Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I found Eisenberg dreadful ( he's filed under EXTREMELY Bad in my review) but I believe with the right script, he might do something worthwhile. Maybe... We're stuck with him, might as well be optimistic... As for Affleck, he's improved in recent years. Argo, The Town, Gone Girl, all good flicks. Personally, I think he killed it as Batman, but I will agree that he could've been better... if the script was as well. Let's see how he does in his solo film. But anyway, Snyder is the biggest problem IMO.

He wasn't in Gone Baby Gone from what I remember. Wasn't that his far more talented younger brother? I believe Ben only directed it.

I have to agree with Matt here, though I don't think Affleck is a bad actor, ever since he started directing good movies, all of a sudden he was deemed a great actor. The Town I thought he was really good in, but Argo he was just there. Scoot Mcnairy was actually the star of that movie. In the past few years I don't know what else Affleck has done to earn the great actor status he's been given conveniently after being cast as Batman. I feel like the media created that and people ran with it. Has anyone seen him in the last movie he did with Justin Timberlake? Because he was the same Ben Affleck from the 90s in that movie. Gone Girl I also thought he was fine in, but again, even under David Fincher, he didn't show anything in that movie that we haven't seen before, Rosamund Pike stole the show.

I do think he can make a good Batman but I also think people started exaggerating his thespian skills just to drown out the haters complaints. I think he's a really good director and an okay actor.

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Very odd mess of a movie to say the least. The editing was all over the place. I don't know what to think right now. MOS was definitely better, if you disliked that, oh man are you in for a treat. :lol

How did you like Superman getting smashed in the head with a ceramic sink and Batman swingin' Superman around on a lasso? Remember when I said that months back and you thought I was full of ****? :lol
He wasn't in Gone Baby Gone from what I remember. Wasn't that his far more talented younger brother? I believe Ben only directed it.

I have to agree with Matt here, though I don't think Affleck is a bad actor, ever since he started directing good movies, all of a sudden he was deemed a great actor. The Town I thought he was really good in, but Argo he was just there. Scoot Mcnairy was actually the star of that movie. In the past few years I don't know what else Affleck has done to earn the great actor status he's been given conveniently after being cast as Batman. I feel like the media created that and people ran with it. Has anyone seen him in the last movie he did with Justin Timberlake? Because he was the same Ben Affleck from the 90s in that movie. Gone Girl I also thought he was fine in, but again, even under David Fincher, he didn't show anything in that movie that we haven't seen before, Rosamund Pike stole the show.

I do think he can make a good Batman but I also think people started exaggerating his thespian skills just to drown out the haters complaints. I think he's a really good director and an okay actor.

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EDITED (it's 4 in the morning here):

He obviously still has ways to go. He's no DiCaprio or Fassbender. But he's continuing to hone his skills and isn't just giving up. Bottom line is, he works as Batman. He's got the voice, the gravitas, the build, the race, everything. He just needs to break free from Snyder's control and get a better script.
How did you like Superman getting smashed in the head with a ceramic sink and Batman swingin' Superman around on a lasso? Remember when I said that months back and you thought I was full of ****? :lol

Jesus Christ I forgot about the sink but now remember thinking "isn't he wearing, like, IRON gloves? What is he doing with that sink?"

And the swinging, too. Hellboy did it better and also....why would you do that if you just want to murder the guy?

Oh man I need to get out of here before I start remembering more.
EDITED (it's 4 in the morning here):

He obviously still has ways to go. He's no DiCaprio or Fassbender. But he's continuing to hone his skills and isn't just giving up. Bottom line is, he works as Batman. He's got the voice, the gravitas, the build, the race, everything. He just needs to break free from Snyder's control and get a better script.

I'm routing for him so I hope I agree with you.

I'mmmmmmm back!

Let's hear it!

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Can you elaborate anymore on

Spoiler Spoiler:

Spoiler Spoiler:
I'm not one to criticize opinions, but I just want to say this: Regardless of your stance, I find it in poor taste to classify everyone that disagrees with you as "idiots". Judge the movie/game/book itself, don't go out of your way to trash that which is different. A review is supposed to walk the balance between personal enjoyment and logical reasoning. Start the comparisons and trashing, and you lose all credibillity. Just my 0.02$...
I'm sorry I offended you, I'm sure you'll get over it. Also I said most critics. I go to movies for enjoyment not to find things to complain about or to compare it to other things while I'm watching.

You liked everything about it? Who would have thought! :lol
I see you are still trolling around without even seeing the movie.

I wouldn't say I liked everything but I liked more then I disliked. The cgi of Supes in one scene while he was in space wasn't that great. Maybe the BvS fight should have been longer or there should have been more then one fight. The first have of the movie didn't have too much action but I wouldn't really call that a dislike, it did build up a lot of tension.
Spoiler Spoiler:

Sounds kind of cool. Thank you for the details! :hi5:
I'm sorry I offended you, I'm sure you'll get over it. Also I said most critics. I go to movies for enjoyment not to find things to complain about or to compare it to other things while I'm watching.

Yeah, I'd like to think I'm mature enough not to be offended by a random review... And besides, no one came down on you, there's no need to respond with such hostility. I merely pointed out that you should be objective when you review something, otherwise, how can we trust your verdict? When your first line is a defensive one and calls all critics idiots, how am I supposed to think you're not biased? Personally I sat down, broke the movie in sections and came to a verdict. It took me a long while, but I managed to express my views without resorting to attacking the critics or the fans. I just gave my views on the film and the film alone. Either way, it's your opinion, I'm not trying to change it...
How did you like Superman getting smashed in the head with a ceramic sink and Batman swingin' Superman around on a lasso? Remember when I said that months back and you thought I was full of ****? :lol

The fight was pretty cool. Batman was doing work that's for sure. It was hilarious what Batman had to do to combat Superman though.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Why not just create a Kyptonite bullet? :dunno :lol

What a mess of a movie.
I see you are still trolling around without even seeing the movie.

I wouldn't say I liked everything but I liked more then I disliked. The cgi of Supes in one scene while he was in space wasn't that great. Maybe the BvS fight should have been longer or there should have been more then one fight. The first have of the movie didn't have too much action but I wouldn't really call that a dislike, it did build up a lot of tension.

:lol Geez, it was a joke. :lol

Good for you that it lived up to your expectations :duff