Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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It wasn't that hard, but you posted the same exact type of passive-aggressive diss earlier today (which I already called you out on)

Also, a quick Search shows you've been going at it in this thread with a similar tone for 3 years now. So don't get all high-horsey now. :lol

You're reaching. But great try.

I asked you to find a specific example, but you didn't. Now you're trying to frame that as the same thing and it's not. Go back to making movies or whatever else you do. Thanks!
"I guess a-dev didn't like that explanation either."


Didn't the fight actually end up in a different building from the one it started on? How'd Batman know where to put the spear?

His plan kinda sucked. He was outside getting wet for god knows how long for Sups to show up...but what if Sups doesn't show up? :lol Does he turn off the signal and go home? What if he's packing up and taking off his little tech suit and Sups shows up late? The location of the fight wasn't very clear to me, but it's a total tactical error to put his main weapon so far away, considering how his opponent can fly and able to take the fight away from that location. He got lucky.
Is it really that much of a difference?
Yes, because he didn't have a spear in hand, if he was that into killing him why not have the weapon ready at hand? Why not create an easier weapon to have on him in case

The only reason that stupid spear was created was only to have it ready for doomsday. That's why Snyder made it a spear, because a knife would be too small for doomsday

A knife or blade would be perfectly sized for superman, perfectly.

But.... Conveniently they needed a type of weapon for a creature that batman didn't even know was going to exist.

So yeah, batman created a perfect weapon for a monster no one knew was going to exist... Wow, how lucky.... Sooo lucky...

But he could also have the spear in hand, knife or spear he also ran the risk of Superman flying away, so he neede to pin him down. At that point, does it really make a difference? Knife or Spear? No it doesn't.

Why would a knife not work against Doomsday?

The only thing convenient is the fact that they used a spear for metaphoric purposes, they could've also used a sword or a knife and it would also have metaphoric purposes.
For me, the only time Batman's no killing ideology has worked was in the Animated series cartoon and the 60s-70s with those era of comics and the Adam West Batman. Any other time it makes Batman either look like a hypocrite (he has the rule, but kills anyway) or a buffoon. The Arkham games for example are obnoxious with this concept. You beat guys to a pulp, probably crippling them. The hear monitors say "passed out" but try might as well be dead from that abuse. You drive the Batmobile at high speeds with the intention of running one of the bad guys over and, last minute, an electrical charge pops out of no where to "safely" move them out of harms way. It's silly.

Batman is already a vigilante and a wanted man in most incarnations. He works outside the law. I dig the whole "my parents were killed, so I value every life and refuse to kill", but only to a point. It's a pretty messed up code when you think of the types of people like Zsaz and the Joker that Batman has run ins with constantly. You're really going to drop off a guy at the police station for the 100th time when they'll just be back on the streets? These are the same dudes that have racked up a body count that includes your friends and family? That's just retarded and not very proactive.

Anyway, while this Affleck Batman might not be "muh Batman", I really dig him. He's a burnout that sees how futile his mission is but is still obsessed with carrying it out. He's lost his way from all the stuff he's seen and doesn't care anymore. People joke about him being the Punisher, just like they've done with Keaton, but he's not. This is a justifiably fed up Batman. I've said it before and I'll say it again, that horror movie vibe I got when those two cops come across the human trafficking basement where the girls want to stay in the cage as they hear Batman torturing the **** is fantastic. Then when they come across the branded criminal and you get that weird "Jeepers Creepers" image where Batman is shimmying on the ceiling like the Alien or some kind of animal, it's perfect. This Batman scares criminals, cops and victims which will
Make them think twice of committing these acts again. We haven't gotten spooky imagery of Batman since the Burton movies where he unfurls his cape like a real bat or Begins where he's hanging like a bat at the docks. The fact that this Batman brands and kills means he's a force to be reckoned with. He's really the only Batman that could really get anything done. There's only so much this type of character can do if he struts around like a superhero with his cape behind his shoulders and his fists at his waist muttering "I don't kill". He comes off as a joke. Like a lot of people in here have stated, if Batman is just running around in a leotard, jump scaring criminals in an alley and the only consequence is a broken nose and some jail time, well as a vigilante, Batman isn't very effective. Unless you want that Adam West or Joel Schumacher Batman where he vows not to kill and can be see out in the open rubbing elbows with GCPD and attending charities out in the open as a deputized hero. While that's fine, it makes Batman even more goofy than he already is.

