Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Honestly, I have no clue. At all. It's time-travel within a dream. Dunno how the hell that works. Maybe Flash has now mastered dimension-hopping? Who the F knows, truth be told. That scene makes 0 sense.

Good I'm not the only one . I felt he put that in for the sake of putting it in .

TFA made me hate the Falcon. Silly thing should have been obliterated as many times as it bounced off the ground and through trees.

Snyder's job is safe, sold out IMAX showing.

Watch this 30% rated flick break the domestic box office weekend. :lol
Honestly, I have no clue. At all. It's time-travel within a dream. Dunno how the hell that works. Maybe Flash has now mastered dimension-hopping? Who the F knows, truth be told. That scene makes 0 sense.

He didn't redeem himself with MoS. He didn't redeem himself with BvS. The critics are slamming him. The audience is slamming him. All he does is throw shade and never admits his mistakes. No, he can GTFO and let somebody else who actually knows these characters, or at least can do a better damn job, take charge. He's had enough chances.

It's kinda boring, but time flies. It definitely doesn't feel like it's so long.

But that's why I want him to redeem himself :lol

Imagine JL comes out and he knocks it out the park? Seeing everyone go from hating on the guy to hopping on the bandwagon would just be amazing to see.

" Bruce [Wayne] is having to go out and sort of ‘Seven Samurai’ the Justice League together"

Now see, I actually like that. That sounds like a cool premise for the movie and a little more interesting than having Samuel Jackson pop up after the credits for each solo movie.

That is a good idea that I could get behind even though I don't care about the Justice League. Executing it though? Eh, we'll see.

It really does. Supposedly the movie will have a lighter tone and be more "fun", and the critics love fun, so there a good chance this will be decent.
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Shame it's probably not happening now that JGL left. Damn WB...
I can see why WB wouldn't want to waste time with something like The Sandman with their hands full of major DC characters...
I've been hearing a lot of bad things about New Line so the news weren't really chocking.
I actually don't want this film to happen while it's under their control.
Just came back from BvS and I really, really liked it.
It's a great movie. Better than most MCU movies, and more fun to watch than the Nolan trilogy.

There's a couple of things that had me scratching my head, but nothing that ruined the movie in any way.

All four main characters did a great job:
Luthor was quite an interesting maniac, and the hints at his troubled past were enough to give you some insight into the man.
Superman/Clark Kent was nicely developed and the character's arc was solid and interesting to watch.
Wonder Woman was mysterious and pulled off that haughty royalty thing perfectly, as well as a certain world weariness, you can tell that there is much more depth to her.
Batman/Bruce Wayne was excellent as the bitter, resentful man who sees darkness and deceit everywhere.
Special mention to Alfred, who with just a few sarcastic lines projected more love for Bruce than Caine's doddering old fool.

The action sequences were great, most notably Batman's. Superman fell a bit more into the by now usual super-human fight cliché, but the man had his cool moments. Wonder Woman looked fantastic when in kick ass mode.

I loved the music! Some very unusual pieces sprinkled among the usual heroic themes.

Cinematography was great, there were some truly beautiful moments, Snyder really does have a wonderful aesthetic.

The story itself was great; even though it felt a bit choppy at times, it never felt dull and I think Snyder handled the plot lines and the dual perspectives of Batman and Superman quite well. It wasn't an esay thing to pull off. The only parts that I felt were a bit over indulgent were the nightmare sequences, but I think that once we go into Justice League, they will be more relevant. The ending was great, I thought it was truly emotional and you could tell the audience had really been caught up in the story and characters.

So what were my issues?

I felt that Batman's crusade against Superman was a bit too forced. I couldn't quite follow him. He felt a bit too fanatical leading into the final showdown against Superman.
The main antagonist's creation felt a bit rushed, but with so much going on, it's hard to think how more time and explanation could have been given to it.

So, overall, I think it's a fantastic comic book movie and it's the kind of superhero movie I wanted to see. Unlike the fun Marvel movies, here I actually felt the heros were in danger, I felt they could get hurt, that the stakes were high.

If the critics are still bashing the hell out of this then I can only shake my head and wonder...

I dissagree with pretty much everything in here. I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, it's all personal taste, but I'm really not seeing those things. At all...

Good I'm not the only one . I felt he put that in for the sake of putting it in .

I know, right? Completely bat-**** crazy scene that serves no purpose and confuses the hell out of you.

But that's why I want him to redeem himself :lol

Imagine JL comes out and he knocks it out the park? Seeing everyone go from hating on the guy to hopping on the bandwagon would just be amazing to see.

It really does. Supposedly the movie will have a lighter tone and be more "fun", and the critics love fun, so there a good chance this will be decent.
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Why risk it? Cause it might be great? **** that, I want an actually good JL movie, one that captures the grand, mythological aspect of these heroes. The Leaguers are essentially the Greek Gods of Olympus, something that Morisson touched on in his JLA run. Nothing that Snyder has said or done makes me have faith in him. He can't handle those larger-than life characters, he simply thinks he can because he adds some pseudo-intellectual BS. There's a difference between pessimism an realism.

If he can't make it work in his trademark darkness, then I can only imagine how bad his attempts at humor will be. I tried watching that owl movie a few days back. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes or so. And that's a damn cartoon! The man tried his best, but it ain't enough. Time for a new person to step up...
I can see why WB wouldn't want to waste time with something like The Sandman with their hands full of major DC characters...
I've been hearing a lot of bad things about New Line so the news weren't really chocking.
I actually don't want this film to happen while it's under their control.

Vertigo books are tough to adapt, especially Gaiman's style. He blends fairy-tales, mythology, religion and spirituality so well, that I doubt any Hollywood studio could do his works justice.
I dissagree with pretty much everything in here. I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, it's all personal taste, but I'm really not seeing those things. At all...

