Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

To be fair, those are only writing credits (which likely explains why some of those aren't bad movies). We don't know to what extent he was involved, nor how much his work was modified.

And Gal Gadot for only 3? They clearly don't have much faith in the "franchise." :lol

Yea it should be for 5 yea no hope at all.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I hope it's fake, but I would certainly want Affleck to stay and Goyer and Gadot go, but if it's possible, Snyder to stay as well.

Also, about Gadot's contract, they can add more movies later you know? I believe RDJ had only 3 or 4 to begin with and he was in doubt for more, but now that's been green-lighted.

Think RDJ was 5 movies then he signed on for the two more avengers movies.

:exactly: IM1, TIH, IM2, Avengers and IM3. Again, it really goes to show how little faith WB has in this franchise.

Gaspar, only signing for 3 sets her up for a huge re-negotiation should her character prove successful after her first solo outing (with the 3 being BvS, JLA and her solo film). That's just not good business from WB's perspective. Especially when ATM, her being a relative unknown, they could've nabbed her for several at a smaller price. That's why it's obvious they're skeptical about the success of the films.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

:exactly: IM1, TIH, IM2, Avengers and IM3. Again, it really goes to show how little faith WB has in this franchise.

Gaspar, only signing for 3 sets her up for a huge re-negotiation should her character prove successful after her first solo outing (with the 3 being BvS, JLA and her solo film). That's just not good business from WB's perspective. Especially when ATM, her being a relative unknown, they could've nabbed her for several at a smaller price. That's why it's obvious they're skeptical about the success of the films.

Well, 3 movies doesn't seem like they have no faith, if it succeeds they can always prolong their contract, if her character succeeds I cannot fathom her saying no to more movies, it's not like she can afford to let such a big character pass, if she fails, then they're gonna ****can her anyway..
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Well, 3 movies doesn't seem like they have no faith, if it succeeds they can always prolong their contract, if her character succeeds I cannot fathom her saying no to more movies, it's not like she can afford to let such a big character pass, if she fails, then they're gonna ****can her anyway..

They don't have faith nothing is coming in 2014 or 15 now they should do Flash or Wonder Woman movie but no only SVB lets see how that goes marvel had a plan when Im1 came out WB don't know what to do.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

That abbreviation makes me chuckle.

That's because you're a pervboy. :pfft:

Well, 3 movies doesn't seem like they have no faith, if it succeeds they can always prolong their contract, if her character succeeds I cannot fathom her saying no to more movies, it's not like she can afford to let such a big character pass, if she fails, then they're gonna ****can her anyway..

:lol Stay out of Hollywood. Your line of thinking costs studios bank. Let's assume her character's a success. Then she renegotiates another 3 picture deal at $10mil a picture totaling $30mil because she knows the audience wants to see her back as Wonder Woman and has WB by the *****. Stupid business. A lot better to sign her to 5 films for $10mil while nobody knows or really cares who she is.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I guess you're right, if she signs for more movies and they suck, it's cheaper to just resign her contract and pay a fraction of the money to her.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I guess you're right, if she signs for more movies and they suck, it's cheaper to just resign her contract and pay a fraction of the money to her.

They'd keep her contract, but they'll just assign it toward other films, unless it's specifically worded that she appear as Wonder Woman. And if that's the case, then you're right, that's exactly what they'll do.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Knowing that, then I guess WB really doesn't have much faith on her.

In retrospective, they don't even have faith on Supes, so :lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Goyer has a deal with Warner but his script were ultimatly rewritten, by Nolan an his bro, by Snyder and now by the Guy fom argo.
So dont waste your breath on him, the Guy hit the jack pot and get credits but do **** in the end.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

:exactly: Which is a shame given he really needs another solo picture to undo a lot of the damage done with MoS. :(

Well you know my opinion about MoS, but I do agree that it needed solo sequel, a LOT more character development and other improvements.

Anyway, just saw the new Justice League movie and it was pretty damn fun, and it's very much in line with this Superman.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

You know guys?