I'm not a sadist, but I got a kick out of seeing a Batman that just didn't give a **** anymore. His expression as he calmly mows down all the machine gun thugs in the trucks before the "save Martha" warehouse scene was priceless. He looks down at them, almost like telling the audience, "yeah, I did it, so what". The only thing I didn't like and thought was needless was how he tow cables the car that was flipped over and drags those poor guys into the chase. It seemed unnecessary and messed up, even for this Batman. I mean, those guys are already taken out, why do you have to pull them into this mess?
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The spear resembles the Lance of Longinus, that pierced the side of Christ.
When BM lowered SM down to LL and WW. It mimics Christ's body being lowers down from the cross to Mary & Magdalene.
Finally in the final shot of that scène we see telephone poles off to the left that resemble the empty crosses at Calvary.

And I watched this movie on Easter! :rock :lol
Has Zack done a commentary on the movie for the bluray yet? I love his blurays, they're always great with extras.
I don't believe he's recorded his Commentary yet (and he usually does video ones). And I'm not sure when he'll be doing it as JUSTICE LEAGUE starts shooting in just 2 weeks and he's already over there in the UK. Then again, he often burns the candle at both ends so I bet he'll find some time and just not sleep one night or something. :lol

I'm also serious when I ask this - any chance I could somehow get an autograph? He's one of my favorite directors, I loved the film, I actually want to get him a pint because this DC fan really enjoyed his work and I don't care what anyone thinks.
Perhaps. Can't promise anything. And it would probably have to wait until principle photography on JL is done.

Also, any idea if he has seen or if any of the cast have seen or given feedback on their HT figures?
Ben, Henry and Gal have all signed off on the HT figures that have been shown. I believe WB still have to give final official approval on a couple of them, though.
I meant before they introduced it cause you were acting like it works just like in the comics, and in the sequence showed in the movie, it clearly doesn't.

No it doesn't, in that sequence they show how BY HOLDING Kryptonite close to the skin the cells start to break in SECONDS and it a space so small that it's perfectly captured in a microscopic camera frame/simulation. That makes me think kryptonite bullets wouldn't work and in fact it would be more painful to us to be hit with paintballs than Superman being hit by kryptonite bullets.

I mean, you can see the breaking of cells, literally cell by cell, do you have any idea how utterly slow that is? And you're saying bullets would work?

But by stabbing you're holding the kryptonite a much longer time than a bullet ever could.

So no, if stabbing works by the fact that you're holding the kryptonite near him much longer, that in fact says bullets wouldn't work.

Again, by holding it right next to it for a time. Again, the sheer uncertainty of it makes the idea retarded to begin with.

When Superman stabbed Doomsday it was instant penetration and there was no holding it near him for a long time for it to penetrate the skin, and Doomsday was much stronger than Sups. A Kryptonite bullet would and will always work against Sups.
i think this argument/train of thought on Bats taking out bad guys is beyond is just completely in a circle burnt out. Ok some don't like it- this is a comic book movie. a fictional creation portrayed by different actors and made by different filmmakers...stuff like this happens. Stay tuned- is this gonna peter out in a few weeks or are we going to have to argue this point until Bats appears in JL and says he's a changed man..then the naysayers will say he sold out:lol

It always seems to be a "wait and see, something else is coming that will redeem this" approach to these properties. Same was with MOS and Superman's propensity for squashing and overall unlikeable demeanor. What does he do within the first half hour of this film? Smash African terrorist! :thud:
Hmm, that was two different scenes. The truck mounted .50 cal he was chasing was after he put the tracker on the trailer to get the kryptonite.

I was referring to the guy on the back of the truck firing at the Batwing outside of the warehouse, but I think the same logic applies.
It always seems to be a "wait and see, something else is coming that will redeem this" approach to these properties. Same was with MOS and Superman's propensity for squashing and overall unlikeable demeanor. What does he do within the first half hour of this film? Smash African terrorist! :thud:

From what I understand, he didn't kill the terrorist. At least from what Irish said, and that the scene may be extended in the ultimate cut to elaborate more on that.
For me, the only time Batman's no killing ideology has worked was in the Animated series cartoon and the 60s-70s with those comics and the Adam West Batman. Any other time it makes Batman either look like a hypocrite (he has the rule, but kills anyway) or a buffoon. The Arkham games for example are obnoxious with this. You beat guys to a pulp, probably crippling them. You drive the Batmobile at high speeds with the intention of running one of the bad guys over and, last minute, an electrical charge pops out of no where to "safely" move them out of harms way. It's silly.