I know, right? Completely bat-**** crazy scene that serves no purpose and confuses the hell out of you.

Why risk it? Cause it might be great? **** that, I want an actually good JL movie, one that captures the grand, mythological aspect of these heroes. The Leaguers are essentially the Greek Gods of Olympus, something that Morisson touched on in his JLA run. Nothing that Snyder has said or done makes me have faith in him. He can't handle those larger-than life characters, he simply thinks he can because he adds some pseudo-intellectual BS. There's a difference between pessimism an realism.

If he can't make it work in his trademark darkness, then I can only imagine how bad his attempts at humor will be. I tried watching that owl movie a few days back. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes or so. And that's a damn cartoon! The man tried his best, but it ain't enough. Time for a new person to step up...

Damn, now I have to go look up your review! :lol
It's kinda boring, but time flies. It definitely doesn't feel like it's so long.

I appreciate your review of the movie versus focusing on Marvel v DC....When "board reviews" start with better then or not better then Marvel, I pass on because nothing of value will be stated. Your review (didn't read spoiler) centered on the film itself which is always interesting reading. I tend to share your view on Snyder....based on my feelings I'm expecting a visual entertaining film lagging in story and continuity. I find Cavill lacking in charisma to play the part of Superman....he seems so bland. I am excited for Batfleck and Alfred.....I've enjoyed almost everything shown thus far with those two.
Things are always darkest before the dawn. Even if BvS is poor JL can still be great.

Batman and Robin to Batman Begins
Episode III to TFA

No... no, no, no, no. Don't compare Batman and Robin to Revenge of the Sith. I thought you were smarter than that.

Batman and Robin - 11%, 16% liked it. $125 million budget, made $238 million.
Revenge of the Sith - 79%, 65% liked it. $113 million budget, made $848 million plus all the merch.

Revenge of the Sith was a great success for me personally, financially, and critically.

BATMAN v SUPERMAN Director Zack Snyder Reveals Who Assembles The Team In JUSTICE LEAGUE

Looks like Snyder is definitely here to stay. Starts shooting JL in a few week.

I'm actually happy he's here to stay, I want to him to redeem himself.

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Why.................. :gah:
I appreciate your review of the movie versus focusing on Marvel v DC....When "board reviews" start with better then or not better then Marvel, I pass on because nothing of value will be stated. Your review (didn't read spoiler) centered on the film itself which is always interesting reading. I tend to share your view on Snyder....based on my feelings I'm expecting a visual entertaining film lagging in story and continuity. I find Cavill lacking in charisma to play the part of Superman....he seems so bland. I am excited for Batfleck and Alfred.....I've enjoyed almost everything shown thus far with those two.
Well, it's natural to want to compare it with the hot property, but yeah, I tried to stay away from that topic. In the long run, it doesn't affect the movie. It is what it is. Bad, mediocre, fine, it's up to you. Apart from that, yeah, as I've said already, Snyder needs to get the boot. Apart from that, they can salvage the good parts and move forward. Just keep him away from the DCEU. He did 2 movies, both of them dividing at best, and bad at worse. Whedon, who IMO did a much better job regardless of his shortcomings, moved on, and he should as well.
Despite the mixed reviews. This film will still have a big draw this weekend. Easter weekend and people will still pay to see it, just to see it and it will still make money

As for me, I"ll wait till next week. Too many people :lol
So does that mean if we get a JL movie we're stuck with Battfleck

Affleck, with the proper writing and away from Snyder, has the potential to be the best Batman. Just explain his moral shift as someone's machinations (the same person who's probably responsible for his visions-readers will know) or just him being in a bad place and move one. It's Snyder I'm hoping we're not stuck with...
Did the armor look good in the film. How can that armor fight superman. It had to have kyptonite, otherwise how can superman not just crush the armor into tin foil

Good to hear Gadot is good as WW

DK if they did a miller DKR film could Ben pull it off?
Well, it's natural to want to compare it with the hot property, but yeah, I tried to stay away from that topic. In the long run, it doesn't affect the movie. It is what it is. Bad, mediocre, fine, it's up to you. Apart from that, yeah, as I've said already, Snyder needs to get the boot. Apart from that, they can salvage the good parts and move forward. Just keep him away from the DCEU. He did 2 movies, both of them dividing at best, and bad at worse. Whedon, who IMO did a much better job regardless of his shortcomings, moved on, and he should as well.

You did well staying on topic....comes across petty and defensive when conversation turns DC v Marvel. Snyder has redeeming qualities but really should be like an assistant coach handling certain duties just not story telling and editing....
Did the armor look good in the film. How can that armor fight superman. It had to have kyptonite, otherwise how can superman not just crush the armor into tin foil

Good to hear Gadot is good as WW

There's a montage with Batman training and building Kryptonite weapons. He comes up with a spear and Kryptonite gas-grenades. At first he deploys some sentries and sonic canons, but then throws the gas at him. What follows is a ******* smacks own in favor of Batman. He punched, kicks, throws and makes Superman a rag doll. He even smashes a toilet seat on top of his head. The suit itself is just metal, nothing special. When Supes briefly regains his strength and fights back (until Batman shoots him with his gun and drops another smoke bomb on him), he tears of part of the cowl.

As long as her roots aren't forgotten, she's on the right track.
You did well staying on topic....comes across petty and defensive when conversation turns DC v Marvel. Snyder has redeeming qualities but really should be like an assistant coach handling certain duties just not story telling and editing....
Eh, he's overstayed his welcome. I'm sure other directors can handle action just as well. It's not like he's an action master. Most of the fight/action shots look like a Warcraft cinematic in fast-forward.