Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

From the Supermanhomepage. Possible leak of some story plot elements...

A message posted on the NeoGAF forums includes what is claimed to be plot details for the upcoming Superman/Batman movie leaked by "someone from the art department" who was either fired or left the production due to the 10 month delay.
If the information is true (and that's a BIG "if") there's no telling whether the details could be from an early version of the script (which could be going through a revamp/rewrites as we speak). Take this information with the appropriate amount of salt...

- The villians are Lex Luthor and Metallo.
- Batman forms a UN type deal to stop Superman from destroying another city.
- Aquaman is in it, but not called Aquaman. He's there because the world engine in the ocean did something to the fish.
- Wonder Woman poses as a Wayne Enterprises investor to retrieve an item that belongs to her people.
- Lex Luthor is in the shadows a lot, a manipulator. Not much face time with Superman.
- Robin betrayed Batman at some point, leading to a falling out between them.
- The Batcave was super cool looking, and the mobile looked similar to Burton's.
- Lois is investigating Lex.
- Metallo "kills" Clark.
- The Daily Planet is bought by Lex Luthor for PR purposes.
- At the end Superman is living in exile, and the Justice League is a government-approved superhero team.
Source: via
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I'd have to take it as a really alternate universe story arc, and as such, it sounds great, but I don't see how they can build a "regular" universe on those bases, I mean, Superman living in exile already? But we'll see.

Kenneth rockfort art always the best

It's really easy on the eye, I like it a lot.
Last edited:
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

From the Supermanhomepage. Possible leak of some story plot elements...

A message posted on the NeoGAF forums includes what is claimed to be plot details for the upcoming Superman/Batman movie leaked by "someone from the art department" who was either fired or left the production due to the 10 month delay.
If the information is true (and that's a BIG "if") there's no telling whether the details could be from an early version of the script (which could be going through a revamp/rewrites as we speak). Take this information with the appropriate amount of salt...

- The villians are Lex Luthor and Metallo.
- Batman forms a UN type deal to stop Superman from destroying another city.
- Aquaman is in it, but not called Aquaman. He's there because the world engine in the ocean did something to the fish.
- Wonder Woman poses as a Wayne Enterprises investor to retrieve an item that belongs to her people.
- Lex Luthor is in the shadows a lot, a manipulator. Not much face time with Superman.
- Robin betrayed Batman at some point, leading to a falling out between them.
- The Batcave was super cool looking, and the mobile looked similar to Burton's.
- Lois is investigating Lex.
- Metallo "kills" Clark.
- The Daily Planet is bought by Lex Luthor for PR purposes.
- At the end Superman is living in exile, and the Justice League is a government-approved superhero team.
Source: via

That sounds like a hectic film. I hope they can make it work because I like everything I heard.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Sounds bs to me.
Lex Luthor is not in the shadow, hes a public, political figure.
WW an investor just like talia in DKR?
Supes again as a loner ending in exile?
Nah most of the world embrace him at the end of MOS.
He saved the planet from an alien invasion.
Even if the city destruction Will be used by Lex.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

But the Truck Scene was sooo nessacary to give the film it's required grounding in reality. Real people have tempers. And the level of destruction was needed to, to make it Edgy, and appeal to modern auidences ;)


That panelling is awful ^ makes him look like Thing from Fantastic Four.

Yup, that New 52 design blows donkey nuts. :exactly:

From the Supermanhomepage. Possible leak of some story plot elements...

A message posted on the NeoGAF forums includes what is claimed to be plot details for the upcoming Superman/Batman movie leaked by "someone from the art department" who was either fired or left the production due to the 10 month delay.
If the information is true (and that's a BIG "if") there's no telling whether the details could be from an early version of the script (which could be going through a revamp/rewrites as we speak). Take this information with the appropriate amount of salt...

- The villians are Lex Luthor and Metallo.
- Batman forms a UN type deal to stop Superman from destroying another city.
- Aquaman is in it, but not called Aquaman. He's there because the world engine in the ocean did something to the fish.
- Wonder Woman poses as a Wayne Enterprises investor to retrieve an item that belongs to her people.
- Lex Luthor is in the shadows a lot, a manipulator. Not much face time with Superman.
- Robin betrayed Batman at some point, leading to a falling out between them.
- The Batcave was super cool looking, and the mobile looked similar to Burton's.
- Lois is investigating Lex.
- Metallo "kills" Clark.
- The Daily Planet is bought by Lex Luthor for PR purposes.
- At the end Superman is living in exile, and the Justice League is a government-approved superhero team.
Source: via

Hope that's fake. Sounds like wide-open butthole.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Sounds bs to me.
Lex Luthor is not in the shadow, hes a public, political figure.
WW an investor just like talia in DKR?
Supes again as a loner ending in exile?
Nah most of the world embrace him at the end of MOS.
He saved the planet from an alien invasion.
Even if the city destruction Will be used by Lex.

Not so sure...

Why would the city embrace a guy that saved them from an Alien invasion that was there for him in the first place?
Luthor pulling the strings in the shadows doesn't mean he can't be a public figure. It just means he won't attack Superman publicly but rather manipulate others!
Metallo makes sense in that case. Metallo also probably implies Kryptonite which is slightly hinted at from the debris following Black Zero when it bends space.

