Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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You can guarantee that Johns is going to pay special attention to Green Lantern. That's his baby... and he deserves the praise. Not only bringing back Hal Jordan, but following it up with some SOLID story-telling with the Sinestro Corps, War of the Lanterns, Blackest Night, etc. He really expanded the GL mythos and made them relevant and 'cool' again. I don't know how the comics are doing now since I stopped collecting around Blackest Night, but I really enjoyed his work on Green Lantern.

I'm not saying otherwise, but I think the other Lanterns are going to suffer from it. I'm not much of a GL guy, but I visit the forums, and the Stewart fans especially are pissed as hell. We'll see, but it's definitely a step up from Hack "I only make movies which transcend the medium" Snyder...

As for the books, dunno. I read the Nu52 vol until John's departure, but I dropped when the new guy came along. The general consensus is that they've lost their way, much like most Nu52 books, really. I tried a lot from DC after Flashpoint, but I could never stick with them as time went on. Dunno why, but it is what it is. The GL stuff Post-REBIRTH sound pretty awful though. Hal, John, Kyle and Guy share one book, Johns' OC Lanterns get their own title (and appear in the JL), and that's it. No Red Lanterns and no Sinestro this time around.
Debating and discussing the actual movie became tedious for me a long time ago.
Ditto, right about when people starting getting really confused by small/straight forward things (Martha, mom, armor, motivations, etc etc, which apparently they still do) :lol it became clear to me that this movie (and Snyder in general) is very good at highlighting the flaws in the viewer and any worthwhile discussion here would be scarce, so far nonexistent.
Is it true that Spider-Man had more lines than Superman? That seems really weird to me but then again I've never honestly thought about how many lines actors/actresses have in films. And I've especially never thought to compare the number of lines a lead role gets compared to a supporting role.
Is it true that Spider-Man had more lines than Superman? That seems really weird to me but then again I've never honestly thought about how many lines actors/actresses have in films. And I've especially never thought to compare the number of lines a lead role gets compared to a supporting role.

wait..... what?
wait..... what?

I think I read it on this forum somewhere today (can't remember which thread), but basically someone said that Spider-Man had more lines in Civil War than Superman did in DoJ. Was just wondering if it that was true.
I'm still trying to comprehend the Kent's advise.

Was it:

A. You can't save everyone no matter how hard you try son, you will bear witness to death and destruction and feel helpless.


B. You can't save everyone no matter how hard you try son, you will bear witness to death and destruction and feel helpless, so don't even try!

Are MOS/BvS good because their themes make you think deeper or are they crap because the themes presented don't compliment the characters?

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Where are you getting "Let's praise the film blindly"? Certainly not from here.

But, yeah, if the choice is between the same exact comments and debates 17.000 times or letting the thread die, I'd vote for the latter.

That said, I'm still just here to add any facts and anecdotal information whenever I can. Debating and discussing the actual movie became tedious for me a long time ago.

Not saying you were praising the film blindly.. I just don;t get what you want....My opinion on the film has changed since watching the film I was posting said views after watching it a second time, seeing CW and watching the preacher's review. I went from liking it to being very frustrated with it..
Yeah, BvS only appeals to people of a certain intellect.

I don't know why it is that people who like this film tend to be so pompous. One of the worst traits a person can have, in my opinion.

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I like this film. I don't think it's good or bad. I'm not defending it...

I'm still trying to comprehend the Kent's advise.

Was it:

A. You can't save everyone no matter how hard you try son, you will bear witness to death and destruction and feel helpless.


B. You can't save everyone no matter how hard you try son, you will bear witness to death and destruction and feel helpless, so don't even try!

Are MOS/BvS good because their themes make you think deeper or are they crap because the themes presented don't compliment the characters?

Well, for me if you look at MOS it gets kind of confusing. Johnathan Kent is telling him to be careful of people and letting others know what you can do. Then Jor-el tells him you will do wonders and they will follow you. Then there's all of this Jesus comparrisons that make things even muddier. With BVS I got from it, he's damed if he helps, and he's damed if he doesn't.
I don't see Zack and his wife or any production company being too surprised when there is a shake up especially after their big budget vision of the "Trinity" that was directly competing with the MCU didn't break 1B.

I figure that's a given in a Hollywood contract up front, you don't meet expectations and be ready to get marginalized at the very least or even booted.

Snyder ain't no Spielberg, and I bet not even Spielberg is exempt. :lol

*Waits for Irish to come and call me monkey nuts. :lol
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Maybe the suits at WB saw the dark and gritty path Snyder was taking these characters on and decided it was not working.
Im just glad they are not rebooting it. Or starting over. I am glad it will change direction
Im just glad they are not rebooting it. Or starting over. I am glad it will change direction
I just want to understand who is supposed to over see the script and editing is it the producer , director or because that were the biggest issue was at least in the begining.

MOS did not get the same type of criticism as far the fundemental flow of a movie it was more along the lines of the story and people's previous notions of superman clashing with this current version. Never mid the fact that the character has gone through numerous changes through out the decades to reintroduce him to a new generation.
Maybe the suits at WB saw the dark and gritty path Snyder was taking these characters on and decided it was not working.
The idea of dark and gritty or lite in tone I think has less and less to do with how a movie is received and how well it performs , previous DC movies prior to Nolan such as GL and Superman Returns were lighter in tone yet were not well received , Deadpool a rated R movie did well Mad Max a well received movie yet it don't reach comic book movie box office numbers.

There is no substitute for good story telling whether it's dark or light none of that can replace a well crafted script with good direction and we'll acted scenes.

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Yeah, BvS only appeals to people of a certain intellect.

I don't know why it is that people who like this film tend to be so pompous. One of the worst traits a person can have, in my opinion.

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:lol. Maybe one day I'll be as enlightened as you. Talk about pompous.
I don't see Zack and his wife or any production company being too surprised when there is a shake up especially after their big budget vision of the "Trinity" that was directly competing with the MCU didn't break 1B.

I figure that's a given in a Hollywood contract up front, you don't meet expectations and be ready to get marginalized at the very least or even booted.

That's the thing, though. They're NOT being marginalized... They're still right in the thick of all of this stuff. The new, rebranded DC logo (and DC Films) was even Zack's idea.

All the media and blogger-goobs know is that WB announced that Geoff Johns and Jon Berg are forming a new Executive Team at WB (DC Films) that is dedicated only to the DC movie universe. But that (and Affleck having a more formal Production role) are actually in SUPPORT of where it's headed, not a sign that Zack is being shoved aside. They're basically taking pressure off of him and getting him some much-needed help in guiding all of the various ships.