Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Things are always darkest before the dawn. Even if BvS is poor JL can still be great.




but to be fair those two examples had a whole new team working on the film for a new vision or reboot ... not the same team working on the same story
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There are numerous IMAX sell outs here locally- BIG BIG BIG--- next week we shall have to see...

That's what I'm saying! All shows for opening weekend and reserved seating are sold out!

This movie will defy the odds despite how much everyone says it sucks so we will see

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How many lines did Bane have in that movie? All I can remember is him saying, "bomb" a few times. I swear, Bane's been knocked around by batman so much he's almost become punchline.
Great review darthkostis. However I am confused by a seeming contradiction and I'm seeing the same thing in reviews generally, not just yours. It is this:

-Affleck's Batman: Affleck kills it. He's got the Wayne charisma, the presensce and absolute of Batman and is in general the movie's BEST character. He's intimidating, scary and virtually a beast of a man. Plus, we do get a bit of his engineering, detective and science skills, something that's been missing from most Live-Action versions. In short, he's great. If he helms the solo, I've got no reservations. Thumbs up!

and yet......

Batman's morals are so relaxed at this point, that he might as well be Moon Knight. Seriously, I felt like watching Ellis' Moon Knight hit the screen. The anger, the branding, it's just not Batman.

I want to like Affleck in the role myself but how can he be a great Batman and yet we're also saying that they've got the character completely wrong because

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Great review darthkostis. However I am confused by a seeming contradiction and I'm seeing the same thing in reviews generally, not just yours. It is this:

and yet......

I want to like Affleck in the role myself but how can he be a great Batman and yet we're also saying that they've got the character completely wrong because

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Thanks! As for your question, I believe I should clarrify. Affleck channels the rage, the grief, the guilt, the absolute certainty of Batman. Thing is, this Batman is old, tired and depressed.

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In a way yes, the two points contradict each other. But that's more on Snyder who's obsessed with his version of the characters, the darkness and the gloominess than with Affleck. If he's given complete freedom to do what he wants to, he'll be the absolute Batman IMO. Snyder is what's holding him, and IMO verything else, back.

Snyder just stated that they're beggining the JL filming on April... I really hope that's not the case. The whole cast has started the "critics don't matter" campaign, and both Gadot and Affleck are trying to sorta distance themselves from this. I really hope WB wises up, drops Snyder and lets competent people take charge. Just my 0.02$...
yeah strangers on the internet who review a movie are going to make up my mind...not to see it. I've heard it all now...