Zach Snyder plateaued w Watchman. That movie had great casting. His movies since have had bad bad bad casting.
Zach Snyder plateaued w Watchman. That movie had great casting. His movies since have had bad bad bad casting.
Apart from a few jabs at Marvel, I don't see anyone gloating here, things are actually rather tame. Especially compared to other sites like IMDB or ComicVine. Personally, I wrote my piece, and in-depth. The problem, IMO, is Snyder and possibly Studio interference. Affleck's great, Gadot's great, the rest are servicable, and with a better, tighter story, it could've been much better. As it stands, DC had to keep the good stuff and move on. Oh, and ditch Snyder. Did I mention that?Well I should probably check out of this thread until after I see this movie which looks like won't be until Monday or Tuesday.
A request to my fellow Marvel fans in the meantime:
Please be cool. DC, Supes, and Snyder are taking a beating here, no need to gloat. In any given year one of our most anticipated movies like Civil War, Infinity War, etc., could crash and burn so let's just be civil and let any folks here who really do enjoy the film have a place to share their enthusiasm. If you're dicks about this film's reception then you know you're going to have to deal with that same crap when your film is in the spotlight.
I'm not saying that the film can't be deconstructed or criticisms discussed, as I'm sure there will be many, just be cool in how you go about it.
Apart from a few jabs at Marvel, I don't see anyone gloating here, things are actually rather tame. Especially compared to other sites like IMDB or ComicVine. Petsonally, I wrote my piece, and in-depth. The problem, IMO, is Snyder and possibly Studio interference. Affleck's great, Gafot's great, the rest are servicable, and with a better, tighter story, it could've been much better. As it stands, DC had to keep the good stuff and move on. Oh, and ditch Snyder. Did I mention that?
Yep, I agree. So far it hasn't been too bad. But people are just now starting to go see it en masse so I thought I'd throw that out there before I checked out for the weekend.
Looks like I edited my post after you had started to respond. I did add that your review was great!No one has to pretend to like the movie, hell everyone can hate it. It'd just be nice if people don't use that as a reason to tear down others' enthusiasm or openly gloat about the film's reception. It's lame and what goes around comes around.
Yep, I agree. So far it hasn't been too bad. Your review was great. But this evening is when the floodgates open and the masses start pouring into the theaters so I thought I'd throw that out there before I checked out for the weekend.
The problem's not the casting, it's the script and direction.
With respect to casting, I beg to differ. His choice as Lex Luther is painful. And Ben Affleck has no emotional range as an actor. he's a much better director for sure.
This movie reaffirmed my opinion that most movie critics are idiots and think they are smarter than they actually are.
I thought overall this movie was great. One of the best comic book movies made. The only Marvel movie I would put ahead of it is TWS. I enjoyed this more than MoS, which I loved and all of the Nolan movies.
I don't get the pacing or editing or direction complaints. The way this movie flowed from scene to scene was just like going from comic book panel to panel.
This movie seemed smarter and more serious than any Marvel which I liked.
Also I'm not a Marvel hater I have seen all movie movies and only really thought the Thor ones sucked.
Everybody in the theater seemed to enjoy it as well, everyone cheered and clapped at WW first appearance in costume. It was such a great feeling seeing the Trinity together on the screen.
People have really over exaggerated the Batman killing thing too. If you believed what people have posted here you would think Batman is out killing left and right. I doubt he killed more than any other Batman in a movie. It certainly didn't feel like he did.
I do feel like they gave away way too much in the trailers. They should have held back in Bruce's lines and Doomsday.
I know this post doesn't flow well, just wanted to give my thoughts after just seeing this.
Oh also I feel like this was the best portrayal of Lex behind Clancy Brown. Really had the crazy scientist vibe that Lex had in his early comic days.
just be cool in how you go about it.