Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I said the movie was unbelievable?
Again you are dreaming and make me say stuff i never said.
But hey thats your modus operandi.
We get it now.

Whats so cool is that even when we agree on the subject.
Here the fact that people have the right to express, your turn that into another argument.
The Guy just want to argue for the sake of it.
This is how you discuss with respect with fellow freaks.
By antagonizing them.
So funny.

As for being understood, well weirdly enough most of the people do understand my post.
They are kind enough to take the Time to explain them to you since you re a bit slow.
Those who fail to understand are the likes of you.
Who do it on purpose. Those like i said that come with their opinions, and leave with them.
Not interested at all to discuss or exchange save for those who agree with them.
Now please stop harrassing me anytime you have the chance.
Im no girl i dont need a stalker.
Bye now.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Kevin Smith has said a bit more about the Bat-suit:

“When the show was all done, Zack was all like ‘Kev come here, come here’, and he takes me over to the corner and whips out his phone, and he shows me a picture of Batman. Live action version of Batman. A very familiar Batman, I might add. It didn’t look like any of the cinematic Batmans that have ever gone before. He shows me that picture and behind Batman…Superman in the suit looming in the distance. Both on a roof top kind of thing. It was on a set, a little set the put together for this photo shoot. So I was like ‘Oh my god! Is that the suit?! The suit looks amazing! Did you get people to model it?’ And he goes, ‘That’s your boy.’ And I look closely and it’s Ben Affleck wearing the suit. The suit, it is not mine to spill, in terms of what it looks like, you’ll see it. They’ll tell you when they want you to know, but any Batman fan is going to be F—ing pleased. I’m going to tell you that right now. They gave you the suit you all wanted to see.”

I bet we will get that pic at Comic Con this year, hopefully with some footage or a look at Wonder Woman too.

Well i hope hes right and that its not just insider's syndrome ^^
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I think that's one of the most things i'm excited to see -- how Ben is going to look as Batman. I'm also very excited to see the costume they put Gal in as Wonder Woman. I wonder if they will make changes to the Superman suit too.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I think i read somewhere that there Will be mods to the suit.
Hope not a lot of changes, probably less dark, more clean.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Better if it is even more washed out and drab. Maybe even black instead of blue. Would be more appropriate. Just a black suit with a blood red S-symbol and cape.

I wanna see Superman rip a guy's beating heart right out of his chest in the next one.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Better if it is even more washed out and drab. Maybe even black instead of blue. Would be more appropriate. Just a black suit with a blood red S-symbol and cape.

I wanna see Superman rip a guy's beating heart right out of his chest in the next one.

People would ***** about that too oh he doesn't do that type of nonsense.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Better if it is even more washed out and drab. Maybe even black instead of blue. Would be more appropriate. Just a black suit with a blood red S-symbol and cape.

I wanna see Superman rip a guy's beating heart right out of his chest in the next one.

I heard the plan was to go with more of a "george Reeves" vibe with superman.

you know, gray suit, black cape, black trunks and boots? Possibly even only having the S symbol on the suit when he gets spalttered with blood, and it just HAPPENS to take on that appearence ( sorta like teh old Death of Superman polybag?)
But then tehy fired goyer. so that's probobly out now.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I hope they keep Superman's suit as-is. It's pretty much perfect and there's no reason to change it.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Except being REally REALLY DRAB in pallate, i mostly agree.

The Design is fine, it just needs to be brighter Colors, and possibly Add a more visable belt to help break up all that blue.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Except being REally REALLY DRAB in pallate, i mostly agree.

The Design is fine, it just needs to be brighter Colors, and possibly Add a more visable belt to help break up all that blue.
I like the fact that it's not "SOOPER DOOPER COMIC BOOK BRIGHT". :dunno

The colors are still obviously blue and red. I don't think it needs to be any lighter/brighter.

But I agree about the belt. Maybe some longer, thicker silver/gold lines (like the ones already on the suit) could connect to that center "buckle".
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I like the fact that it's not "SOOPER DOOPER COMIC BOOK BRIGHT". :dunno

The colors are still obviously blue and red. I don't think it needs to be any lighter/brighter.

But I agree about the belt. Maybe some longer, thicker silver/gold lines (like the ones already on the suit) could connect to that center "buckle".

Hopeman needs brighter colors. AT LEAST in the same region as Cap's avengers suit.

The "lines" at his hips are WAY TOO THIN. I allmost never notice them. Kinda hopng, personaly, they got for more of the Nu52 look, and go full Belt.
The Drab, Dark, Grim and Gritty feel of the First dragon Ball film needs to, IMO, Go the Way of Goyer.

This film is already shaping up to essentialy be a soft reboot. I want to see them fix the whole shebang .

But that's just me.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

They should incorporate the red undies aesthetic, into the belt design - I've always thought that.

Basically, have a section of red above & below the belt line - not exactly like briefs, but following those familiar contours.

I reckon that would work really well.