I know right? We live in an actually very calm time compared to times like the dark ages. But of course it's teh millennials fault da world is bad cuz dey are younger and have da snapchats and iphones and are heartless creatures.
Technically all superheroes are obsolete or dated in one or the other.
In a post 9/11/ priest abuse/ terrorist world we live in, would Spiderman be a good person? With a positive outcome in life?
He would be a millenial living in new york in the facebook/ selfie/ me me me generation.
Spiderman would probably be moody angry and a criminal... Why save a city where they hate u and u cant make rent
Why save a city when u cant even afford a nice place... I could see spidey turning to crime just to be able to afford his apartment
All superheroes would end up being Batman or Iron Man or Wolverine in Attitude... there would be no nice ones left after a while.
They would all be Rorschach in the real world.
Because you see when you put it in the context like that of what he can be you begin to realize that maybe this Superman isn't as dour as he's being made out to be.
Superman could just say **** it, i'm abandoning these humans let me take Zod's side.
So saving the earth twice now isn't good enough, he needs to smile while doing it or GTFO?![]()
My Sister in law is a millennial, and I swear, if you look at her phone camera roll, there are at least 200 selfies. Not one single interesting background, she's just in love with herself. That's one of my problems with this generation, rampant, unchecked narcissism.
I know gen X who are so obsessed with FB posting that they even post from the bathroom.![]()
Mos ended on a kind of hopeful note. Yes he killed zod and feel horrible about it,
But at the end of mos he was starting his new job, was starting a new life in metropolis, was starting his relationship with louis. And he just saved the world and gained the respect of the soldiers and most of the people in the city.
Technically a follow up to mos would have dealt with some of that. Not sure how u go from such a hopeful note on the end of mos to such a moody and annoyed superman in bvs.
Not only did they not keep with the hope clark had, but they basically made him moody and annoyed for all of bvs.
And part of the fault for doing this was the stupid 2 year jump in the movie.
By zack and goyer skipping 2 years in the future, they robbed us of any of the follow ups on any of the hopeful stuff at the end of mos. We never really got to see how superman adapted to his job or new life, we never saw if superman helped clean up the city. They should have continued instead of that erratic time jump.
So mos started with a troubled clark, it ended in somewhat a hopful note with clark in his new life.
Then we get to bvs where not only is he moody again but he gets more moody and annoyed as the movie passes.....
There is no evolution.... Like i said, at least in mos he enjoyed being alive and having powers for a couple of scenes.
We get zero of that in bvs.
All because goyer doesnt understand how to do a positive character.
I fail to see how Superman was anything less than heroic in the movie. People keep saying "that's not Superman, that's not Superman, that's not Superman;" WHAT THE **** DID HE DO THAT WAS SO UNSUPERMAN-LIKE!?! The movie opens with a montage of him saving people from floods, fires, and other disasters, he saves Lois Lane (which has been constantly happening in Superman comics for the past 78 years, so, stop complaining about it happening in the movies), he sacrifices himself to stop Doomsday; HOW THE HELL WASN'T HE LIKE SUPERMAN!?! Because he didn't smile more? Because he failed to stop the bomber in Washington? Or was it that he threatened the vigilante who was going around branding people and decapitating them with his car? I'm genuinely at a loss. Of all the complaints for the movie, the "Superman acted so out of character thing" is the one that strikes me as complete and utter ********.
Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree...
To me it's pretty clear that Superman was fulfilling his role as a Superhero who helped humanity, but the world reacts to him in different ways, some seeing a messiah, some seeing a false god...
Ultimately, Superman questions his role in the world, disheartened by the fact that despite his best efforts, things still go wrong and people still distrust him. All his life, he's wanted to be accepted, not to be feared, and yet, there are people who fear him, despite all he has done to help.
I don't see how Superman is not a positive character, as once again, he sacrifices himself to save a humanity that distrusts and resents him.
In MOS he gave up his entire race in order to save humanity.
In BvS he gives up his life in order to save humanity.
I fail to see how Superman was anything less than heroic in the movie. People keep saying "that's not Superman, that's not Superman, that's not Superman;" WHAT THE **** DID HE DO THAT WAS SO UNSUPERMAN-LIKE!?! The movie opens with a montage of him saving people from floods, fires, and other disasters, he saves Lois Lane (which has been constantly happening in Superman comics for the past 78 years, so, stop complaining about it happening in the movies), he sacrifices himself to stop Doomsday; HOW THE HELL WASN'T HE LIKE SUPERMAN!?! Because he didn't smile more? Because he failed to stop the bomber in Washington? Or was it that he threatened the vigilante who was going around branding people and decapitating them with his car? I'm genuinely at a loss. Of all the complaints for the movie, the "Superman acted so out of character thing" is the one that strikes me as complete and utter ********.
Interesting. Hope Raven is in that replacement flick.
My Sister in law is a millennial, and I swear, if you look at her phone camera roll, there are at least 200 selfies. Not one single interesting background, she's just in love with herself. That's one of my problems with this generation, rampant, unchecked narcissism.
I know gen X who are so obsessed with FB posting that they even post from the bathroom.![]()
Welp, time to take a break again![]()
Anyway, I leave with this, "leaked """spoilers"""" from JL
- Willem Dafoe is playing Cleric in Justice League. He brings Superman back to life.
- The opening scene of Justice League takes place in a apocalyptic future. Batman doesn't return and Barry and the resistance assume he is dead. The resistance members are Flash, Aquaman, Mera, Black Canary, Cyborg and Wonder Woman. Eventually the resistance get attacked and killed by Darkseid's forces and Barry travels back in time to give Bruce a warning about the future.
- Atlanteans and Amazons hate each other due to a huge war that took place ages ago.
- Barry and Victor went to the same high school.
- Amanda Waller has a small role in Justice League.
- Scott Snyder recently submitted a script for the Man of Steel sequel. The early script has Parasite and General Sam Lane as main antagonist and Manchester Black having a cameo.
-Cyborg's movie is going to be replaced by Titans and will be moved to October, 2020. The Man of Steel sequel is expected to take its release date.
- A Crime Syndicate movie has been discussed which would lead to them being the villains for Justice League 3.
- Warner Bros wants another Batman trilogy with Ben Affleck directing.
- There are no plans to release a Justice League Dark movie anytime soon.