Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I think MOS being **** is what bothered people the most. :lol Color change looks good though.

It's also kind of funny how they interpose all this optimistic, heroic music over MOS scenes. That's just not Snyder's way of doing things, and frankly that color and score would have been jarring and inappropriate in relation to the other weird and depressing **** going on in that movie. The problem is that Snyder and Goyer just weren't the right guys to handle Supes.
The problem is that Snyder and Goyer just weren't the right guys to handle Supes.
Even tho I FREAKING HATE MoS... it could be great.
Just needed the right producer who actually understand the character to handle the project on every level.

Nolan was a bad choice.

I think MOS being **** is what bothered people the most. :lol

Color change looks good though.
In some scenes - for sure. And that's another thing both moviemakers and videolab didn't get (or didn't care enough to try) - you CAN use diferent visual style through one picture to differentiate scenes and create distinguishing mood for each. It MAKES SENSE to have bleached tone for depressing scenes and colour for something optimistic, or progress evenly from cold to warn tones with the build-up.
I dug his metallic chest symbol when it stood out in some scenes.

I still prefer Superman Returns to MOS.

Yeah, I like that too, it was a post production/VFX treatment to make it metallic. Pity they didn't do it all the way through.
I also prefer Superman Returns, a lot. I just wish some of the VFX had been better in it (some cool stuff, some very bad CG flying Routh shots near the end).
Superman stalking was not helped by IMAX. :lol

Last year you've paid to watch a movie where protagonists had underage sex.
More than twice probably. (them having sex and you paying to hear about it)

"Superman Returns" is a fairy tale compared to that. :wave
Superman Returns > MOS.

I actually hated SR for a long time, after watching MOS I went back and watched SR and was shocked at how much of a better movie it is. It's now in my top 10 favorite superhero movies. It's not for everyone, and I can understand people hating the direction the movie went in, but it's certainly not a bad movie.
To hate SR is to hate everything that was STM.
Superman: the Movie seemed to have more action, though I could be wearing rose tinted glasses there. And of course, no baby subplot or Lois stalking that I recall. But yeah, Returns was probably too strong an homage. I wouldn't go so far as to put Returns in my top superhero films, but I never hated it, and certainly like it more than Man of Steel. I kept hoping a sequel could come along where someone with Singer's good sense and directorial abilities would cut the tether from the Donner films, explore some new situations, and have a hand at a massive action set piece.

Strangely, I think you take some of the strengths of Singer (great storyteller, knows how to do drama, understands the core essence and tone of Superman) and mash them up with the strengths of Snyder (great at doing action, has a great eye for super hero character design, can put together a movie trailer like nobody's business) and you could have a Superman movie that would blow the doors off of almost all the other comic movies out there. But. . .it's just not to be. Instead we get films on the extremes, where both approaches have their fans, but neither appeals to the golden geek mean.
^ Jye.. :lol

You do have a point though, the suit was a bit lame. The long cape was cool, the blue colour was alright, but all those S symbols everywhere? Under his boot soles (seriously, there were) on his belt - FFS. The whole suit was a misfire really, but as mentioned, had they given it a sequel - amongst all the other bugs to iron out, they could've improved on the suit too.

Yeah Kara, well said. A hybrid of the two approaches would've been at least worth a shot anyway.
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