I don't quite follow how you equate a dark movie with Superman's "devolution"...
Mos ended on a kind of hopeful note. Yes he killed zod and feel horrible about it,
But at the end of mos he was starting his new job, was starting a new life in metropolis, was starting his relationship with louis. And he just saved the world and gained the respect of the soldiers and most of the people in the city.
Technically a follow up to mos would have dealt with some of that. Not sure how u go from such a hopeful note on the end of mos to such a moody and annoyed superman in bvs.
Not only did they not keep with the hope clark had, but they basically made him moody and annoyed for all of bvs.
And part of the fault for doing this was the stupid 2 year jump in the movie.
By zack and goyer skipping 2 years in the future, they robbed us of any of the follow ups on any of the hopeful stuff at the end of mos. We never really got to see how superman adapted to his job or new life, we never saw if superman helped clean up the city. They should have continued instead of that erratic time jump.
So mos started with a troubled clark, it ended in somewhat a hopful note with clark in his new life.
Then we get to bvs where not only is he moody again but he gets more moody and annoyed as the movie passes.....
There is no evolution.... Like i said, at least in mos he enjoyed being alive and having powers for a couple of scenes.
We get zero of that in bvs.
All because goyer doesnt understand how to do a positive character.
I like the movie and this is hard to argue against.
He went from MOS scared kid to MOS confused kid to MOS conflicted adult to MOS angry adult to MOS cautious but with a positive outlook adult to BvS super freaking conflicted and moody again.![]()
I know that ROTS is usually viewed as a step up in quality from AOTC, but not for me.
Both are equally awful.![]()
You might like this Superman but I'd rather have a Superman that's sure of himself, intelligent and gives the world something to aspire to.
Being moody, annoyed and unsure isn't character development, it's being a teenager. You might like this Superman but I'd rather have a Superman that's sure of himself, intelligent and gives the world something to aspire to. I liked MOS because I can see where he was still learning and the krytonians were a crazy huge threat so I can understand him making a bunch of mistakes and seeing him still finding his groove. By Batman v Superman I was hoping for the more complete Superman. Somehow he became less heroic and more dour. What's really weird is that this felt more like Punisher v Sentry because Snyder is trying to make a almost Watchmen version of these characters.
I have to ask fans of this movie, would you be cool with a Batman that uses guns like The Punisher?
"No one stays good in this world"
Superman IV makes Superman III look like a masterpiece of film..
Well our world is ******.
And he got feeded a handfull.
If i was him i would go Dr Manhattan on us.
Take lois and go make babies in another universe.
"No one stays good in this world"
Never tought i would hear this words in Superman s mouth.
And i find this awesome.
The whole "earth doubting Supes" angle is done by the end of the movie.
The next time we see Supes he Will be loved by everyone and Will have no more reason to be conflicted an all.
He has redeemed himself for What some judge him responsible.
Im sure hes gonna become the Supes people love and that is What Snyder and co had in mind.
There is always dark before the light![]()
"No one stays good in this world"
Never tought i would hear this words in Superman s mouth.
And i find this awesome.
Snyder is not doing a Wachmen version, he ´s doing his version.
Wich is quite something in nowadays studios blockbusters models
The whole "earth doubting Supes" angle is done by the end of the movie.
The next time we see Supes he Will be loved by everyone and Will have no more reason to be conflicted an all.
He has redeemed himself for What some judge him responsible.
Im sure hes gonna become the Supes people love and that is What Snyder and co had in mind.
There is always dark before the light![]()
Well our world is ******.
And he got feeded a handfull.
If i was him i would go Dr Manhattan on us.
Take lois and go make babies in another universe.
Then Superman is not for you. And that's not a crack either. I think you can relate more to Miracle Man, Dr. Manhattan or the Sentry and that's cool but Superman is supposed to be the very best of us. I think Snyder's own preferences are the same in that they lean toward a cynical view of almost everything.
Great points made here.And you would not be... Superman.....
You would just be dr manhattan. Thats the problem. You just proved that BvS IS watchmen 2.0
Because you said it yourself,
A normal person would have gone dr manhattan the second they had to deal with our world,
Thats the entire f g point of superman.... How he is NOT the every man. He is not only "super" because he can fly. Not just because he can lift a boat..........
Come on now