The questions I do have are rather:
Where is the body of Zod? Could it be at the origin of the tech that will fuel metallo?
The scout ship, being Kryptonian, certainly survived the crash, so who has it? The Army or Lex?

Finally, Superman leaving in exile would fit the cliffhanger profile they hinted at previously.

I say this could be legit, if not final!
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Interesting plot, if its true. But even if it is... It'll probably change significantly between now and 2016.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

- Batman forms a UN type deal to stop Superman from destroying another city.
This part makes me question the validity of these rumors. Clearly, the writers were not trying to place blame on Superman for the destruction of the city. All those claims were from critics after the fact. And I don't see WB's creative team doing an about face and conceding to making some bone headed decisions with MOS on that order.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

So what's this bit of news?

Let’s get one thing clear before we dive in: Ben Affleck has not dropped out of Batman vs. Superman as of this writing. But the situation is taking a turn that suggests Affleck might not be moving into the batcave anytime soon.

If you’re keeping track of the flurry of rumors regarding this production you’ll know that it’s been a bumpy ride from the outset. Coming off the heels of a delay to 2016 we’re now hearing whispers from an inside source that a lengthening shooting schedule as well as reported clashes with scriptwriter David Goyer are leading to a potential parting of ways between the actor/filmmaker and the project. At the forefront of Affleck’s issues is a script that’s miles away from where he feels it needs to be. This is further compounded with the actor/filmmaker’s concerns that the BvS shoot will conflict with his plans to direct the adaptation of Dennis Lehane’s Live By Night in the fall. Between the power Goyer has been wielding over both this film and Justice League (of which he’s contracted to write both) and an ever-increasing amount of conflicting studio notes, it’s all getting to be a bit much for the man who would be Batman; so much so that our source says Affleck is telling WB to get their house in order ASAP or find another Caped Crusader.

What’s interesting is that Warner Brothers so wants to continue in the Ben Affleck business that they’ve reportedly expressed a willingness to let the man bow out gracefully and without damaging their non-DC projects currently in-house (including but not limited to geo-political thriller King of Heists). The ball is totally in Affleck’s court should he decide to stay or go.

Not that the Argo director needs my advice, but I’ll offer it up anyway: Walk. Leave this troubled Batman vs. Superman in the dust and continue a career resurgence that doesn’t need the sort of fervor and tentpole expectations inherent with the Batman franchise. Affleck’s inclusion here never fit in the sense that dude can pretty much write his ticket in Hollywood right now. He doesn’t need Batman, and I’m not even convinced a name actor is best-suited for a reboot of this magnitude.

Don’t be surprised if Warner scraps entirely and fasttracks a sequel to Man of Steel, one more focused on telling a self-contained Superman story that hints at a more expanded universe down the line. That last part is merely speculation, but major shakeups are already occurring in the form of the studio allegedly gutting the project’s pre-viz team over the weekend. Could a greater overhaul, one that sees an increasingly crowded* Batman vs. Superman scrapped for a more subtle and longterm approach, be far behind?

*This source also names Jason Momoa as the frontrunner for Aquaman, compelled to action by the effects the world engine had on his ocean kingdom in MoS.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

WOW.... wow, just wow.

See, Everyone was on the Hatewagon because of Affleck, while the real villain in all of this is freaking Goyer...

Seems like Affleck was actually going to be this project's salvation with all the rewrites he was asking and getting Goyer the hell out of there.
I mean, Honestly, seeing Affleck wanting Goyer out and asking for the other guy to rewrite this makes me respect Affleck a lot more.

And I agree with the advice, I really really wanted to see what Affleck did for Batman, I was actually hopeful for his performance, I wanted to see what he did.
But it sounds like he should just back out.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

WOW.... wow, just wow.

See, Everyone was on the Hatewagon because of Affleck, while the real villain in all of this is freaking Goyer...

Seems like Affleck was actually going to be this project's salvation with all the rewrites he was asking and getting Goyer the hell out of there.
I mean, Honestly, seeing Affleck wanting Goyer out and asking for the other guy to rewrite this makes me respect Affleck a lot more.

And I agree with the advice, I really really wanted to see what Affleck did for Batman, I was actually hopeful for his performance, I wanted to see what he did.
But it sounds like he should just back out.

how creditable is that site sounds like Bs to me .
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

how creditable is that site sounds like Bs to me .

While it may be completely bs. The fact is Affleck did ask for them to fix the script didn't he? with his own writer? because Goyer is a hack?
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

While it may be completely bs. The fact is Affleck did ask for them to fix the script didn't he? with his own writer? because Goyer is a hack?

yea thats true or the story couldn't be saved which the new screen writer couldn't do it justice
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

That's true. But isn't Goyer already gone?
If he's not, he NEEDS to be. He's about as wrong as possible for DC comic movies.

It would be like hiring stephen king or george RR martin to write the next disney children's film.

None of them are bad writers, but their style is wrong for this.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

That's true. But isn't Goyer already gone?
If he's not, he NEEDS to be. He's about as wrong as possible for DC comic movies.

It would be like hiring stephen king or george RR martin to write the next disney children's film.

None of them are bad writers, but their style is wrong for this.

He is contracted for MOS2 and JL