Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Affleck looks great in the suit though

That would be a fail of high magnitude.

I don't care as it looks good and the CGI doesn't look dated 5 or 10 years from now. How else can they do it, if not CGI? Obviously, even if they don't use CGI, it won't be Affleck, it will be a professional stuntman/martial artist, but if the dude can't move, it's back to punches and limited moves. Then again, this new suit is not made out of rubber, so who knows? Maybe he'll finally move like Batman.
That would be a fail of high magnitude.
Most of the Man of Steel stuff was CG as I recall. Felt like a videogame. An X-Treme videogame! Maybe the fact that Bats isn't supposed to move around at super speed will mean there will be less of it, though. I don't care if it's Affleck or a stunt double/martial artist, but in "live action" films, real humans moving around is always going to be preferable to computer stuff when it's feasible in an action setting.
Since it's not spoilerish, I can tell you that he can turn his head, at least in the model suit he wore for his fight scenes with us. :wink1:
I think this suit is the first one that looks like it could put a scare in into crooks. None of the other suits had that.

Until now, Begins suit was my favorite. But I love the angry brow line this one has. And from the trailer, looks like he can move the head. :lol
Superman run slow as Batman? Its looks like he really set a limit power against Bat so he will not accidentally kill him. Or Super already weakened? Kryptonite deus ex machina?
Sounds like people think..

Man of Steel Superman: Too violent/murderer.

Dawn of Justice Superman: Not violent/murdery enough.


people wanted superman to forgive zod and let him go (a villain)

but now people want him to murder batman in cold blood from away....(a superhero)

maybe if batman was a serial killer people would want to have superman save him as well lol
I still have a soft spot for the Begins suit, and probably always will. Reason being is that at the time, Batman in films was a caricature to be ridiculed, and Nolan's suit there got at the spirit of the suit that was logically extended into the Snyderverse version here. I think the Snyder version is better looking, but the impact isn't as strong on me as seeing the first shots of the Begins suit were. At the time, those were a pure revelation. And on top of that, it's not just how the suit looks in a display case, but how it looks and is used on the screen, and I feel the Begins suit worked extremely well in that film. The new suit is great, but it feels like Snyder is standing on the shoulders of a giant in the first Nolan suit.

I'm sure this film will be fun to watch and have great visuals, but in all honesty I don't for a second expect this to measure up to the first two Nolan films.

Zack Snyder = visual stylist focused on making 'cool' moments that look amazing in trailers, but may not necessarily gel as a whole.

Christopher Nolan = lauded auteur director who somehow made three Batman movies, obsessed with the minutiae of filmmaking and storytelling.

Honestly expecting the man who made Sucker Punch to outdo the man who made Memento, Insomnia and The Prestige is wishful thinking.

Guess that's my unpopular opinion for the day :dunno I'll still see this and probably enjoy it for what it is.
We can hope for Watchmen 2.

I would be quite happy with that. But the cheesy concepts and writing will kill this like it did with MOS I fear, Snyder isn't much of an intellectual alas, the trailer bugs me already. The "False God" written in red paint is so ****ing cliched, as is the "Do you bleed?" line.
It's nerdy film school stuff.

I do have hope for Affleck as Batman though. I just wish it was his movie.