Batman is already a vigilante and a wanted man in most incarnations. He works outside the law. I dig the whole "my parents were killed, so I value you every life and refuse to kill", but only to a point. It's a pretty messed up code when you think of the types of people like Zsaz and the Joker that Batman has run ins with. You're really going to drop off a guy at the police station for the 100th time when they'll just be back on the streets after they've racked up a body count that includes your friends and family? That's just retarded and not very proactive.

Anyway, while this Affleck Batman might not be "muh Batman", I really dig him. He's a burnout that sees how futile his mission is but is still obsessed with carrying it out. He's lost his way from all the stuff he's seen and doesn't care anymore. People joke about him being the Punisher, just like they've done with Keaton, but he's not. This is a justifiably fed up Batman I've said it before and I'll say it again, that horror movie vibe I got when those two cops come across the human trafficking basement where the girls want to stay in the cage as they hear Batman torturing the **** is fantastic. Then when they come across the branded criminal and you get that weird "Jeepers Creepers" image where Batman is shimmying on the ceiling like the Alien or some kind of animal, it's just perfect. We haven't gotten spooky imagery of Batman since the Burton movies where he's unfurl his cape like a real bat and Begins where he's hanging like a bat at the docks. The fact that this Batman brands and kills means he's a force to be reckoned with. He's really the only Batman that good really get anything done. There's only so much this type of character can do if he struts around like a superhero with his cape behind his shoulders and his fists at his waist. He comes off as a joke. Like a lot of people in here have stated, if Batman is just running around in a leotard, jump scaring criminals in an alley and the only consequence is a broken nose and some jail time, well as a vigilante, Batman isn't very effective. Unless you want that Adam West or Joel Schumacher Batman where he vows not to kill and can be see out in the open rubbing elbows with GCPD and attending charities out in the open as a deputized hero. While that's fine, it makes Batman even more goofy than he already is.

I'm not a sadist, but I got a kick out of seeing a Batman that just didn't give a **** anymore. His expression as he calmly mows down all the machine gun thugs in the trucks before the "save Martha" warehouse scene was priceless. He looks down at them, almost like telling the audience, "yeah, I did it, so what". The only thing I didn't like and thought was needless was how he tow cables the car that was flipped over and drags those poor guys into the chase. It seemed unnecessary and messed up, even for this Batman. I mean, those guys are already taken out, why do you have to pull them into this mess?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DiFabio again.
I don't believe he's recorded his Commentary yet (and he usually does video ones). And I'm not sure when he'll be doing it as JUSTICE LEAGUE starts shooting in just 2 weeks and he's already over there in the UK. Then again, he often burns the candle at both ends so I bet he'll find some time and just not sleep one night or something. :lol

Perhaps. Can't promise anything. And it would probably have to wait until principle photography on JL is done.

Ben, Henry and Gal have all signed off on the HT figures that have been shown. I believe WB still have to give final official approval on a couple of them, though.

I'll hold you to that autograph! I wish I could tell him in person that I loved the film, he looks exhausted in all the press and preproduction he has been doing the last few weeks.
My thing with the whole spear/bullet/knife thing: who the **** cares? Does it really impact your viewing of the movie that much as to which pointy Kryptonite object Batman uses? I could see if Batman planned on dropping a Kryptonite anvil on him or some ****, but Jesus. :lol
My thing with the whole spear/bullet/knife thing: who the **** cares? Does it really impact your viewing of the movie that much as to which pointy Kryptonite object Batman uses? I could see if Batman planned on dropping a Kryptonite anvil on him or some ****, but Jesus. :lol

The spear is pretty awesome. Also goes hand-in-hand with his story about the first Wayne's being hunters.
I was referring to the guy on the back of the truck firing at the Batwing outside of the warehouse, but I think the same logic applies.

I get it. But he also has tech that seems to electronically jam firearms. But hey, at that point I guess time was of the essence. In the kryptonite chase scene though, he actually didn't NEED to chase them. The bug was already there and he ended up having the steal the rock from the research base anyway. :dunno