reiterated that you won’t be seeing a Batman/Superman crossover in his movies. "Marvel are doing what they do and people will respond to that really well, or they won’t," said Nolan. "It’s not something I ever really applied a blanket rule to, but Marvel characters are very different to DC characters, and the key DC characters are very different to the minor DC characters. You’ve got to go back to that element of, ‘What do I see when I close my eyes and think of Batman? What do I see when I close my eyes and think of Superman?’ And for me a big part of that is their individuality. They are extraordinary beings in an ordinary world. And the reason I think the two are fascinating is because Superman is very specifically superpowered and obviously otherworldly; Batman is very human and flawed. They’re two very different characters, but there’s an elemental feeling of power in the iconography of those characters. To me that’s originally because they stood alone. I need to hang on to that in my imagining of them."

Christopher Nolan on Batman and Superman - SuperHeroHype

Everyone towed Nolan's line that the characters couldn't intermingle, because his films were making money and that's how it works.

Jeff Robinov (who is no longer at WB but was during their superhero boom) was the most notable scoffing at Marvel's plans, suddenly changes his tune in 2013 because of that success, even in this quote you see that the plan was to have multiple Superheroes on screen but have them exist in a vacuum.

“I think you’ll see that, going forward, anything can live in this world,” said Robinov. “[Christopher Nolan’s] Batman was deliberately and smartly positioned as a stand-alone. The world they lived in was very isolated without any knowledge of any other superheroes. What Zack and Chris have done with this film is allow you to really introduce other characters into the same world.”After declaring Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy as standalone, Robinov then stated that the rumours about Christopher Nolan signing on to produce the long-rumoured Justice League movie were inaccurate, with EW then confirming with Nolan’s reps that the filmmaker is focusing solely on his upcoming sci-fi Interstellar, and has no involvement with the planned superhero team-up.

His line didn't change until AFTER Marvel's success.

It's harder to get quotes now because a lot of Robinov's chirping was from 2008, after WB's Justice League from George Miller fizzled. The producers of Batman films laughed it off that it wouldn't work. The articles are referenced in these boards but again search isn't the best here.

DC wanted A LOT of heroes on screen, not interacting with each other but living in parallel worlds if that makes sense. It was the success of Marvel that made them go interconnected and this film its the lynchpin in that.
See? Nowhere in there says anything remotely close to saying "having a shared universe will not work haha" or whatever, both refer only to Nolan's Batman, how Nolan's Batman was made as a standalone thing.... Well, yeah, that much is true!

You are aware of the couple of attempts of DC/WB in getting the universe together right? There's no denying DC tried to get that going, the idea of a cinematic shared universe was there for grabs, and people think Marvel came up with it.

I'll look a little further into Robinov see if I can find anything.
Yeah, in fact, I guarantee you, that if Fox had done DD, exactly like the Netflix series, everything the same just with the Fox logo instead of Marvel, people would ***** about it wanting the rights to revert to Marvel :lol

Of course :lol

I don't know if you've seen this, but right before the rights were reverted back to Marvel, Joe Carnahan was on board to write and direct a Daredevil trilogy for Fox which would have taken place in the 70s and 80s and would have been a "cultural libretto", he was also trying for a mature rating. I would have loved to have seen that movie. I'm a big comic book fan, but a bigger film fan, so I usually love when an auteur can take a superhero film and make it something more than just a generic action flick, pretty much the opposite of what most comic book fans like. A great movie always trumps sticking close to source material for me, just as long as it has the spirit of the comics.

Here's the pitch real.

I'll look a little further into Robinov see if I can find anything.

I know was posted here but just typing in Robinov into search and looking in posts definitely brings up a lot, a bit too much to wade through. Although reading that Avengers thread in 2008, it's hilarious to read the reactions leading up to the film and then after.

I hope this film does well. I love DC and Marvel equally and want both on screen at the same time but there is a lot more riding on this than on Marvel's offerings and that has me worried.
I know was posted here but just typing in Robinov into search and looking in posts definitely brings up a lot, a bit too much to wade through. Although reading that Avengers thread in 2008, it's hilarious to read the reactions leading up to the film and then after.

I hope this film does well. I love DC and Marvel equally and want both on screen at the same time but there is a lot more riding on this than on Marvel's offerings and that has me worried.

Believe me it wasn't, I've been in this and MoS threads since the start and got into countless arguments with Nam, and I nagged him to death for a quote and he could never provide one.

I believe people in here saying it wouldn't work though.
Of course :lol

I don't know if you've seen this, but right before the rights were reverted back to Marvel, Joe Carnahan was on board to write and direct a Daredevil trilogy for Fox which would have taken place in the 70s and 80s and would have been a "cultural libretto", he was also trying for a mature rating. I would have loved to have seen that movie. I'm a big comic book fan, but a bigger film fan, so I usually love when an auteur can take a superhero film and make it something more than just a generic action flick, pretty much the opposite of what most comic book fans like. A great movie always trumps sticking close to source material for me, just as long as it has the spirit of the comics.

Here's the pitch real.


Zero regrets how it turned out.
@pturtle That looked like it would be the greatest comic book movie ever! I finally finished the Daredevil series last night, and it was good but, man, does that look amazing! Charlie Cox would be excellent at that role though. He was absolutely perfect casting as Daredevil! It's got to be the best casting for a superhero lead since Downey, but unfortunately, I don't think everyone holds up. Then again, the script might have contributed to some of my underwhelming feelings. I've seen a lot of praise for Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin, but something seems off about it to me—almost like I'm watching a cartoon. Foggy's character seems like something from the soap opera teen-superhero CW shows, which I think it's both the writing and the casting.

I am a Daredevil fan, but there's a lot of filler which makes me a bit inclined to say that Iron Man is still the best thing Marvel has done. There's scenes in this Daredevil scene I like more for sure, but I don't know if I can say it's better if I take everything into consideration. That Iron Monger scene was pretty inconsistent with the rest of the film's quality—just being the typical comic book movie cliche boss battle—but the rest is solid. I remember the second episode of Daredevil being great, especially with that hallway fight, but it takes till about episode 7 to get it's footing back, and then the last 2 episodes were kind of run of the mill. The show never got bad or anything, but I don't think it's got it's mojo yet. I think it will get there though! I don't know who the Defenders are, but I'm looking forward to that more than the Marvel studios movies.

I love Marvel, but I wish they would do something like that concept trailer you posted, and let the film-producers be artists, rather than mere entertainers. Then again, I understand the business perspective, which is why novels are still considered the highest art form for story-telling. I really should read more though! I would actually prefer DC and Marvel to get into novels because of that very reason. It would be SO much cheaper too! I'm completely done buying comics because it's so inconvenient (space, time, money).

Also, on a side note, there was a lot more wrong about Jedi than those Ewoks. I love Star Wars, but it really felt like it was getting into parody territory.