I think all of you have got it wrong!

Snyder? Fine
Goyer? Fine
Affleck and team Affleck? Fine
All the predecessors in the franchise that got made or cancelled? Fine

Do you know all the common point between the bad decisions that have been made and ended up making the DC franchise so behind Marvel?

Jon Peters!

Everything I've read about this guy, from the early Burton's Batman to just now make the guy sound like the biggest ******! He's always been an hindrance to the DC franchise and I'd put most of the blame on this guy!

He'll, if I'm right, they only Made MOS because it had to be done before a certain date or they'd lose the rights! The guy has no understanding for CBM. The only thing he understands is return on investments....

On another note, the more I think about it, the less I believe the Affleck bowing out and the more I believe the leaked script if they are filming BvS and JLA back to back.

Superman is mistrusted in BvS and goes in exile? Cliffhanger

...enters JLA, confronted to a major villain: Darkseid (likely), Doomsday (possibly) or Brainiac (doubtful).

The JLA gets bashed.

...return of Supes who sides with them, saves the day, becomes the hero he should be... And dies in the process. cliffhanger.

Paving the way for MOS 3
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Death Warrant (1990)
Demonic Toys (1992)
The Puppet Masters (1994)
The Crow: City of Angels (1996)
Dark City (1998)
Blade (1998)
Zig Zag (2002)
Blade II (2002)
Blade: Trinity (2004)
Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys (2004)
Batman Begins (2005) story and screenplay
Jumper (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008) story
The Unborn (2009)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012) story
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) story
Man of Steel (2013)

all the movies he did story in pretty horrible

Gal Gadot for three films.

Wow, that's one ****ty resume.

So they're going ahead with using her for WW, huh? Wow again.

It really amazes me that WB/DC would let BA walk for the sake of keeping Goyer, Snyder and Godat. Unbelievable.

some of those movies were franchise killers (Like Ghost Rider 2, Blade 3)

The Crow didn't end with number 2, but the other sequels were all straight to dvd crappy ones,
The crow 3 was supposed to be in theaters, but because the second one sucked so much they just released it on video.
But yeah, the guy definitely has done some stinkers, and like I Said, killed some franchises


Hes "the guy" that directed those Blade movies isn't he? :lol

To be fair, those are only writing credits (which likely explains why some of those aren't bad movies). We don't know to what extent he was involved, nor how much his work was modified.

And Gal Gadot for only 3? They clearly don't have much faith in the "franchise." :lol

Well he directed Blade 3, which pretty much ruined that franchise completely.

Also Wesley Snipes hated him so much, he tried to choke him on set :lol:lol I think he actually did start to choke him until people went to get him away.
Goyer was so scared, he paid a couple of bikers to act as his bodyguards :rotfl
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

On another note, the more I think about it, the less I believe the Affleck bowing out and the more I believe the leaked script if they are filming BvS and JLA back to back.

Superman is mistrusted in BvS and goes in exile? Cliffhanger

...enters JLA, confronted to a major villain: Darkseid (likely), Doomsday (possibly) or Brainiac (doubtful).

The JLA gets bashed.

...return of Supes who sides with them, saves the day, becomes the hero he should be... And dies in the process. cliffhanger.

Paving the way for MOS 3

I like that :goodpost:
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

some of those movies were franchise killers (Like Ghost Rider 2, Blade 3)

The Crow didn't end with number 2, but the other sequels were all straight to dvd crappy ones,
The crow 3 was supposed to be in theaters, but because the second one sucked so much they just released it on video.
But yeah, the guy definitely has done some stinkers, and like I Said, killed some franchises

Well he directed Blade 3, which pretty much ruined that franchise completely.

Also Wesley Snipes hated him so much, he tried to choke him on set :lol:lol I think he actually did start to choke him until people went to get him away.
Goyer was so scared, he paid a couple of bikers to act as his bodyguards :rotfl

Nice story Goyer is a hack WB has to know there are better writers out there.