Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Was this the plan all along for Batman to fight Superman in one of these movies or is this just a cash grab? I know after the success of the first Avengers movie the Justice League was inevitable but does anyone if this was DC'd plan all along?
I think letting the people who went to the IMAX screening watch the film a week early might be the dumbest move WB has made so far. Why? Because the film will leak and there will be a bootleg version online, and it will hurt the film's opening weekend and the entire theatrical run. ZacK Snyder asked people during the IMAX screening to please not record the extra footage, and what happened? Someone leaked it the SAME day :lol WB are idiots.
I think letting the people who went to the IMAX screening watch the film a week early might be the dumbest move WB has made so far. Why? Because the film will leak and there will be a bootleg version online, and it will hurt the film's opening weekend and the entire theatrical run. ZacK Snyder asked people during the IMAX screening to please not record the extra footage, and what happened? Someone leaked it the SAME day :lol WB are idiots.

And it'll be IMAX resolution, which means even a camrip should look good if it's on a stable HD camera...
What was established in MOS? Floppy CGI characters, cheesy acting and ridiculous VFX mass destruction? Oh and a dad wiping tornado...

So they try to justify and post rationalise the complete utter failure of the last script by pretending that it was a proper plot point? I just keep remembering that cool flash animation game with Zod and Hopeman punching it out knocking skyscrapers as they went.

It's entirely cliche. "False God" in red paint on an unrealistic looking Superman statue? Seriously how cheesy can you get. :lol

Time to put those hope-man tinted glasses back in their case!

I will see this for Affleck as Bats. I think he will be great.

You're going way out of your way to deny MoS had nothing less than fantastic CGI :lol Cheesy acting? Lmao.

It was a proper plot point, one that was pointed out by more than a few people since MoS' release, many predicted this exact development and in fact, you'd have to be blind to completely miss all the religious imagery :lol

And you need to look up the definition of cliche because you clearly don't know what it means, and cheesy too for that matter :huh

You're just not making any sense, sorry.
Would humans even look upon him as a religious deity or just some alien species who just so happens to be very powerful.

I guess the religious nuts would.

He's just a handsome ET :lol
Remember the Matrix when Neo comes home and people are waiting for him with gifts and offerings? We tend to deitize anyone that saves us, or makes our life easier.
It's also interesting to note that in Man of Steel Jorel said he would be looked at as a god. That assessment is also one of the big differences between this current version of Superman and the Reeve version. That version of Jorel instructed his son to help us when he was needed.
RDJ worships himself! :lol

I'm actually in agreeance with Gaspar about the Pa Costner / Cav-El moment in MOS when he tells him to keep his hope powers under his hat as much as possible, then this new 'backlash' theme that's developing via those 'false god' images. The thread ties in decently - even if you don't like Kev's twister rodeo scene in the previous film.
I get excited every time I see the trailer but then I gets sad when I remember it's a Zack Snyder flick :(

Out of all his movie that I've seen, the only one that I thought was a dud was Sucker Punch. But at least that movie was visually stunning... it just suffered from a weak plot.

300, MOS and Watchmen were all great IMO.
You're going way out of your way to deny MoS had nothing less than fantastic CGI :lol Cheesy acting? Lmao.

It was a proper plot point, one that was pointed out by more than a few people since MoS' release, many predicted this exact development and in fact, you'd have to be blind to completely miss all the religious imagery :lol

And you need to look up the definition of cliche because you clearly don't know what it means, and cheesy too for that matter :huh

You're just not making any sense, sorry.

:exactly: :duff
You're going way out of your way to deny MoS had nothing less than fantastic CGI :lol Cheesy acting? Lmao.

It was a proper plot point, one that was pointed out by more than a few people since MoS' release, many predicted this exact development and in fact, you'd have to be blind to completely miss all the religious imagery :lol

And you need to look up the definition of cliche because you clearly don't know what it means, and cheesy too for that matter :huh

You're just not making any sense, sorry.

Says the MOS fanboy who doesn't understand objectivity. If you want to ignore the huge negative backlash this film got internationally, good for you. I actually admire you for sticking to your convictions.

However in the real world, many people have an incredibly low opinion of the movie, it's cheesy script, it's rag doll physics VFX and ridiculous video game action scenes.

I personally liked two things about it, the score and Crowe. It would have been an even bigger disaster without him.

Cheesy? No? :lol "he's Hawt" or how about Costner getting wizard of oz'd. Hilarious stuff.

Anyway you've proven time and again that you will defend the movie to death. That's your perogative, doesn't make you right though. :lol
I already hate the Batman voice. It sounds horrible, ruined the trailer for me honestly. Christian Bale would have been much better.