Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Sounds good, I hope the 2nd suit is more bulky like TDKReturs armor, if it's too slim retards everywhere will say Batman copied Iron Man :lol

Yea the more suits the better. I didn’t know the script was being rewritten. Thats a good thing, I’m starting to think this can turn out alright.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

It's time to revive it.

Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Those don't even look like nips close up. :lol

They look like buttons or car lighters that you press.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

If he does have multiple suits, Hot Toys will have one hell of a ride coming!!!! :panic:
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I'm afraid to ask but, do people really buy that many IMs?

For HT to keep pumping them out like they are, yes. :lol

I limited my IM variants to a single MKIII and the SDCC Special Project (mainly for the Stark head). The bazillion other variants I only pick up in the 3 3/4" lines which keeps me out of debt. :lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Disagree all you like, but you're partly mistaken.

Goyer's style was pretty good for batman, however, he failed to have batman live up to what he needed to be.
In short, his style captured the SETTING of Batman, but missed the ESSENCE of the character.

Batman Begins : Good origin story PERFECT place to build from
Dark Knight: No real development for batman, no evolution of the character. Was more a joker movie than a batman film. Still pretty good, however.

But then we get to TDKR, and things just don't hold up. it wasn't a good batman or bane film. he missed the mark on what makes Batman work by a WIDE margin, squandering a great opportunity.

He missed the mark EVEN FURTHER in MOS. MOS was just as big a mess as Green lantern.

Affleck, on the other hand, has a GREAT grasp of the essence of what makes Batman work as a character. He's the one that needs to be trusted.

I agree the Nolan Trilogy had the Right tone. But the characters themselves is what missed the mark. I don't know that I'd go so far as to call the Marvel films Shallow. They're a little simple in plot at some points, but then, they're doing what NEEDS to be done.

EMBRACING the fact that they're comic book films, not hiding from it.

Great post, had to catch up on this thread. I think that is something that Marvel has done a great job with and contributes to why their movies are so successful is because they embrace the comic book background of the films.

I also think there's one important thing to touch on that has been a constant trend with Batman films. Even up to the recent Nolan trilogy (with the exception of Batman Begins). Batman's villains become BIGGER STARS in the movies than Batman himself. And I think DC filmmakers and perhaps even executives are more interested in focusing on the villains, who are quite interesting, than evolving and moving Bruce Wayne AND Batman forward. Because once he becomes Batman, it's rinse and repeat and you don't really need to focus on him much more. Nolan DID probably evolve the character throughout the movies more so than past the point where he actually had QUIT being Batman for a while by the time TDKR starts. However, after "Batman Begins", I didn't find Bruce Wayne/Batman very interesting anymore. His villains had the spotlight...

As for Goyer...he's striking me as very George Lucas-esque. GREAT Idea Guy, GREAT Start-up guy, he can build the frame-work, but he needs someone else to come in and polish and sharpen up his work. That's very much how things went for the Original Star Wars trilogy was because Fox knew Lucas' screenwriting skills were atrocious and they brought in some other writers to fix up his scripts.