Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I get that. But the fact that even the .50 cal that guy was unloading was doing absolutely no damage to the Batmobile. If Batman was in grave danger, I would understand but he didn't NEED to kill him or the thugs driving those other cars. That's the difference. He had the tactical, technological and firepower advantage over his opposition and he still chose to kill. To me, something is very Punisher-like to that approach.

Fair enough. :duff

Regarding the tone, just thinking about some of my absolute favorite films of all time; The Empire Strikes Back, ALIENS, LOTR, I notice that they really are dark and depressing movies where 90% of them are things just going terribly wrong for the heroes but then they somehow pull through and have these amazing bonds that were forged in the darkness. I felt that with Bruce, Clark, and to a lesser extent Diana in this movie. Obviously I can't rank BvS as higher as those other films with regard to quality but tonally it struck exactly the right chord with me.
Yes I do. They went out of their way to show how it works and how it affects Kryptonians :dunno
I meant before they introduced it cause you were acting like it works just like in the comics, and in the sequence showed in the movie, it clearly doesn't.

Yes, and it showed how it would instantly break the cells and penetrate the skin like it was butter. A kryptonite bullet would have the same effect as soon as it touches his skin.
No it doesn't, in that sequence they show how BY HOLDING Kryptonite close to the skin the cells start to break in SECONDS and it a space so small that it's perfectly captured in a microscopic camera frame/simulation. That makes me think kryptonite bullets wouldn't work and in fact it would be more painful to us to be hit with paintballs than Superman being hit by kryptonite bullets.

I mean, you can see the breaking of cells, literally cell by cell, do you have any idea how utterly slow that is? And you're saying bullets would work?

Right, it's not about the force, but you asked what if the Kryptonite bullet bounces off? To which I say, it won't because if stabbing works, then a bullet should have the same effect. A normal bullet penetrates the skin because of the speed and force on a normal person, just like a knife..or a spear. Kryptonite just makes the stabbing work because he's vulnerable to that substance. If stabbing works...a bullet works.
But by stabbing you're holding the kryptonite a much longer time than a bullet ever could.

So no, if stabbing works by the fact that you're holding the kryptonite near him much longer, that in fact says bullets wouldn't work.

They did show how Kryptonte cuts the skin's ridiculous to think that a Kryptonite bullet would bounce off :lol
Again, by holding it right next to it for a time. Again, the sheer uncertainty of it makes the idea retarded to begin with.

And there was chance that Batman never gets to the spear since it was so far away from him. There are no guarantees in a fight. However, never missed a single shot in the film...that's a fact. Is there a chance...sure, but it never happened. It's a film and Kryptonite is not no reason to think making a bullet is impossible.
Again, there is RISK. Which makes those choices make sense.
Fair enough. :duff

Regarding the tone, just thinking about some of my absolute favorite films of all time; The Empire Strikes Back, ALIENS, LOTR, I notice that they really are dark and depressing movies where 90% of them are things just going terribly wrong for the heroes but then they somehow pull through and have these amazing bonds that were forged in the darkness. I felt that with Bruce, Clark, and to a lesser extent Diana in this movie. Obviously I can't rank BvS as higher as those other films with regard to quality but tonally it struck exactly the right chord with me.

You know, I don't even have a problem with a really dark Batman. But normally, I would count on Superman would fill that void of despair with some hope and light. I don't get any of that from this version of Supes.
I get that. But the fact that even the .50 cal that guy was unloading was doing absolutely no damage to the Batmobile. If Batman was in grave danger, I would understand but he didn't NEED to kill him or the thugs driving those other cars. That's the difference. He had the tactical, technological and firepower advantage over his opposition and he still chose to kill. To me, something is very Punisher-like to that approach.

He still had to get out of the Batwing and into the building. Something that probably would've been particularly more difficult if he was being pinned down by a .50 cal machine gun. Ultimately, I really don't see the problem with any of it. Batman doesn't go around murdering everybody, he just doesn't go out of his way to make sure nobody dies like he used to. If the only way to disable the .50 cal is to blow up the truck it's mounted to, and there happens to be a guy in that truck, well, **** 'em.
"I guess a-dev didn't like that explanation either."

He still had to get out of the Batwing and into the building. Something that probably would've been particularly more difficult if he was being pinned down by a .50 cal machine gun. Ultimately, I really don't see the problem with any of it. Batman doesn't go around murdering everybody, he just doesn't go out of his way to make sure nobody dies like he used to. If the only way to disable the .50 cal is to blow up the truck it's mounted to, and there happens to be a guy in that truck, well, **** 'em.

Hmm, that was two different scenes. The truck mounted .50 cal he was chasing was after he put the tracker on the trailer to get the kryptonite.
Find where I said someone wasn't smart and was akin to a child for liking this movie. Don't worry....i'll wait.

It wasn't that hard, but you posted the same exact type of passive-aggressive diss earlier today (which I already called you out on)

Note: Folks like corny loud synth music laid over what's supposed to be poignant scenes.

Also, a quick Search shows you've been going at it in this thread with a similar tone for 3 years now. So don't get all high-horsey now. :lol
He still had to get out of the Batwing and into the building. Something that probably would've been particularly more difficult if he was being pinned down by a .50 cal machine gun. Ultimately, I really don't see the problem with any of it. Batman doesn't go around murdering everybody, he just doesn't go out of his way to make sure nobody dies like he used to. If the only way to disable the .50 cal is to blow up the truck it's mounted to, and there happens to be a guy in that truck, well, **** 'em.

i think this argument/train of thought on Bats taking out bad guys is beyond is just completely in a circle burnt out. Ok some don't like it- this is a comic book movie. a fictional creation portrayed by different actors and made by different filmmakers...stuff like this happens. Stay tuned- is this gonna peter out in a few weeks or are we going to have to argue this point until Bats appears in JL and says he's a changed man..then the naysayers will say he sold out:lol