Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Really, I thought she looked hot in this movie, well..her body anyways...her face looked a little worn out.

I just never, ever thought of Amy Adams as a "hubba hubba" actress. Teasing her ****s was....well, pretty much in line with the rest of the movie, I guess.
It's amazing when you realize that it's only your opinion that matters. No body is unbiased and that's fine its human nature but if you are a paid critic and it's your job I expect you neutral. I finally realized they were nothing but hypocrites when star wars came out . The love that movie got even though it was a recycled version of the previous 3 movies was a so on your face even the movie acknowledged it in itself, what is this like the death star no man this is 3 times bigger. It's was predictable I could not belive what I was watching

Yet how many reviews mention that next to none.

So make up your own mind it's that simple because if you think these paid critics are being honest they are not they are flawed like the rest of us.

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The critics can kiss my ass. Batman vs Superman is unlike any superhero movie you've seen. This was almost or maybe was an art house superhero film. The dialogue and acting are a tad off at a few points, but there is more than enough to make up for it. [emoji106] Can't believe I'm saying this, but Gadot was good as WW, and watching all three of them fight together was amazeballs. When WW appeared, I almost screamed like a child. Lol. And the soundtrack! Eisenberg was a little over the top as Lex, but believe it or not he was still pretty good. The guy was maniacal. Thought Affleck was great as Batman, and seeing Bats in his "Armageddon" suit from the comic book Batman 666 was the f'n business. Do they spend time setting up for other movies...yes. But remember...DC has to catch up, and it's not like AOU didn't do the same thing. The cameos were the **** too. Just keep this in mind...this isn't the Marvel recipe, even though most critics seem not to get that. And oh yeah, there's more than just the fight between Supes and Bats that was taken from Miller's Dark Knight. It was glorious. Peace out folks. [emoji851][emoji16][emoji327]

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Well...first the theater experience.


My preview night 2015 showings for Fury Road, AOU, Ant-Man, DOFP and Spectre were not sold out, Fury Road were only 3 people plus me!

Audience clapped for CW trailer but went nuts for Suicide Squad trailer.

SS is truly an awesome trailer!
It's amazing when you realize that it's only your opinion that matters. No body is unbiased and that's fine its human nature but if you are a paid critic and it's your job I expect you neutral. I finally realized they were nothing but hypocrites when star wars came out . The love that movie got even though it was a recycled version of the previous 3 movies was a so on your face even the movie acknowledged it in itself, what is this like the death star no man this is 3 times bigger. It's was predictable I could not belive what I was watching

Yet how many reviews mention that next to none.

So make up your own mind it's that simple because if you think these paid critics are being honest they are not they are flawed like the rest of us.

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I agree that the critics gave it a pass. It's an entertaining, mediocre, and unoriginal film with a lot of flaws, but hey...people wanted to like it, but it won't last forever, because day, people will realize that it's not that great and that they just wanted to relive a piece of their childhood with a less original version of a movie they love.
I just got out and, honestly, this is probably the weirdest, most unconventional comic book movies I've ever seen and, probably, will see. The best way I can describe it is "Batman vs. Superman by way of Terrence Malick." There were some glaring issues with the plot, but, as far as all of the random excursions into post-apocalyptic wastelands, visions of dead relatives, and just a variety of other crazy **** go, I think it's really just in the eye of the beholder. I won't necessarily say I agree with the critics, but I will say that I can understand why it got the scores that it did.

Ultimately, the lesson I think this movie will impart more than anything is that, at the end of the day, the only objective truth is that truth is subjective. Some people will call this art, others will call it trash, and neither is more right than the other. Ultimately, the question I'm left with is "will it make money?" I think opening weekend's going to be crazy, but this is not a movie like Deadpool that will have longevity, where I can see people going back over and over and over again. Maybe once, just so they can get a better grasp of what was going on, but yeah, it's really something that you just have to see for yourself. There's some really beautifully done stuff that works amazingly, and then there are things that leave you scratching your head, and then there are other things that might leave you nodding in disapproval. If you're on the fence, just...just see it.

