Super Freak
I found them on 4chong.
Which is as legit as me making it up at this point.
Which is as legit as me making it up at this point.
For the old school horror buffs in the thread
Preach it brother.
Of course some might say we are being Narcissistic when we post our opinions to a bunch of faceless people we don't know. "hey read my review, read my opinion"
Granted it's not the same as having your camera pointed at your face 24/7 but it's a smaller way to get attention.
I mean... At this very moment I am standing on my head while I type this.. Granted I am not as narcissistic as many because I am not filming it... But I do feel much better about myself now that I let you guys and gals know what I am doing and how cool I am for doing it![]()
Kinda my point about him being dated and being ok with a different approach to the character. I don't read comics therefore, I don't have an opinion on how the film v comic adaption plays out. Snyder wants a flawed Supes, I have no problem getting behind it because I'm judging solely what's on screen. The problem thru two films is I found way more to dislike then like about his version of Supes.
My Sister in law is a millennial, and I swear, if you look at her phone camera roll, there are at least 200 selfies. Not one single interesting background, she's just in love with herself. That's one of my problems with this generation, rampant, unchecked narcissism.
I know gen X who are so obsessed with FB posting that they even post from the bathroom.![]()
This Superman does not use his brain very well. In MoS, it was Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash. Bleh.
He didnt need to sacrifice himself. Wonder Woman's sword was able to cut off Doomsday's hand. It could have cut off his head or stab him in the heart. Use your noggin Superman.
[emoji38]"rotten tomatoes. Rotten tomatoes bruce"
This was funny[emoji38]i loved the ending with lex
Yea see? The video explains it all. Dude is superman. Use your brain superman ! You have super hearing and X-ray vision and you can't find your mom? Is superman supposed to be smart?
You're confusing character with story.
The discussion was about whether Superman's character was being presented in a heroic light, where he has evolved since his first outing or not.
Your argument is about script and story.
For the old school horror buffs in the thread
Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree...
To me it's pretty clear that Superman was fulfilling his role as a Superhero who helped humanity, but the world reacts to him in different ways, some seeing a messiah, some seeing a false god...
Ultimately, Superman questions his role in the world, disheartened by the fact that despite his best efforts, things still go wrong and people still distrust him. All his life, he's wanted to be accepted, not to be feared, and yet, there are people who fear him, despite all he has done to help.
I don't see how Superman is not a positive character, as once again, he sacrifices himself to save a humanity that distrusts and resents him.
In MOS he gave up his entire race in order to save humanity.
In BvS he gives up his life in order to save humanity.
In mos he did give up his entire race to save humanity. That did happen.
In bvs, he sacrifices himself to save louis, not the world. He fights batman not because their ideologies crash but because he was forced to for his moms safety.
He couldnt care less about batman at that point, he didnt even care about batmans light showing in the sky.
He shows up in africa to save louis again,
The entire theme of this movie is how he only really cares about louis.
He sacrifices against doomsday to save louis "HIS WORLD"
It almost makes sacrificing his entire race in mos pointless. Since all he really cared about was louis.
The entire flash dream was about how louis getting hurt would make him become evil....
Like i said, devolve, he went from caring about humans at the end of mos to only care about one human woman
and the movie actually does show him getting annoyed about saving people.
His mom even tells him no NOT BE NONE OF IT, YOU DONT OWE THE WORLD A THING..
We have a superman that after being superman for a couple of years he is ready to call it quits
The next movie should be called
man of steel 2: Superman rises.![]()
It would have been too easily to kill Doomsday without also killing himself. I think he was suicidal, like Pa. So yeah, he sacrificed himself. But. . .
He could've chucked the spear at DD from a distance.