Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I can't believe people get to see it a week early. Seriously, Canton. Take your ****ing Football Hall of Fame and stick it up your ass, I want an IMAX theater, so I don't have to be tortured by **** like this. :gah:
We can hope for Watchmen 2.

I would be quite happy with that. But the cheesy concepts and writing will kill this like it did with MOS I fear, Snyder isn't much of an intellectual alas, the trailer bugs me already. The "False God" written in red paint is so ****ing cliched, as is the "Do you bleed?" line.
It's nerdy film school stuff.

I do have hope for Affleck as Batman though. I just wish it was his movie.

but they got the writer of Argo to fix the movie

so that alone is already better than MOS in that sense. Affleck made everyone be on their toes and im sure Affleck will tell Snyder what to do and what not to do with Batman, he wouldn't have signed on for it any other way

there is hope
Well, the consensus is

Snyder/Goyer = Fail
Snyder/Affleck's writing team = Success

Devil brings up a great point though, now people are bitching about Superman not being a murderer. :lol

I bet after killing his Kryptonian bro that he has made a vow to no longer murder. :dunno

Besides, Batman will take advantage of this and get the upper hand.
That's what I like about the trailer, and why I actually like the darkness of it. They're addressing the issues of Man of Steel, but they're doing so in a way that doesn't pander to the "that's not my Superman" crowd. I do believe that, as it goes in, and, maybe even by the end of this movie, Superman will be in a place much closer to his comic book counterpart, but I believe it'll happen, naturally. Some dark **** went down in MoS, and the tone of the trailer is befitting of that.
Batman would have thought of every possibility, weighed superman up before taking him on. Chances are the Armor suit is resistant to his laser eyes.

The biggest draw for me with this film is that batman is human and is at a major disadvantage, he has to utilise weaknesses to beat people He shouldn't even be up there with. He's not the strongest, but he'll always be two steps ahead of anyone, and always knows what to do. And always knows how to get out of situations. That's why I like batman the best. And captain america to some extent. They aren't invincible and that's what makes them the best.
Well, the consensus is

Snyder/Goyer = Fail
Snyder/Affleck's writing team = Success

Devil brings up a great point though, now people are bitching about Superman not being a murderer. :lol

I bet after killing his Kryptonian bro that he has made a vow to no longer murder. :dunno

Besides, Batman will take advantage of this and get the upper hand.
...far too early for a consensus my good sir, put the celebratory LOLCATS back in their coolbox for another year..

So.. why doesn't Supes just fry Batman with his deep pan pizza oven eyes? Anyone? Anyone?
Well, the consensus is

Snyder/Goyer = Fail
Snyder/Affleck's writing team = Success

Devil brings up a great point though, now people are bitching about Superman not being a murderer. :lol

I bet after killing his Kryptonian bro that he has made a vow to no longer murder. :dunno

Besides, Batman will take advantage of this and get the upper hand.

It was justifiable homicide in the defense of others, just sayin.
No problem with the idea, just the ham fisted execution.

I must be hungry, I mentioned ham and pizza in my last two posts.
I get ya. We'll just have to see how it plays out. The bit where he's got those soldiers with 'Hope' patches on their shoulders kneeling in front of him, is very Terrence Stamp ZOD like - that's got my interest piqued. :lol

Actually, it's great that Batman looks to be a winner so far, but I'm more interested in Superman's arc. After MOS - regardless of which side of the fence one positioned themselves, he didn't get the fanfare that the character deserves. This time round, I want to be beaming from ear to ear when I see him do his thing. Not in a Reeve kind of way, but the film showcasing the world's first superhero the way he should be shown - an amazing being that the world stops to notice.
This is by far the best Batman suit so far, hell, even his high tech suit looks better than every other Batman suit to date.

Begins suit will be runner up for me, followed by the TDK suit. Only thing I like about Keaton's is the cowl, and his nice perky lips made him look cooler in that suit than he actually was.
Agreed, the designs never matter to me unless it's from a movie I at least liked.
I like the Batman Begins outfit since that's what Bruce wore in some of my all time favorite Batman moments (Swear to be, Blood Poison, Where are you?, Rachaellllll!), but I prefer the Dark Knight uniform because it fit the whole "Soldier for Gotham" vibe they were going for. Until this Ben Affleck outfit, I thought those were easily the best outfits realized in 3 dimensions. I completely disagree with the claims that Arkham Asylum/City uniforms were so much better. Origins looked good, but I didn't particularly care for the previous game outfits. Maybe it had to do with Rocksteady's gigantism aesthetic.

I'm sure this film will be fun to watch and have great visuals, but in all honesty I don't for a second expect this to measure up to the first two Nolan films.

Zack Snyder = visual stylist focused on making 'cool' moments that look amazing in trailers, but may not necessarily gel as a whole.

Christopher Nolan = lauded auteur director who somehow made three Batman movies, obsessed with the minutiae of filmmaking and storytelling.

Honestly expecting the man who made Sucker Punch to outdo the man who made Memento, Insomnia and The Prestige is wishful thinking.

Guess that's my unpopular opinion for the day :dunno I'll still see this and probably enjoy it for what it is.

I completely agree with you, so you're not that unpopular! My only hope is the writer, and the clout that Ben Affleck brings. I would think he likes being in the limelight with critics. I really don't like the mindless video game Man of Steel fights, and hope they don't go in the same direction with this one.
Zack Snyder = visual stylist focused on making 'cool' moments that may not necessarily gel as a whole.
That's why there's always must be a solid script approved by adequate producers.

Christopher Nolan = lauded auteur director, obsessed with the minutiae of filmmaking and storytelling.
Which led to even bigger disaster of a Batman movie than "Returns".
Then he released terribly written and poorly cut sci-fi apon the world.

Guess that's my unpopular opinion for the day :dunno
Just not well thought one. Relax :duff
That's the complete opposite of cliche and it's a more than adequate and natural extension of what was established in MoS.

What was established in MOS? Floppy CGI characters, cheesy acting and ridiculous VFX mass destruction? Oh and a dad wiping tornado...

So they try to justify and post rationalise the complete utter failure of the last script by pretending that it was a proper plot point? I just keep remembering that cool flash animation game with Zod and Hopeman punching it out knocking skyscrapers as they went.

It's entirely cliche. "False God" in red paint on an unrealistic looking Superman statue? Seriously how cheesy can you get. :lol

Time to put those hope-man tinted glasses back in their case!

I will see this for Affleck as Bats. I think he will be great.
I get excited every time I see the trailer but then I gets sad when I remember it's a Zack Snyder flick :(