Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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That, and make it ****ing blue and gray, and I would be very satisfied. It does look great as-is, though, no doubt. I agree it's looking like the best live action Bats we've seen.

I have always been a bigger fan of the black and grey. But I understand wanting to see the blue and grey. There may be hope for that. In the Dark Knight Returns story, Bruce changes costumes half way through. So maybe they will switch it up in his solo film.
That, and make it ****ing blue and gray, and I would be very satisfied. It does look great as-is, though, no doubt. I agree it's looking like the best live action Bats we've seen.

Except, I still love the 89 Keaton suit a hell of a lot - it's inspired by the Neal Adams look (my fave comic verson).

After 1992, the black rubber thing was an old tired thing.. but that didn't stop da stoodioze. :monkey1
In my mind Batman would see through that

Batman: Are you just pretending that punch hurt you?
Superman: Whaaaat? Nooooo! Of course not, it totally hurt, seriously man you've got me on the ropes
Batman: Would hate to think you're just humouring me
Superman: don't be silly, this is the fight of my life. Honest
Batman: Hmm

:lol :lol
I love it Batman looks like a demon in that teaser. best suit ever. I'm curious how HotToys will render the figure though. It has very defined musculature.
From Zack Snyder's Twiter



Superman looks a lot like Tom Welling here with that part of his face covered up. Bats is giving me this vibe:

I just saw articles centered around the fate of a certain character in the DC Universe.
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If this is true, my excitement just dropped for this Cinematic Universe.
I just saw articles centered around the fate of a certain character in the DC Universe.
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If this is true, my excitement just dropped for this Cinematic Universe.


Go a few pages back. :wink1:

On the costumes: Everything looks absolutely stunning!
I am a little upset about the spoiler as well, but as long as they get the Justice League right (Flash, I'm looking at you) and cast a good Hal Jordan ... I think I'd be OK with

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People are finding ways to justify it just being an easter egg type nod but
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People are finding ways to justify it just being an easter egg type nod but
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That's a garbage decision to make. Ive always liked being able to see
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