At least the UE explains how the "bat-brand" was a mark of death in prison. Luthor was paying inmates to kill the branded criminals to make Batman look more cruel (although why any of that makes any sense I don't know - I would say its a badge of honour to have to have Batman come get you - also the Africa "frame job" is better fleshed out and explained too.
Still don't like the movie or Zack's direction (I actually Pressed stop during the doomsday fight because I had completely zoned out and lost any interest by the end). However, I'm glad they did an UE to flesh out bits for those that did. The studio are clearly to blame for demanding so much be crammed into this film and then want it shorter so that they could get more cash from extra screenings.
I saw Jesse Eisenberg in a theatre show last weekend in London and he was great. However his Lex belongs on the stage not in a movie as it was too over the top at times. Sometimes the film looked like a sequence of trailer clips all compiled together with no real connection from scene to scene (dream sequences, comments from survivors, religious iconography, baffling sentences that make no sense "redcapes are coming" , Superman trekking through a mountain (in winter gear??) to talk to his dead dad (another one), gal gadot's tacked on addition, Doomsdays tacked on addition, THAT wasted ending, the nausiating use of the word Martha over and over in the film, That conclusion to the fight, the fact superman doesn't make a valid effort to speak to Batman before they fight (it was a weak attempt at best) and pretty much the whole script.
Batfleck still rocks though. Hoping the studio leave him alone when it comes to making his Bat movie. Also love the batmobile design and the warehouse fight scene.