Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'll just cherish his memories in the movie blade then.

Well, I guess he deserves some praise for BB, TDK and others, but he's a ****ing loose cannon with too much freedom.

And as a person, he seems to be a complete dbag.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, I guess he deserves some praise for BB, TDK and others, but he's a ****ing loose cannon with too much freedom.

And as a person, he seems to be a complete dbag.

I dont know, I am willing to be that the bad parts about BB were all his fault. (yes BB has bad things in it)

Hollywood loves him because he is the "Comic boo/superhero guy" but i do not think he is a good writer at all. he might be good for brainstorming and coming up with ideas but I think when he actually writes stories he sucks
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I dont know, I am willing to be that the bad parts about BB were all his fault. (yes BB has bad things in it)

Hollywood loves him because he is the "Comic boo/superhero guy" but i do not think he is a good writer at all. he might be good for brainstorming and coming up with ideas but I think when he actually writes stories he sucks

Indeed, I blame him for the tornado scene and others in MoS too, he shows to understand nothing of character and story-telling.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I seem to remember IrishJedi (although it may have been someone else so my apologies if it wasn't him) posting some stuff around when Man of Steel was about to be released and he was saying that basically all the worst aspects of the Dark knight trilogy films were down to Goyer. All the stuff most people considered too silly. I could be remembering that wrong though but that's essentially what I took from it.

Plus he recently seemed to insult the entire comic book community when asked about the possibility of Martian Manhunter in a Justice League movie.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I seem to remember IrishJedi (although it may have been someone else so my apologies if it wasn't him) posting some stuff around when Man of Steel was about to be released and he was saying that basically all the worst aspects of the Dark knight trilogy films were down to Goyer. All the stuff most people considered too silly. I could be remembering that wrong though but that's essentially what I took from it.

Plus he recently seemed to insult the entire comic book community when asked about the possibility of Martian Manhunter in a Justice League movie.

if you look at other Nolan's movies and compare to batman, you can actually tell some of the dumb stuff from Goyer.

Goyer got extremely lucky that he got someone like Nolan to work with, and people just assumed they were both good. And then for MOS the truth about Goyer came out :lol

I wouldn't be surprised if the death of Pa Kent was actually his idea lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I knew they would move the release date for this. They know they have no chance competing with a wildly popular marvel title which is already in it's third iteration. Considering how much $$ guardians did, it's safe to assume Cap 3 will also be huge. No need to compete with that if you don't have to.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I doubt that. MOS had a larger opening than WS and then toss Batman into the mix. They are just moving to an unchallenged month. Hell being 2 years off it will prolly change again. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't personally think Blade is a truly brilliant film, or that others couldn't have written a better screenplay, but it was pretty good and set a strong precedent. Regarding Goyer specifically, professionals and artists tend to peak. People may nowadays forget that there was a time when Frank Miller was actually really damn good as a writer :lol

I do think Goyer can be helpful if he can be reigned in by another, more superior storyteller like the Nolans (I think the same about Snyder). That's why the sliver of optimism I have for the Batman/Superman court case film currently all centers on the guy from Argo that was brought in. I have no idea if he gets comic books, but he does totally understand human drama and conflict, tension and resolution, basic human storytelling stuff. And that's what this franchise needs stat, if they have any hope of doing well enough to keep that 2 film a year plan going for any length of time.

(yes BB has bad things in it)
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Wow, MOS opening weekend was indeed impressive, I forgot how much it had made.

I financially contributed to the tornado suicide. :yess:
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I personally think that the tornado suicide really makes for great cinema.

If the movie were a comedy, then I would agree with you :lol

I have a lot of faith BvS will turn out better than MOS.