Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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That outfit screamed Jim Lee/ Frank Miller Batman! :yess:

Snyder was literally saying Bale Bats is gone forever :lecture
I really hope they release an unobscured version of that Batman image, though. I'd love to be able to see his whole face.
As much as batman is awesome I find the idea of him going toe to toe with Superman in live-action kinda laughable. In the comics fine but on-screen they'll have to nerf Supes a hell of a lot for him not to explode Bats head with a finger
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I don't think Bale Batman would last very long against Batfleck. Granted, we haven't seen him in action yet, but he's a tank.

It'd probably go down like this:

Batfleck: Do you bleed?
Balebat: Grrragjusticegggr.
Batfleck: You will.
Balebat: Grrrsymbolrrrnightggggrrr.

Balebat then throws a couple of smoke bombs in the air which really do nothing, and he runs towards Batfleck, screaming. He takes a fighting position, but then Batfleck breaks him like a toothpick. The End.
As much as batman is awesome I find the idea of him going toe to toe with Superman in live-action laughable. In the comics fine but on-screen they'll have to nerf Supes a hell of a lot for him not to explode Bats head with a finger

Not really. I think Sups is just going to hold back the whole time, which is what he usually does in the comics anyway. If he wanted to kill batman, he can just grab him and drop him in the sun :lol Also, I'm pretty sure Batffleck will have kryptonite as a surprise weapon, so that combined with Sups not really taking Bats seriously, makes it more interesting.

However, I would like to see Batman be more of a superhuman character like he is in the comics and cartoons, which is something we haven't seen on film. The guy who can run, jump, move and fight like no human can in real life. Marvel/Disney has no trouble showing human characters like Nick Furry, Black Widow, and Hawkeye doing superhuman things in the films, so I'd like to see a Batman who isn't grounded in our reality for a change.
Cool trailer! Flecks certainly looks like a beast as mentioned, & that shot of Cav-El holding up the rocket is great - there's your Superman money shot.

Lots of discussion - lots to read, but this movie might be cool after all. The whole 'false god' thing is an interesting direction to explore, good stuff. :)
Not really. I think Sups is just going to hold back the whole time, which is what he usually does in the comics anyway. If he wanted to kill batman, he can just grab him and drop him in the sun :lol Also, I'm pretty sure Batffleck will have kryptonite as a surprise weapon, so that combined with Sups not really taking Bats seriously, makes it more interesting.

However, I would like to see Batman be more of a superhuman character like he is in the comics and cartoons, which is something we haven't seen on film. The guy who can run, jump, move and fight like no human can in real life. Marvel/Disney has no trouble showing human characters like Nick Furry, Black Widow, and Hawkeye doing superhuman things in the films, so I'd like to see a Batman who isn't grounded in our reality for a change.

In my mind Batman would see through that

Batman: Are you just pretending that punch hurt you?
Superman: Whaaaat? Nooooo! Of course not, it totally hurt, seriously man you've got me on the ropes
Batman: Would hate to think you're just humouring me
Superman: don't be silly, this is the fight of my life. Honest
Batman: Hmm
In my mind Batman would see through that

Batman: Are you just pretending that punch hurt you?
Superman: Whaaaat? Nooooo! Of course not, it totally hurt, seriously man you've got me on the ropes
Batman: Would hate to think you're just humouring me
Superman: don't be silly, this is the fight of my life. Honest
Batman: Hmm

Batman: Are you just pretending that punch hurt you?
Superman: Whaaaat? Nooooo! Of course not, it totally hurt, seriously man you've got me on the ropes
Batman: Would hate to think you're just humouring me
Superman: don't be silly, this is the fight of my life. Honest
Batman: Hmm... I'm Batman
From Zack Snyder's Twiter



Batfleck: Do you bleed?

Balebat: Grrragjusticegggr.

Batfleck: You will.

Balebat: Grrrsymbolrrrnightggggrrr.
What time is the IMAX trailer today? Like to see what the variation is with some new footage.

unless your at them I don't think you'll get to find out, not likely to be uploaded and will have a strict no filming policy after the leak I'd think