Broke and happy
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)
batfan08 looking for a fight.
I love that one of your complaints about Man of Steel is the "hope" thing. Superman's been a symbol of hope for as long as I can remember. In the comics, he's the champion of earth; a god walking among men, and he lights the way for humanity to follow. Even in the Reeve films, that was made clear, with Brando's monologues about how "they only lack the light to show the way." In a lot of ways, though, I think your whole claim is ********. These are stories of extraordinary people doing extraordinary things for the good of their people; of course they're going to be associated with hope. That's one of the things that pisses me off about some Batman fans; they think just because he's relatively dark and brooding in some incarnations, that they can pidgeonholing him into being nothing more than an agent of fear, and a dark avenger. One of my favorite Batman stories ever is "Epilogue" from Justice League Unlimited, where Amanda Waller tells Terry McGinnis that she'd "never met anyone who cared as much for his fellow man as Bruce Wayne." Batman is an agent of Justice, not vengeance; if he were the latter, there's be nothing holding him back from becoming The Punisher. Point is:as long as there are superheroes, they will be associated with hope.
batfan08 looking for a fight.