Well if this film ends up being worth it's salt, these "negative nellies" that seem to be bugging you will be "proven wrong", right? That's why these pre-release discussions don't even matter or amount to anything in the end. All anyone can do is view what little bits are released and react, nothing more.
And of course there's favoritism. The Marvel Studio films have already proven themselves, of course there will be that comparison. I seem to recall 2011 and 2012, pre-release where a lot of people were ripping Avengers because it looked like a Transformers movie, or the casting of Hawkeye, or the replacement of Edward Norton, or the choice of "We're in This Together" for the trailer music, etc. etc. Another movie or studios success should have no bearing on Batman vs. Superman, and it won't. There's no hidden agenda by fans of any particular group, that's ridiculous. They only speak of what they can see.
If people want to *****, let them *****. Not everyone will have the same perspective as you, you shouldn't let it bother you. I mean this,
Is pretty petty. It should be good for you because you like it, not to "spite
them". Who is them anyway?

How does one gauge the "bestest comic book movie ever" anyway? We have ones that are well received that have their quality put into question all the time. Even the most accepted film has people that would deem it crap or "overrated" because all this stupid superhero movie crap is subjective anyway.