Eh, poor choice of words, but he ain't exactly a cheerful guy. You can see from other DC associated folks that they're happy about what they're doing and trying to do their best. They hype their movies, which is perfectly normal, not by attacking the competition, but by trying to be better. And here comes Snyder who always, always, has to diss something else to make his product look good. That, in my book at least, makes him a poor spokesperson, and an irritating hypocrite, at least as far as interviews go.
That's really not true, though. In reality he's one of the most positive, happy-go-lucky people.
You're a smart guy, and I bet usually rational about this stuff. So let me explain how this goes down (because I've witnessed it first-hand several times):
Someone interviews Zack, and almost always baits him at some point with a line of questioning comparing DC to Marvel (or some other "controversial" topic). Every time I've seen/heard this happen (which is at least 5-6) he's been VERY respectful and complimentary towards Marvel and even admits he enjoys the MCU films, but often will also say something that can then be taken and used (completely out of context) to make it sounds like he's bagging on them. The ANT-MAN quote is a great example. He spent about 5 minutes talking about how excited he originally was that Edgar Wright was doing the movie and how much he loved the test footage... yet all of that is left out and the one little quip about how Ant-Man isn't a major character is what gets in and is focused on.
Another is that, "If we're not lucky we're going to get a CAPTAIN AMERICA movie" quote... in which case he was referring to the 60's cartoon and concern that a studio might think THAT is what audiences wanted to see. And he also mentioned that if they were to do a Cap film, the WW2 element would be crucial and he hopes that they would do it that way. But of course you don't even remotely get that context, which puts the quote in a MUCH different light, doesn't it?
It's a great lesson for how things can be manipulated. And these media outlets and blogs play it to full tilt, because they know it gets people riled up, and generates hits, traffic, etc.
Part of this IS Zack's fault, because he just speaks off the cuff and stream of consciousness and frankly isn't as sensitive as others to what the interviewer is really fishing/hoping for. He's often way too generous with these people.
Just take these quotes with a pound of salt. Trust me. They'll highlight the stuff that seems even remotely inflammatory, often in betrayal of how the conversation really went down.
Zack isn't alone in this. It's all over the place (really horrible when it comes to Politics, of course). The media doesn't sell news or fact anymore... it sells entertainment and pushes narratives. It's literally gotten to the point where I can't even trust reading an interview that I was actually at when it was recorded! Amazing.
Anyway, "they" (media, bloggers, etc) get off on this DC vs Marvel fanboy stuff. And they absolutely take every opportunity to inflame it. Just try not to fall for it.
It'll happen again, though.

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