I think the character is dated therefore, I understand Synder's approach but damn man....he needs some redeeming qualities people can get behind and support. I've watched two of these films and for the most part Supes is an unlikable duchebag. Bats on the other hand had me at running towards the chaos saving, losing people...I wanted him to kick Supes ass....
Technically all superheroes are obsolete or dated in one or the other.
In a post 9/11/ priest abuse/ terrorist world we live in, would Spiderman be a good person? With a positive outcome in life?
He would be a millenial living in new york in the facebook/ selfie/ me me me generation.
Spiderman would probably be moody angry and a criminal... Why save a city where they hate u and u cant make rent
Why save a city when u cant even afford a nice place... I could see spidey turning to crime just to be able to afford his apartment
All superheroes would end up being Batman or Iron Man or Wolverine in Attitude... there would be no nice ones left after a while.
They would all be Rorschach in the real world.
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