Super Freak
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)
He needs cardio and a NO carb diet STAT! 

Agreed, the movie went downhill once he actually became a superhero, which is strange.
I've said it before but I think Dylan McDermott has the perfect seasoned Batman look.
He's more Clark Kent to me than Wayne. Looks wise, i like Ben better for Wayne. View attachment 105872
Well, I don't suppose there's any law against Batman having dentures and wearing an adult diaper. Sure, why not? Give Hamm a shot!
I don't care what Batfan says, he's clearly gay for Hamm. His posts about the subject just ain't kosher.
Jon Hamm should have been Captain America, if he weren't old as ****.
I thought First Avenger was average when I first saw it, because nothing really stood out. It felt like it was hitting all the notes it was expected to hit, and did a serviceable job, but was nothing particularly special. My wife didn't care anything about Cap in that movie, because he was just some generic guy, who happened to get super powers. If I were an average moviegoer who wasn't particularly familiar with that guy, I probably would have forgotten half the movie a couple months down the road. And I am a huge Cap fan, so I was hoping for more. I was happy to get him on the screen and all, but after that and Avengers I was starting to wonder if he would ever be done justice. I'm happy to say that after Winter Soldier, it's finally happened.
Amazing Spider-Man is average for similar kinds of reasons IMO. And again, I hope it improves in the sequel.
I've said it before but I think Dylan McDermott has the perfect seasoned Batman look.
Even though he's American, he's pretty much how I envision Ian Fleming's Bond.
Yeah, Begins, Dark Knight, Spider-Man 2, X2, Iron Man. Honestly, Thor 2 was pretty freaking awesome to my eyes. I also thought Winter Soldier was awesome, I was just recognizing that it wasn't more than it was trying to be. But I've got my own peculiar ideas about what makes a comic movie exceptional, as do most of us I'm sure. I know Thor 2 is crapped on by a lot of people, but I felt it was one of the most well executed action comic movies yet.
Best comic movie overall is still probably Incredibles IMO.