Prime Clone
Super Freak
Once again, well said. Did we just become best friends? Hehe
Admittedly I'm not a screenwriter but if you seriously think the Martha exchange is anything less than cringeworthy...![]()
khev and batfan brought their A game to the Martha scene, well done.
I never understood what broke his face armor though and how it was strong enough to break armor but not tear his face apart, wut!?
The Martha scene never bothered me but what did is that I was never fully convinced that this Batman had mileage on him.
There needed one more pivotal scene other than the weeds analogy-robin costume to really establish him as a man under turmoil.
Jeezy Creezy.
And that's exactly my point. The "meme" crowd is "completely ignoring circumstances, motivations and subsequent end result of the rattling moment in the scene" with regard to the Martha moment so why isn't anyone doing the same for Cap? Where are all the memes of various Cap villains saying Bucky and ending every fight like what we're seeing with Batman supposedly befriending everyone with a mom named Martha? The point is you can make any scene seem stupid if you mischaracterize it.
The Martha jokes are funny but I just wonder if people even realize that they're all based on misinterpreting the scene. It was a viable moment that would have rattled Bruce. There's just no denying that. Where are all the memes ripping on Cap for pausing when Crossbones mentioned Bucky? Another viable moment but people just have to dog pile onto BvS.
yeah with you 100% personally i don't get the hate over the martha scene, to me its about batman realizing he's not that much different than superman and how far he's fallen from his original intent . And its batmans chance to do what he couldn't for his own mother. Redemption to some extent ,but im not that bent out of shape about the piss taking but your right about the cap stuff ,it should be case of whats "sauce for the goose" but seems folks are selective about what they take the piss out of and somethings are off limits![]()
I'll be completely honest: I enjoy Martha memes as much as the next guy, and a lot of them are funny as hell. What gets me is when people dismiss the moment as nothing more than a joke when there's very clearly a lot of subtext and thought put into it.
I didn't cringe. Thought it was a well done and well placed scene. And if you didn't like it or thought it was over-acted or whatever then fine but the supposition that Bruce Wayne would instantly become BFF's with any opponent with a mom named Martha is sillier than anything that appeared in the movie.
The Martha scene never bothered me but what did is that I was never fully convinced that this Batman had mileage on him.
There needed one more pivotal scene other than the weeds analogy-robin costume to really establish him as a man under turmoil.
What's "STB"?