Half the experience for me was just staring in disbelief, with my jaw practically hanging to the floor. I can't really say that it's objectively good or bad, so, much as that it's definitely worth seeing.
I agree that the critics gave it a pass. It's an entertaining, mediocre, and unoriginal film with a lot of flaws, but hey...people wanted to like it, but it won't last forever, because day, people will realize that it's not that great and that they just wanted to relive a piece of their childhood with a less original version of a movie they love.
Yeah I would have liked it had I not seen the previous and this movie is a sequel to those movies so we could not excuse ourselves from them. I have not seen BvS but I am at least happy about one thing this time around that a majority of the negative reviews are aimed at the structure narative of the movie and not at the tone or the destruction or snapping neck thing l. This is were the criticism needs to be not at people trying to bring their bias and love for a previous version of the character and dismissing the movie because it does not fit with their expectations.

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I went in tonight at 6:00pm straight IMAX showing (no 3D) kinda bummed about the whole thing. My friends and I at work have been talking the same kinda stuff that we've all been discussing for the last few days since the critics began hammering this thing. I honestly had probably the lowest expectations I've ever had for a film like this. Totally on the ground. Hell, below the ground even.

About three hours later, I came out utterly stunned at how fantastic it was. Does it have flaws. Yes. But does it entertain, and even move your emotions? It definitely did for me. I cried several times. I didn't do that during Man of Steel. And does it bring some very interesting things to the table? IMHO, you bet your ass it does. It's basically a Wagnerian opera with the holy trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all played out with the trappings of a Greek tragedy. I'm still contemplating and processing, but boy oh boy did I love this film. Snyder is ape**** crazy. And I thank I love him for it.

And I can leave you with this. The theatre roared with applause at the end. Not a few people or claps here or there. Pretty much the whole damn theatre which was sold out. I haven't experienced that since The Dark Knight.
As far as Eisenberg's Luthor goes, ultimately, it's not Willy Wonka or Mark Zuckerberg, or even Carey's Riddler that he reminds me of, it's the ********* with the ponytail in Good Will Hunting. He's, essentially, a pretentious ******* who just spouts off random philosophical **** in an attempt to present himself as some sort of genius. My biggest issue is that I really don't understand what his motivation was. My friends asked me, when I was standing there, dumbfounded at what I's just witnessed, and I sat there for about three minutes before I realized: I have no actual clue.
I went in tonight at 6:00pm straight IMAX showing (no 3D) kinda bummed about the whole thing. My friends and I at work have been talking the same kinda stuff that we've all been discussing for the last few days since the critics began hammering this thing. I honestly had probably the lowest expectations I've ever had for a film like this. Totally on the ground. Hell, below the ground even.

About three hours later, I came out utterly stunned at how fantastic it was. Does it have flaws. Yes. But does it entertain, and even move your emotions? It definitely did for me. I cried several times. I didn't do that during Man of Steel. And does it bring some very interesting things to the table? IMHO, you bet your ass it does. It's basically a Wagnerian opera with the holy trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all played out with the trappings of a Greek tragedy. I'm still contemplating and processing, but boy oh boy did I love this film. Snyder is ape**** crazy. And I thank I love him for it.

And I can leave you with this. The theatre roared with applause at the end. Not a few people or claps here or there. Pretty much the whole damn theatre which was sold out. I haven't experienced that since The Dark Knight.
Did you like man of steel how do you think it compare to that. Yeah man I feel the same I have yet to see it but I am feeling bummed about the whole thing.

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I just got out and, honestly, this is probably the weirdest, most unconventional comic book movies I've ever seen and, probably, will see. The best way I can describe it is "Batman vs. Superman by way of Terrence Malick." There were some glaring issues with the plot, but, as far as all of the random excursions into post-apocalyptic wastelands, visions of dead relatives, and just a variety of other crazy **** go, I think it's really just in the eye of the beholder. I won't necessarily say I agree with the critics, but I will say that I can understand why it got the scores that it did.

Ultimately, the lesson I think this movie will impart more than anything is that, at the end of the day, the only objective truth is that truth is subjective. Some people will call this art, others will call it trash, and neither is more right than the other. Ultimately, the question I'm left with is "will it make money?" I think opening weekend's going to be crazy, but this is not a movie like Deadpool that will have longevity, where I can see people going back over and over and over again. Maybe once, just so they can get a better grasp of what was going on, but yeah, it's really something that you just have to see for yourself. There's some really beautifully done stuff that works amazingly, and then there are things that leave you scratching your head, and then there are other things that might leave you nodding in disapproval. If you're on the fence, just...just see it.

Half the experience for me was just staring in disbelief, with my jaw practically hanging to the floor. I can't really say that it's objectively good or bad, so, much as that it's definitely worth seeing.

Great comparison/analogy. Totally see that.